Submissions from 1987
An Assessment of Buffer Strips for Reduction of Stress Concentration At Cutouts in Composite Laminates, Lokeswarappa R. Dharani
Analysis of a Buffer Strip Laminate with Fiber and Matrix Damage and Interlaminar Debonding, Lokeswarappa R. Dharani and Carl Patrick Seaton
Small Vibrations of an Imperfect Panel in the Vicinity of a Non-Linear Static State, Isaac Elishakoff, Victor Birman, and J. Singer
Systematic Procedure for the Analysis of Multiply Branched Acoustic Transmission Lines, Walter Eversman
Multiple Degree of Freedom Cavity Element for Acoustic Transmission Lines, Walter Eversman and G. Ricci
Higher-Order Analysis of Basic Linkages for Harmonic Motion Generation, K. Farhang, Ashok Midha, and A. K. Bajaj
A Parametric Analysis of Vortex Patterns Visualized Over Airfoils in Accelerating Flow, Fathi Finaish, M. Palmer, and P. Freymuth
Fluid-Bed Gasification of Whole Rice Hulls, V. J. Flanigan, Wenbin Eric Huang, Oliver C. Sitton, and B. Y. Xu
Fluidized Bed Gasification of Rice Hulls, V. J. Flanigan, B. Y. Xu, and Wenbin Eric Huang
Further Visualization of Combined Wing Tip and Starting Vortex Systems, P. Freymuth, Fathi Finaish, and W. Bank
Compliance Number Concept for Compliant Mechanisms, and Type Synthesis, I. Her and Ashok Midha
Numerical Determination of Lissajous Trajectories in the Restricted Three-Body Problem, K. C. Howell and Henry J. Pernicka
CONSTRAINED SEARCH TECHNIQUE for MOTION GENERATOR PIVOT LOCATION, T. J. Lawley, R. V. Nambiar, J. Keith Nisbett, S. Prince, and H. Zarefar
Fast Viscous Correction Method for Full-Potential Transonic Wing Analysis, S. C. Lee, Scott D. Thomas, and Terry L. Holst
Free Stream Effects on the Wave Instability of Buoyant Flows Along an Isothermal Vertical Flat Plate, Shong-Leih Lee, T. S. Chen, and Bassem F. Armaly
Mixed Convection Along Vertical Cylinders and Needles with Uniform Surface Heat Flux, Shong-Leih Lee, T. S. Chen, and Bassem F. Armaly
Nonparallel Wave Instability Analysis of Boundary-Layer Flows, Shong-Leih Lee, T. S. Chen, and Bassem F. Armaly
Wave Instability Characteristics for the Entire Regime of Mixed Convection Flow Along Vertical Flat Plates, Shong-Leih Lee, T. S. Chen, and Bassem F. Armaly
Effect of Mechanical Compliance on Deflection of Robot Manipulators, Ming-Chuan Leu, V. Dukovski, and K. K. Wang
Analysis of a High-Speed Flexible Four-Bar Linkage - Part II: Analytical and Experimental Results on the Apollo, Frank W. Liou and Arthur G. Erdman
Analysis of a High-Speed Flexible Four-Bar Linkage - Part I: The Virtual Displacement Method, Frank W. Liou and Arthur G. Erdman
Evaluation Of Rocket Plume Signature Uncertainties, Harlan F. Nelson
Substrate Effects On Two-dimensional Radiative Back-scattering From Shallow Media, Harlan F. Nelson and Dwight C. Look
Transmission Of A Laser Beam Through Anisotropic Scattering Media, Harlan F. Nelson and B. V. Satish
An Analytical And Experimental Examination Of A Latent Thermal Management System, M. P. O'Dell, John W. Sheffield, C. Wen, and E. Dillingham
Feasible Tasks for Manipulators with Uncertainty and Compliance, D. K. Pai and Ming-Chuan Leu
Correlations for Laminar Mixed Convection in Boundary Layers Adjacent to Inclined, Continuous Moving Sheets, N. Ramachandran, Bassem F. Armaly, and T. S. Chen
Measurements of Laminar Mixed Convection Flow Adjacent to an Inclined Surface, N. Ramachandran, Bassem F. Armaly, and T. S. Chen
Correlations for Laminar Mixed Convection in Boundary Layers Adjacent to Horizontal Continuous Moving Sheets, N. Ramachandran, T. S. Chen, and Bassem F. Armaly
A Finite Element Model for Sound Transmission Through Laminated Composite Plates, Jayant V. Ramakrishnan and Leslie Robert Koval
Recent Advances in the Nonlinear Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates and Shells, J. N. Reddy and K. Chandrashekhara
Optimal Trajectory Generation for Robotic Manipulators Using Dynamic Programming, S. K. Singh and Ming-Chuan Leu
A Two-Dimensional Analysis of the Extensor Fibers in the Human Hand, Daniel S. Stutts
University of Missouri--Rolla Cloud Simulation Facility: Proto II Chamber, Daniel R. White, James L. Kassner, John C. Carstens, Donald E. Hagen, John L. Schmitt, Darryl J. Alofs, Alfred Raymond Hopkins, Max B. Trueblood, Max W. Alcorn, and William L. Walker
Measurement of the Condensation Coefficient of Water in the UMR Simulation Chamber, Daniel R. White, James L. Kassner, John C. Carstens, Donald E. Hagen, John L. Schmitt, Darryl J. Alofs, Alfred R. Hopkins, Max B. Trueblood, Max W. Alcorn, and William L. Walker
University of Missouri-Rolla Cloud Simulation Facility: Proto II Chamber, Daniel R. White, James L. Kassner, John C. Carstens, Donald E. Hagen, John L. Schmitt, Darryl J. Alofs, Alfred R. Hopkins, Max B. Trueblood, Max W. Alcorn, and William L. Walker
Method for Calculating the Steady-State Dynamic Response of Rigid-Body Machine Systems, R. I. Zadoks and Ashok Midha
Parametric Stability of a Two-Degree-Of-Freedom Machine System: Part I - Equations of Motion and Stability, R. I. Zadoks and Ashok Midha
Parametric Stability of a Two-Degree-Of-Freedom Machine System: Part II - Stability Analysis, R. I. Zadoks and Ashok Midha
Submissions from 1986
Prediction of Turbulent Mixed Convection Along a Vertical Plate, Bassem F. Armaly, N. Ramachandran, and T. S. Chen
Coordinate-Transformation-Based Filter for Improved Target Tracking, S. N. Balakrishnan and Jason L. Speyer
Steady State Penetration Of Rigid Perfectly Plastic Targets, R. C. Batra and T. W. Wright
Elasto-composition Waves In Inhomogeneous Solids, R. C. Batra and Manfred Wuttig
Modeling the Effects of Wind Tunnel Wall Absorption on the Acoustic Radiation Characteristics of Propellers, Kenneth J. Baumeister and Walter Eversman
Free Vibration of Elastically Supported Beams on Nonlinear Elastic Foundation, Victor Birman
On the Effects of Nonlinear Elastic Foundation on Free Vibration of Beams, Victor Birman
On the Nonlinear Uncoupled Roll and Pitch of Submerged Vehicles, Victor Birman
CAEBEL: A Computer-Aided Control System Synthesis and Analysis System, C. C. Blackwell, A. L. Blackwell, K. L. Lawrence, D. A. Hullender, J. Keith Nisbett, C. C. Ku, and T. L. Wood
Analysis of an Orthotropic Cylindrical Shell Having a Transversely Isotropic Core Subjected to Axisymmetric Load, K. Chandrashekhara and K. Gopalakrishnan
Correlations for Laminar Mixed Convection Flows on Vertical, Inclined, and Horizontal Flat Plates, T. S. Chen, Bassem F. Armaly, and N. Ramachandran
Natural Convection on Horizontal, Inclined, and Vertical Plates with Variable Surface Temperature or Heat Flux, T. S. Chen, Hwa-Chong Tien, and Bassem F. Armaly
Time-Resolved Pulsed Spray Drop Sizing At Elevated Pressures, J. A. Drallmeier and J. E. Peters
Modeling Wind Tunnel Effects on the Radiation Characteristics of Acoustic Sources, Walter Eversman and Kenneth J. Baumeister
Finite Element Modeling of Acoustic Singularities with Application to Propeller Noise, Walter Eversman and James Edward Steck
Starting Flow Over Spoilers, Double Steps and Cavities, Fathi Finaish, P. Freymuth, and W. Bank
Minimization in Incompressible Nonlinear Elasticity Theory, Roger Fosdick and G. P. MacSithigh
A Plane Nonlinear Shear for an Elastic Layer with a Nonconvex Stored Energy Function, Roger Fosdick, G. P. MacSithigh, and K. R. Rajagopal
Visualization of Wing Tip Vortices in Accelerating and Steady Flow, P. Freymuth, W. Bank, and Fathi Finaish
Visualization of the Vortex Street Behind a Circular Cylinder At Low Reynolds Numbers, P. Freymuth, Fathi Finaish, and W. Bank
Visualization of Wing Tip Vortices in Unsteady and Steady Wind, P. Freymuth, Fathi Finaish, and W. Bank
Wing Tip Vortex System in a Starting Flow, P. Freymuth, Fathi Finaish, and W. Bank
Comments on the Paper "Heterogeneous Nucleation of Water Vapor on Monodisperse Ag and NaCl Particles with Diameters Between 6 and 18 Nm", W. A. Hoppel and Darryl J. Alofs
Development of a 20-Inch Indirect Fired Fluidized Bed Gasifier, Wenbin Eric Huang, V. J. Flanigan, Eoin Myles Clancy, Oliver C. Sitton, and Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs
Note on Post-Welded Hull Plate Load-Displacement Behavior, Robert G. Latorre and Victor Birman
Turbulent Mixing of Coaxial Jets Between Hydrogen and Air, S. C. Lee
New Finite-Difference Solution Methods for Wave Instability Problems, Shong-Leih Lee, T. S. Chen, and Bassem F. Armaly
Automated Symbolic Derivation of Dynamic Equations of Motion for Robotic Manipulators, Ming-Chuan Leu and N. Hemati
Analytical Form of a Kinematic Mobility Equation for 3-D Mechanisms Including Overconstrained Linkages, Frank W. Liou and Arthur G. Erdman
A Design Criterion for a Circular Cylindrical Reflector and Its Receiver, Dwight C. Look
Characteristics of a Novel Awning Fabric, Dwight C. Look
Relfection of Laser Radiation from Transparent Media (N Greater Than 1) with a Diffusely Reflecting Substrate, Dwight C. Look and Harlan F. Nelson
Engineering Thermodynamics, Dwight C. Look and Harry J. Sauer Jr.
Laser Reflection in a Scattering Medium with a White Diffusively Reflecting Substrate, Dwight C. Look and Mukundan Vijayan
Convolution Integral Solution of Linear Spring-Mass-Damper Vibration System - A Versatile Tool, Ashok Midha and A. K. Bajaj
Boron Slurry-fueled Jet Engine Exhaust Plume Infrared Signatures, Harlan F. Nelson and E. O. Tucker
An Interactive Graphical Computer Approach to Planar Linkage Description, J. Keith Nisbett
Ineffabelle - an Environment for Interactive Computer Graphic Simulation of Robotic Applications, D. K. Pai and Ming-Chuan Leu
Wave Envelope and Finite Element Approximations for Turbofan Noise Radiation in Flight, A. V. Parrett and Walter Eversman
Mixed Convection from Vertical and Inclined Moving Sheets in a Parallel Free Stream, N. Ramachandran, Bassem F. Armaly, and T. S. Chen
Comparison of Vortex Lattice and Prandtl-Munk Results for Optimized Three-Surface Aircraft, K. Rokhsaz and B. P. Selberg
Dual-Wing Systems with Decalage Angle Optimization, K. Rokhsaz and B. P. Selberg
A Study of Hydrogen Bond Strengths of Neutral Water Clusters (H₂O)[subscript N] Using Modified MNDO, S. H. S. Salk, T. S. Chen, Donald E. Hagen, and Chen Kwee Lutrus
Aerodynamic-Structural Optimization of Positive/Negative Stagger Joined Wing Configurations, B. P. Selberg and Don Cronin
Aerodynamic Tradeoff Study of Conventional, Canard, and Trisurface Aircraft Systems, B. P. Selberg and K. Rokhsaz
Investigation of Chord Ratio, Stagger, Decalage Angle, and Flap Angle for Dual Wing Configurations, B. P. Selberg and G. D. Vincent
U.S./India Co-Operative Biomass Conversion Program, Abu Talib, Daniel Bienstock, John R. Goss, and V. J. Flanigan
Wave Instability Of Natural Convection Flow On Inclined Flat Plates With Uniform Surface Heat Flux, H. C. Tien, T. S. Chen, and Bassem F. Armaly
Vortex Instability of Natural Convection Flow Over Horizontal and Inclined Plates with Uniform Surface Heat Flux, Hwa-Chong Tien, T. S. Chen, and Bassem F. Armaly
A Numerical Model of Acoustic Choking, Part II: Shocked Solutions, Noel Walkington and Walter Eversman
Submissions from 1985
General Plate Formula for Bevel Gears with Back Shoulder, E. M. Al-Shareedah and T. F. Lehnhoff
Dynamic Stability of Unsymmetrically Laminated Rectangular Plates, Victor Birman
Free Vibration of Statically Compressed Clamped Beams on Nonlinear Elastic Foundation, Victor Birman
Study of the Range of Simple Harmonic Response in Non-Linear Ship Rolling, Victor Birman and Robert G. Latorre
The Application of Hert'z Contact Theory to the Problem of an Offshore Structure Entering the Seabed, Victor Birman and Robert G. Latorre
Mixed Convection in Laminar Boundary-Layer Flow, T. S. Chen, Bassem F. Armaly, and W. Aung
Ab Initio MO Investigation of the Gas-Phase Reaction SO₃ + H₂O → H₂SO₄, T. S. Chen and P. L. M. Plummer
Estimating the Weight of Generally Configured Dual Wing Systems, Don Cronin and Rajesh J. Somnay
Dirac-Delta Function Approximations to the Scattering Phase Function, Alfred L. Crosbie and Gary William Davidson
Two-Dimensional Linearly Anisotropic Scattering in a Finite-Thick Cylindrical Medium Exposed to a Laser Beam, Alfred L. Crosbie and R. L. Dougherty