The UMR-MEC* Conference on Energy was organized in 1974 with the purpose of providing social scientists, scientists and engineers a means for rapid communication of their most recent research results in the field of energy and to offer solutions to the energy related problems of local government, business, industry and the general public.
The Conference was sponsored by the University of Missouri-Rolla and the Governor's Energy Council within the State of Missouri Department of Natural Resources with the cooperation of many professional societies. Much of the conference support was provided by the Department of Natural Resources and through a program of company registrations. The conference was first called UMR-MEC* and later UMR-DNR** Conference on Energy.
The 1970s was a very turbulent time for energy and these papers provide a historic look at the times and the impetus for changes in energy sources and management.The conference was held at the University of Missouri--Rolla (now Missouri University of Science and Technology). The following years have been digitized:- April 24-26, 1974
- October 7-9, 1975
- October 12-14, 1976
- October 11-13, 1977
- October 10-12, 1978
- October 14-16, 1980
To Browse by conference, jump to the year of the conference. The entire proceedings is presented first, followed by each presentation.
*University of Missouri--Rolla (UMR) - The Governor's Missouri Energy Council (MEC)
**University of Missouri--Rolla (UMR) - Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Conference Proceedings from 1980
7th Annual UMR-DNR Conference on Energy -- Entire Proceedings, University of Missouri--Rolla
Industrial Refrigeration Energy Conservation -- Application Data, Thomas L. White
Templifier Heat Pump, Tony Conigliaro
Industrial Low Temperature Waste Heat Utilization, Mehmet Altin
Full Food and Fiber Production, James D. Atwood
Arkansas Wood Fuels: A Feasibility Study, Ralph O. Gunderson
Wood Fuels in Power Generation, Yildirim Omurtag, Larry Wetzel, and Michael McEvilly
Agri-Fuel Potentials of Butanol/Acetone Production: An Alternative to Ethanol for a Gasoline Substitute, Randall Noon
The Oil Industry and Antitrust Merger Policy, Pauline Weber
Pipeline Gathering System Operations Model, Mark E. Ryan
The Price of Oil, R. W. Clack
Managing in an Energy Scarce Environment, John Amos
Ratepayer Financing of Solar Thermal Electric Commercial Demonstration Projects, Mark D. Jarmie and Jeff V. Conopask
Rate of Return Regulatory Policy -- The Bane of Electric Utilities?, Charles David Laderoute
The Regulatory Nemesis, K. Daniel Hinkle
The FERC's PURPA Cogeneration Rules: Economics, Rate Design, and Policy Aspects, Charles David Laderoute
Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells: A Review, Robert D. Engelken and Patrick L. Cole
Photovoltaic Performance with Concentration Theory and Experiment, M. H. Cobble, R. M. Wabrek, and E. Lumsdaine
Solar Energy Teaching Lab with Large Scale Working Model, Jim Pearson and Tom Cook
Use of Ailerons to Improve Control of Large Wind Turbines, Melvin H. Snyder, W. H. Wentz Jr., and John T. Calhoun
Microprocessor Based Control for Wind Turbines, Mubde Absi and Curtis Dodd
Entropy Based Analytic Techniques, John O. Dow
Modeling as an Aid to Energy Policy and Planning, Paul F. Hultquist, Richard S. Collier, Ellis A. Monash, and Bernard H. Burzlaff
The Energy Conservation and Safety Dilemma, Burns E. Hegler
Correlation of Bus Ridership with the Trend of Gasoline Price in a Major Metropolitan Area, Andrew D. Jones and Braja M. Das
Double Envelope House Design, Construction and Operation, James A. Ray
Limitations of Underground Building as an Energy Alternative, A. M. Hanna and N. Evans
UMR Minerals Building: An Innovative Approach to the Construction of Underground Buildings, Bruce H. Green and David A. Summers
Energy Management in Institutional Facilities, Raj Kumar
Surface Heating Greenhouses with Waste Heat, P. N. Walker and H. J. Rand
A Review of ASHRAE Standard 100: Energy Conservation in Existing Buildings, Albert W. Black III
10 kw Per Capita, Harry A. Brown
Energy and Economic Development, Steven Skeet Chang
The Gloom Gets Doomier, David A. Summers
Economics, Politics and the Future Supply of Energy Sources, Raphael Shen
Energy for an Older Home: A Solar Retrofit, Eugene Warren
Technological Status and Legal/Regulatory Aspects of Low-Head Hydroelectric Power Development in Missouri, Charles Darwin Morris and Gordon E. Weiss
Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage: A Cost and Sizing Study, Haur D. Shaw, J. Derald Morgan, and Max Darwin Anderson
Energetics of Moving Magnetic Waves, Tom Day
The Economics and Adaptation of Microwave Heating & Cooling, Tom Day
Stabilization of Oil Shale Waste Piles, Stephen Utter
Determination of Washability and Flotation Characteristics of Important Missouri Coal Seams, Hayri Erten
The Economics of Metals Recovery from Power Plant Fly Ash via the Ames HiChlor Process, S. J. Weiss, G. Burnet, and C. Y. Chang
Acid Precipitation: The Coal Legacy in the Upper Midwest, Dennis M. Richter
Conference Proceedings from 1978
5th Annual UMR-DNR Conference on Energy -- Entire Proceedings, University of Missouri--Rolla
Keynote Speech: New Energy Concepts -- Engineering Development Challenges, Joseph M. Marchello
New Trends in Building Design and Planning -- For the Age of Energy Conservation, C. William Brubaker
The National Solar Heating and Cooling Information Center, Jeremy A. Lifsey and Sanford Zane Meschkow
Solar Technology Inventory for the Mid-American Region, L. Icerman and S. K. Parker
The Arizona Solar Tax Incentives Package, Donald E. Osborn
Impacts of Energy Price Increases on Fertilizer Use and Crop Acreages, David L. Debertin, Angelos Pagoulatos, and Fred O. Boadu
The Effect of Crude Oil Prices on the Output Composition of Refined Petroleum Products, Angelos Pagoulatos, David L. Debertin, and Emilio Pagoulatos
Generation for Maximum System Efficiency, Charles A. Gross
Energy Conservative Electric Lines-Now!, Paul F. Pugh and A. S. Yeranian
Maxwellian Concepts of Magnetro-Electrodynamics and the Reality of MED Energy Producing Devices, Tom Day
The Prediction of the Optimum Performance of Venturi-Type Wind-Energy Concentrators, J. A. C. Kentfield
Electrical Energy Conversion Techniques for the Vertical Axis Wind Turbine, Curtis W. Dodd and James L. Evers
Design of Wind-Powered Cold Storage Facility, D. H. Vaughan, H. L. Moses, J. C. Blanton, and J. D. Baldwin
Oklahoma's Energy Extension Service Program -- Past, Present and Future, John W. Willis Jr.
Energy Audits In New Mexico: Plans and Programs, Thomas T. Shishman
Monitoring the Pilot Energy Extension Service Program, Owen D. Osborne
Disseminating Energy Information and Technical Assistance to Clientele Groups, H. LeRoy Marlow
A Strategy for the Practical Utilization of Thorium Fuel Cycles, Paul R. Kasten
The Role of the Civex Process in the Nuclear Industry, Thomas E. Eaton and Joseph C. Carter
LUNCHEON SPEAKER: Can Government Be Creative, Alberta C. Slavin
Mississippi County Community College -- A Photovoltaic Demonstration Project, William M. Woodsmall Jr.
On the Thermodynamics of Direct Energy Conversions, A. A. Rahman
Toward a Methodology for Evaluation of Solar Systems, William P. Moran, Gene E. Kouba, and Bruce V. Ketcham
Direct Energy Conversions of Solar Energy, A. A. Rahman
Long Term Stability of Linearized Thermistor Circuits, Gene E. Kouba
Energy from Swine Manure, J. R. Fischer, E. L. Iannotti, and D. M. Sievers
Low BTU Producer Gas -- A Fuel of the Past and a Fuel of the Future, Lee Carter
Methane Production from Livestock Wastes by Anaerobic Digestion, Panos Kokoropoulos and Harlan H. Bengtson
Effective Utilization of Energy from Biomass Residues in Agricultural Applications, Harry W. Parker
Comparison of Stirred and Immobilized Cell Reactors For Ethanol Production, Oliver C. Sitton and J. L. Gaddy
Ambient Air Quality as Related to Energy Conversion Facilities, Economic Activity and Population, Walter P. Page
Some Problems with Economic Models Involving Air Pollution, John Hoag and J. David Reed
Energy Is Not Just Flipping the Switch Any More, Alfred L. Ransome
Stabilization of Uranium Mill Trailings, N. H. Tibbs, D L. Rath, E. E. Otto, and L. F. Alsup
Community Federal Office Center -- A Unique HVAC System, Milton J. Murry
Microprocessor Time Clock for Localized Energy Control, Roger I. Staab and Dallas M. Shiroma
Stratiform Domes: High Performance Thin-Shell Concrete Structures, Jonathan P. Zimmerman
Recycle Inplant Air -- A Method of Energy Conservation, Milton J. Murry
Innovations in Heat Pumps, Ronald Hunter Howell and Harry J. Sauer Jr.
Sizing of Air-Conditioning Systems -- The New Methodology, Harry J. Sauer Jr. and Ronald Hunter Howell
Energy and the Nation: The Social and Political Trends, John R. Dew
On the Conceptualization and Measurement of Energy-Related Attitudes, Richard A. Zeller, Randy L. Workman, H. Theodore Groat, and Arthur G. Neal
The Effects of Energy Conservation on Politics, Employment and Inflation, B. M. Worrall
Energy Efficiency: Determination and Commentary, Dennis M. Richter
Energy Substitution Prospects, Vaman Rao
Cost Accounting Regulations in Oil and Gas Industries, Lakshmi U. Tatikonda and Rao J. Tatikonda
Electricity Generation and Abatement of Gypsum Production, Angelos Pagoulatos
Input-Output Analysis of Industrial Energy Consumption: Some Effects of Changing Prices and Federal Regulation, John R. Griffith and Ruth Y. Griffith
The Advantages of Local Extremes of Systems when Considering Energy Supply Trends toward Size and Complexity, Harold A. Kurstedt Jr., Arthur M. Squires, and William A. Kramer
Design and Operational Characteristics of a Retrofit Solar Heating System, D. J. Wetteroff and Bassem F. Armaly
Concentration of Solar Energy Using a Cassegrain Type Solar Furnace, M. H. Cobble and W. C. Hull
Commercially Available Vacuum Tube Solar Collectors, Stanley J. Ring
Testing of Solar Collectors by a Standard Method, Harry J. Sauer Jr. and Bassem F. Armaly
The Solar Connection -- Promise or Peril?, Paul S. Strong