The Faculty Research & Creative Works series collects scholarly and creative work by Missouri S&T's faculty and professional staff. To find works from a specific department, center, or program, browse by Programs, Centers, and Departments. To browse content in this series by author, use the link below:
Browse by Faculty AuthorSubmissions from 1980
On a Numerical Method for Solution of the Mathieu-Hill Type Equations, Ashok Midha and M. L. Badlani
On the Periodic Response of Cam Mechanism with Flexible Follower and Camshaft, Ashok Midha and David Allen Turcic
Discussion Of "gas Composition, Temperature, And Pressure Measurements In A Lead Blast Furnace", Arthur E. Morris and John R. Knoepke
Technological Status and Legal/Regulatory Aspects of Low-Head Hydroelectric Power Development in Missouri, Charles Darwin Morris and Gordon E. Weiss
Mixed Valence and Magnetically Coupled Vanadate Domains in Heteropoly Tungstate Anions, M. M. Mossoba, Charles J. O'Connor, M. T. Pope, Ekkehard Sinn, G. Hervé, and A. Tézé
Thermal Instability of Mixed Convection Flow Over a Horizontal Flat Plate, A. Moutsoglou, T. S. Chen, and K. C. Cheng
Mixed Convection in Boundary Layer Flows over Inclined Surfaces, A. Moutsoglou, Seh-Lih Tzuoo, and T. S. Chen
An Improved Technique For Calibrating And Testing Power System Generator Automatic Synchronizing And Speed Matching Relays, David C. Nagy and Earl F. Richards
Saturation Effects On Stagnation Radiative Heating For The Jupiter Probe, Harlan F. Nelson
Thermodynamics of Microemulsions: Combined Effects of Dispersion Entropy of Drops and Bending Energy of Surfactant Films, Partho Neogi and C. A. Miller
Transport Phenomena in Solids with Bidispersed Pores, Partho Neogi and E. Ruckenstein
Bending Strength of Cold-formed Steel Longitudinally Reinforced Beam Webs, Phung Nguyen and Wei-Wen Yu
Model Studies of Gas Injection at High Flow Rates by Use of Water and Mercury, Madhu Nilmani and D. G. C. Robertson
Wood Fuels in Power Generation, Yildirim Omurtag, Larry Wetzel, and Michael McEvilly
Importance of Pre-melt Hold Times in Very Low Oxygen Partial Pressure Silicon Sessile Drop Equilibrium Contact Angle Measurements, P. D. Ownby and Harold V. Romero
Precautions to Be Observed During Sessile Drop Experiments with Molten Silicon, P. D. Ownby and Harold V. Romero
Effects of Varying Oxygen Partial Pressure on Molten Silicon: Ceramic Substrate Interactions, P. D. Ownby, Harold V. Romero, and M. W. Barsoum
Organometalloidal Derivatives of the Transition Metals. IV. a Mössbauer and Infrared Spectral Study of the Iron-silicon Or Carbon Bond in the System (η⁵-C₅H₅)Fe(CO)₂R, K. H. Pannell, C. C. Wu, and Gary J. Long
The Gas Chromatographic Separation of Some Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Insecticides from PCB and PCN Matrices, Veluppillai Paramasigamani, Shubhender Kapila, and Walter A. Aue
Angular Differential Cross Sections for Excitation of Atomic Hydrogen to the n=2 Level by Proton Impact, John T. Park, Judith E. Aldag, Jerry Peacher, and Jacob M. George
Tolerance Intervals For A Class Of IFR Distributions With A Threshold Parameter, Jagdish K. Patel
Dynsyl: A General-purpose Dynamic Simulator For Chemical Processes, Gary Kent Patterson and Rudolph B. Rozsa
O/W Microemulsions, M. Podzimek and Stig Friberg
Properties of Refractories after Exposure to High Pressure Gases II, S. F. Rahman and D. E. Day
Comparison of Oxygen Partial Pressure Measurements Over Molten Silicon Between Equilibrated Sessile Crop and Non-equilibrated EFG Ribbon Atmospheres, Harold V. Romero and P. D. Ownby
Cerebral Asymmetry and Verbal Intellectual Deficits, Peter B. Rosenberger and Daniel B. Hier
The Neon Alphabet Game, Dwarka D. Sabu and Oliver Manuel
Boehmite-Bonded High Alumina Refractories, Gerhard H. Schiroky and D. E. Day
Embedding Discrete Flows On R In A Continuous Flow, P. L. Sharma and Troy L. Hicks
Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage: A Cost and Sizing Study, Haur D. Shaw, J. Derald Morgan, and Max Darwin Anderson
Thermal Contact Conductance of Coated Multilayered Sheets, John W. Sheffield, A. Williams, and T. N. Veziroglu
Ethanol Production In An Immobilized‐cell Reactor, Oliver C. Sitton and J. L. Gaddy
Letters. International Engineering Ethics Projects, Carol Ann Smith and Edwin C. Jones
Water And Ice Nucleation Sites From Ion Implantation Of Silicon, William H. Stlnebaugh, Don M. Sparlin, and James L. Kassner
Polymerization in Water-in-oil Microemulsion Systems - 1, James O. Stoffer and Terry Lynn Bone
Polymerization In Water In Oil Microemulsion Systems Containing Methyl Methacrylate, James O. Stoffer and Terry Lynn Bone
Polymerization in Water-in-oil Microemulsion Systems II: SEM Investigation of Structure, James O. Stoffer and Terry Lynn Bone
Buoyancy Effects on Heat and Mass Transfer in Boundary Layers Adjacent to Inclined, Continuous, Moving Sheets, Forrest Arthur Strobel and T. S. Chen
Interframe Television Coding using Gain and Displacement Compensation, J. A. Stuller, A. N. Netravali, and J. D. Robbins
The Gloom Gets Doomier, David A. Summers
Water Jet Drilling Horizontal Holes in Coal, David A. Summers, Clark R. Barker, and Harold Dean Keith
Considerations in the Use of Water Jets to Enlarge Deep Submerged Cavities, David A. Summers and Z. Sebastian
Application of High Pressure Water Jets to Longwall Mining, W. A. Summers and David A. Summers
Metal-ligand Synergism in the Chemistry of Macrocyclic Complexes. Base-induced Reduction of a Cobalt(III) Complex, Jay A. Switzer and John F. Endicott
Polymerization in Lyotropic Liquid Crystals I, Raju V. Thundathil, James O. Stoffer, and Stig Friberg
An Experimental Study of the Operating Characteristics of a Catalytic Combustor, Hai-Lung Tsai
Phase Relations In Magnesium Oxysulfate Cements, LADAWAN URWONGSE and Charles A. Sorrell
The System MgO‐MgCl2‐H2O At 23°C, LADAWAN URWONGSE and Charles A. Sorrell
Voltammetric Evaluation of Zinc Electrowinning Solution Containing Nickel, Yar-Ming Wang, Thomas J. O'Keefe, and William Joseph James
Programmable Hand Calculator Programs For Pumping And Injection Wells: II — Constant Pumping (Injection) Rate, Single Fully Penetrating Well, Semiconfined Aquifer, Donald L. Warner and M. Gene Yow
Programmable Hand Calculator Programs For Pumping And Injection Wells: III — Constant Pumping (Injection) Rate, Fully Confined Aquifer, Partially Penetrating Well, Donald L. Warner and M. Gene Yow
Large-angle Electron-photon Coincidence Experiment In Atomic Hydrogen, E. Weigold, L. Frost, and K. (Kaare) J. Nygaard
Comment on "Comparisons of Ab-Initio and Empirical Vibrational Intensities for Isotopic Water Molecules" by G. D. Carney, Gerald Wilemski
Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Fuel Cells: Heat Release Mechanisms and Voltage, Gerald Wilemski
Oxidation-reduction Reactions of Complexes with Macrocyclic Ligands. Oxygen Uptake Kinetics, Equilibriums and Intermediates in Aqueous CoII(N₄) Systems, Chung-Lai Wong, Jay A. Switzer, K. P. Balakrishnan, and John F. Endicott
Magnetic Exchange Interactions in Tetranuclear Copper(II) Complexes, Herbert Wong, Heindirk Tom Dieck, Charles J. O'Connor, and Ekkehard Sinn
The Inert Gas Effect On The Rate Of Evaporation Of Zinc And Cadmium, P. C.S. Wu, Thomas J. O'Keefe, and Fred Kisslinger
Autooscillations And Nonlinear Anelasticity, Manfred Wuttig and Tetsuro Suzuki
Some Complete And Censored Sampling Results For The Three-Parameter Weibull Distribution, James Wyckoff, Lee J. Bain, and Max Engelhardt
Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds For Estimators Based On Censored Data, James Wyckoff and Max Engelhardt
Structural and Magnetic Properties of Y(Mn₁₋ₓFeₓ)₁₂, Ying-chang Yang, B. Kebe, William Joseph James, J. Deportes, and William B. Yelon
Potential Use Of Chemical Spot Test Method For Submicron Aerosol Sizing, Paul C. Yue and Josef Podzimek
Load and resistance factor design of cold-formed steel : tentative recommendation - load and resistance factor design criteria for cold-formed steel structural members and commentary thereon, Wei-Wen Yu and Theodore V. Galambos
MTI Improvement Factors For Weighted DFTs, Rodger E. Ziemer
A Survey And Analysis Of Electrical Engineering Curricula In Communications And Signal Processing, Rodger E. Ziemer and William H. Tranter
Submissions from 1979
Thermochemical Investigations of Nearly Ideal Binary Solvents 4, William Eugene Acree and Gary L. Bertrand
Perturbation Expansion Of The Single‐particle Density Matrix, I. Adawi
Nucleation Experiments with Monodisperse NaCl Aerosols, Darryl J. Alofs, Max B. Trueblood, Daniel R. White, and Vance Lee Behr
NUCLEATION EXPERIMENTS with MONODISPERSE NaCl AEROSOLS., Darryl J. Alofs, M. B. Trueblood, D. R. White, and V. L. Behr
Radiative Transfer Through an Isotropically Scattering Finite Medium with Reflecting Boundaries, Bassem F. Armaly and J. M. Redican
A Finite Element Formulation of the Eigenvalue Problem in Lined Ducts with Flow, R. Jeremy Astley and Walter Eversman
Hierarchy of Equations of Motion of Planar Mechanism with Elastic Link, M. L. Badlani and Ashok Midha
Isotopes of Tellurium, Xenon and Krypton in Allende Meteorite Retain Record of Nucleosynthesis, Robert V. Ballad, L. L. Oliver, R. G. Downing, and Oliver Manuel
Water Jet Nozzle Performance Tests, Clark R. Barker and B. P. Selberg
Development of a Round the Corner Drill, Clark R. Barker, David A. Summers, and Harold Dean Keith
A New Synthesis of Bis(3,3′-dimethyl-2,2′-dipyridylamine)copper(II) and the Crystal Structure of the Complex, Claudia E. Baxter, Oscar R. Rodig, Robert K. Schlatzer, and Ekkehard Sinn
Propagation of Surface Electromagnetic Waves on N-Type GaAs in the Far Infrared, D. L. Begley, Ralph William Alexander, C. A. Ward, and Robert John Bell
Propagation Distances of Surface Electromagnetic Waves in the Far Infrared, D. L. Begley, Ralph William Alexander, C. A. Ward, Richard W. Miller, and Robert John Bell
Comment on the Optical Properties of Small Particles and the Quasistatic Approximation, Robert John Bell, Ralph William Alexander, and C. A. Ward
CNDO Calculations On The Structure Of A Liquid Sodium Carboxylate-carboxylic Acid Compound, Beverly Bendiksen, Stig Friberg, and Patricia L.M. Plummer
Unconventional Methods of Testing Wires and Wire Ropes, M. J. Bergander and Tad S. Golosinski
Influence of Solution Nonideality on Charge-transfer Complexes, Gary L. Bertrand
Transport Properties of Monatomic Carbon II: Contributions from Excited Electronic States, Louis Biolsi Jr. and Kevin J. Biolsi
Note on the Stability of Vibrations of Rectangular Plates with Initial Imperfections, Victor Birman
Structure Of An Alkali-soluble Polysaccharide From The Hyphal Wall Of The Basidiomycete Coprinus Macrorhizus Var. Microsporus, Carey B. Bottom and Donald J. Siehr
Temperature Dependence Of The Electron Attachment Coefficient In Iodine, Howard L. Brooks, Scott R. Hunter, and Kaare J. Nygaard
Magnetic Properties of Some Monomeric and Dimeric Nickel(II) Complexes NiLX2 (L = 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline (dmp), 2,2′-biquinolyl, Bathocuproine; X = Cl, Br, I) and the Crystal Structure of Ni(dmp)I₂, Raymond J. Butcher, Charles J. O'Connor, and Ekkehard Sinn
Synthesis and Relation Between Magnetism and Structure of the Binuclear Copper(II) Oxime Complex [Cu₂L₂(ClO₄)₂]·[Cu₂L₂(CH₃OH)₂](ClO₄)₂, Where HL = 1-(N,N-dimethyl-2-aminoethyl)-1-phenyl-2-oximopropane, Raymond J. Butcher, Charles J. O'Connor, and Ekkehard Sinn
Crystal Structures of Cis-dibromodioxobis(triphenylphosphine Oxide)molybdenum(VI), Cis-dichlorodioxobis(triphenylphosphine Oxide)molybdenum(VI), and Cis-bis(butane-2,3-diolato)dioxomolybdenum(VI)-butane-2,3-diol (1/2): A Comparison of Co-ordination Spheres and the General Stereochemistry of Molybdenum(VI) Oxo-complexes, Raymond J. Butcher, Bruce R. Penfold, and Ekkehard Sinn
Film Boiling Of Freon 113, Normal Pentane, Cyclopentane And Benzene From Cylindrical Surfaces At Moderate Pressures, G. J. Capone and Efton Park
Field-induced Level-crossing and Crystal Structure of the Singlet Ground-state System (Ni(C₅H₅NO)₆)(NO₃)₂, Richard Lewis Carlin, Kyong O. Joung, Armando Paduan-Filho, Charles J. O'Connor, and Ekkehard Sinn
Simple Generation Of One-Parameter Pseudoterrain Surfaces, Gordon E. Carlson
Drop Growth In The Atmosphere By Condensation: Application To Cloud Physics, John C. Carstens
Stress Analysis of an Axisymmetric Cylinder by the Experimental Numerical Hybrid Technique, K. Chandrashekhara and K. Abraham Jacob
Analysis of a Thick Plate with a Circular Hole Resting on a Smooth Rigid Bed and Subjected to Axisymmetric Normal Load, K. Chandrashekhara and S. K. Muthanna
Wave Instability of Mixed Convection Flow Over a Horizontal Flat Plate, T. S. Chen and Aleksandros Mucoglu
Combined Heat And Mass Transfer In Natural Convection On Inclined Surfaces, T. S. Chen and C. F. Yuh