The UMR-MEC* Conference on Energy was organized in 1974 with the purpose of providing social scientists, scientists and engineers a means for rapid communication of their most recent research results in the field of energy and to offer solutions to the energy related problems of local government, business, industry and the general public.
The Conference was sponsored by the University of Missouri-Rolla and the Governor's Energy Council within the State of Missouri Department of Natural Resources with the cooperation of many professional societies. Much of the conference support was provided by the Department of Natural Resources and through a program of company registrations. The conference was first called UMR-MEC* and later UMR-DNR** Conference on Energy.
The 1970s was a very turbulent time for energy and these papers provide a historic look at the times and the impetus for changes in energy sources and management.The conference was held at the University of Missouri--Rolla (now Missouri University of Science and Technology). The following years have been digitized:- April 24-26, 1974
- October 7-9, 1975
- October 12-14, 1976
- October 11-13, 1977
- October 10-12, 1978
- October 14-16, 1980
To Browse by conference, jump to the year of the conference. The entire proceedings is presented first, followed by each presentation.
*University of Missouri--Rolla (UMR) - The Governor's Missouri Energy Council (MEC)
**University of Missouri--Rolla (UMR) - Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Conference Proceedings from 1977
The Impact of Regulation Upon the Oil and Gas Industries, Lee Carter
Energy and National Security, William A. Myers III
Residential Energy Design, Charles E. Dorgan
Heat Pumps Without Supplemental Heat, Carl W. Glaser
Building Energy Standards and Codes, Charles E. Dorgan
Heat Recovery Devices For Building HVAC Systems, Ronald H. Howell and Harry J. Sauer Jr.
Economic Incentives in the Exploration, Extraction and Refining of Crude Oil, Angelos Pagoulatos, David Debertin, and Emilio Pagoulatos
Recovery of Oil From Oil Shale -- An Overall Technological Perspective, Abu Ahmad and Sayeed Hasan
The Current Status of the Canadian Coal Industry, Philip S. Martin
Development of Industrial Owned, Small Hydroelectric Facilities, John S. Krikorian Jr.
The Impact of a Continuing Energy Crisis: Changing Attitudes and Behaviors Regarding Thermostat Setback, John W. Frazier and Milton E. Harvey
Manufacturers' Responses to Fuel Supply Problems, Evelyn R. Rosenthal
Dilemmas in Decision-Making Towards The Resolution of the Energy Crisis, Rao J. Tatikonda, Mark R. Bomball, and Lakshmi U. Tatikonda
Appropriate Technology And The Energy Crisis, James P. Bosscher
The OPEC Oil-Pricing Policies, Vaman Rao
Theoretical and Empirical Approaches To The Analysis of OPEC, Albert L. Danielsen
Attainability and Nonattainability Under Anti-Pollution Laws, J. David Reed and John H. Hoag
The Energy Needs of The Developing Countries, Vaman Rao
Energy Crisis -- The Role Of Government, Lenore Loeb
Banquet Speaker, William C. Phelps
Overview and Impact of ASHRAE Standard 90 -- An Energy Standard For New Buildings, Edward A. Kriege
Quantification of Energy Resource Consumption, William J. Coad
Energy Conservation in Buildings -- The Missouri Plan, Jack Whittier, Bill Jurkiewicz, and Weston Fisher
Energy Conservation -- Statewide Efforts in Oklahoma, Wayne C. Turner, Joe H. Mize, and Richard G. Hill
A State Energy Program Involving The Montana State University System, R. O. Warrington Jr. and J. A. Charles
Agricultural Crop Drying and Space Heating Using A Solar Energy Intensifier, M. A. Hellickson, W. H. Peterson, S. E. Saienga, and J. L. Julson
Solar Heated Animal Shelters, Joan M. Wood
Airfoil Data For Use of Wind Turbine Designers, Melvin H. Snyder
A Small Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Feeding Power Into The Utility Grid, G. C. Thomann, M. Jong, and M. H. Snyder
The Political Economy of OPEC, Loring Allen
Some Financial Implications of Divestiture Legislation, John Griffith and Jack W. Waldrip
A Systems Study of Our Energy Problems, S. C. Lee
Countdown For Energy Research, Development and Demonstration In America, Tom Day
Volunteers In Energy Conservation -- Potential and Problems, Clayton L. Smith
The Impact of Changing Net Returns on Minimum Energy Requirements For Grain Farms, James B. Kliebenstein, Robert M. Finley, and Douglas C. Farthing
An Overview of Potential Impacts of Changing Petroleum Energy Prices on Grain Farms, Jean-Paul Chavas and James B. Kliebenstein
Low Head Power Generation With Bulb Turbines, J. L. Carson and R. S. Samuelson
Economics and Net Energy Analysis: Is A New Analytical Technique Needed for Energy Decision Making?, William J. Kruvant
Conference Proceedings from 1976
3rd Annual UMR-MEC Conference on Energy -- Entire Proceedings, University of Missouri--Rolla
Frontmatter -- 3rd Annual Conference on Energy 1976, University of Missouri--Rolla
Geophysical Approaches to Coal Exploration, Gerald B. Rupert
The Forgotten Fundamentals of the Energy Crisis, Albert A. Bartlett
World Oil Supplies and the Next 25 Years, J. A. Eyer
DevonianOhio Shale Productive Potential, W. M. Hennington
Seismic Reflection Profiling -- In Mining and Civil Engineering, John B. Farr
Hydraulic Container Pipelining -- A Future Transportation System to Conserve Energy, Henry Liu and Donald L. Gibson
Minimizing Transportation Cost With Computerized Routing, James K. Byers and Kaye Grau
Economics of Underground Distribution Cables, M. Mohajery
Rail Transportation Systems That Help Us Meet Our Energy Requirements, Alvin J. Hurt Jr.
An Analysis of Optimum Loading Conditions for P-N Junction Solar Cells, R. C. Durbin and J. A. Counsil
Computer Aided Design of a Continuous Duty Energy System, Andrew H. P. Swift Jr.
The Design of Passive Solar Heating Systems, Gordon L. Moore
The Tradeoffs Between Energy Conversion Stages, Environmental Effects, and Technical Efficiency, Angelos Pagoulatos
Utilization of Waste Heat from Electric Power Generation, David A. Barclay and J. L. Gaddy
Coal Chemistry: Aspects of Analysis, Structure, Reactions, Conversion, and Byproducts, Stanley E. Manahan
Application of Special Fluidized Bed Techniques to Coal Gasification, Gary Kent Patterson
The Status of and Need for New Coal Gasification Technology, Jimmie R. Bowden
Technoeconomic Aspects of Photovoltaic Electric Power Systems (PEPS), Jerry O. Bradley and Dennis R. Costello
The Demand and Supply of World Petroleum and its Consequences for Agricultural Economic Development, Amalia Vellianitis-Fidas
Energy Crisis and Food Crisis: The Role of U.S. Agriculture, Dan Dvoskin and Earl O. Heady
Remote Sensing as a Tool in Assessing the Impact of Topographical Alterations on the Microclimate, R. A. Sutherland and J. F. Bartholic
Training Programs for Energy Management in Developing Countries, J. Byron Nelson, Burns E. Hegler, and J. Derald Morgan
Process Energy Evaluations and Optimization in International Projects, Marshall E. Findley
On Energy Strategies and Pecuniary Calculation, Herman E. Daly
Human Resources for Energy Systems: Alternative Strategies of Allocation, Curtis H. Adams and Burns E. Hegler
Human Resources in Electrical Energy Conservation, Tom Day
Energy Status in Puerto Rico: An Assessment of the Petroleum Situation, Juan J. Rigau
Manpower Programs for Engineers and Technologists in Future Energy Systems, Burns E. Hegler
The Energy Dilemma of Puerto Rico, Juan A. Bonnet Jr. and Fernando L. Perez
Toward Establishing A National Energy Policy, J. L. Gaddy
On The Need For A National Energy Policy, Robert A. Weatherup and Roy G. Weatherup
Forecasting as an Aid to Establishing a National Energy Policy, Yildirim Omurtag and Thomas J. Murray
Economic Analysis of Wind Generation and Energy Storage for Electric Utility Systems, B. W. Jones and P. M. Moretti
Application of Solar Energy Collectors to Grain Drying, Gene C. Shove
Innovative Wind Turbines, Richard E. Walters, Jerome B. Fanucci, John L. Loth, William Squire, Paul G. Migliore, and Reazul Huq
Solar Energy for Drying Shelled Corn and Hay, Mylo A. Hellickson, William H. Peterson, and David P. Yexley
When Being Morally Responsible Isn't Simple, Richard H. Bube
Household Recycling -- A Potential Community Service Opportunity for Concerned Engineers, James P. Bosscher
"Home Winterization for Poor Elderly" -- A Model of Value Clarification in the Energy Crisis, Clayton L. Smith
Nuclear Safeguards, Jay O. Hunze
Current High-Level Waste Solidification Technology, W. F. Bonner and W. A. Ross
The National Waste Terminal Storage Program, C. D. Zerby
Utilization of Fission Products in Thermal Systems, Harold D. Hollis and Gary S. Stewart
The Effect of AEC/NRC Regulation on the Development of Nuclear Steam Power, David L. Bodde
De Facto Limits to Growth: Federal Environmental Policy and Domestic Energy Development in the United States, Richard H. K. Vietor
Economic Aspects of Imposed Air Standards, John H. Hoag and J. David Reed
A Detailed Analysis of the Environmental Effects of Energy Utilization in the U.S. Economy, H. J. Plass Jr.
The Realization of an Educational Program for Improving Energy Efficiency in the Furniture Industry, Herbert M. Eckerlin and Albert S. Boyers
Energy Conservation in Aeronautical Ground Testing, R. W. Hensel
Energy Conversion Efficiency Versus Energy Utilization Effectiveness, Yildirim Omurtag and Donald A. Cline
Solar Energy Utilization and Resource Recovery Application in Space Heating, Panos Kokoropoulos and Raghupathy Bollini
Design of a Large Solar Heating System for a Campus Complex of Buildings, John R. Schneider and Sherril F. Glover
A Solar Energy System for Domestic Hot Water, Thomas J. McNamara
Net Energy Analysis Theoretical and Methodological Considerations, David A. Huetter
Energy Use and Technological Progress, C. E. Moody Jr.
Prospecting and Developing Coal Reserves in the Western Interior Coal Region, Charles E. Robertson
Coal-Oil Slurries as a Device to Conserve Fuel Oil in Existing Industrial Furnaces, Lee Carter
In Situ Leaching of Uranium, Nicholas H. Tibbs
Developing an Experimental Oil Shale Mine, Stephen Utter
The Conservation of Space and Energy through Use of the Subsurface by Planned Excavation and Conversion of Mined Areas, Truman Stauffer Sr.