Submissions from 2013
Structural Health Monitoring Data Transmission for Composite Hydrokinetic Turbine Blades, A. Heckman, Joshua L. Rovey, K. Chandrashekhara, Steve Eugene Watkins, Daniel S. Stutts, Arindam Banerjee, and Rajiv S. Mishra
Finite-Horizon Control-Constrained Nonlinear Optimal Control using Single Network Adaptive Critics, A. Heydari and S. N. Balakrishnan
Fixed-Final-Time Optimal Control of Nonlinear Systems with Terminal Constraints, Ali Heydari and S. N. Balakrishnan
Optimal Multi-Therapeutic HIV Treatment Using a Global Optimal Switching Scheme, Ali Heydari and S. N. Balakrishnan
Optimal Orbit Transfer with ON-OFF Actuators using a Closed Form Optimal Switching Scheme, Ali Heydari and S. N. Balakrishnan
Path Planning Using a Novel Finite Horizon Suboptimal Controller, Ali Heydari and S. N. Balakrishnan
Optimal Control Approach for Turning Process Planning Optimization, Ali Heydari, Robert G. Landers, and S. N. Balakrishnan
Infrared Perfect Absorber Based on Nanowire Metamaterial Cavities, Yingran He, Huixu Deng, Xiangyang Jiao, Sailing He, Jie Gao, and Xiaodong Yang
Deep Subwavelength Beam Propagation in Extremely Loss-Anisotropic Metamaterials, Y. He, L. Sun, S. He, and Xiaodong Yang
Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells Using Metallic Fishnet Nanostructures Simultaneously for Schottky Contact and Plasmonics Enhancement, L. Huang, H. Deng, T. Pham, M. Young, H. Naseem, H. H. Abu-Safe, Xiaodong Yang, and S.-Q. Yu
Plasmonic Brownian Ratchet, P. A. Huidobro, S. Ota, Xiaodong Yang, X. Yin, F. J. Garcia-Vidal, and X. Zhang
Experimental Investigation of Time-Resolved Electron Beam Energy Distributions Generated in a Transient Hollow Cathode Discharge, J. Hu and Joshua L. Rovey
Modeling and Simulation of Moisture Diffusion in Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites, Z. Huo, Venkata Bheemreddy, K. Chandrashekhara, and R. A. Brack
A Design Oriented Reliability Methodology for Fatigue Life under Stochastic Loadings, Zhen Hu and Xiaoping Du
A Sampling Approach to Extreme Value Distribution for Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis, Zhen Hu and Xiaoping Du
Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis with Joint Upcrossing Rates, Zhen Hu and Xiaoping Du
Simulation-Based Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis for Composite Hydrokinetic Turbine Blades, Zhen Hu, Haifeng Li, Xiaoping Du, and K. Chandrashekhara
Experimental Investigation of Different Cellular Lattice Structures Manufactured by Fused Deposition Modeling, Osman Iyibilgin, Cemil Yigit, and Ming-Chuan Leu
Quantum Phase Flip Gate Based on Plasmonic Double-Bar Resonators, Xing Ri Jin and Jie Gao
Quantum Entanglement in Plasmonic Waveguides with Near-Zero Mode Indices, Xing Ri Jin, Lei Sun, Xiaodong Yang, and Jie Gao
Vision-Based Process Monitoring for Laser Metal Deposition Processes, Sreekar Karnati, Niroop Matta, Todd E. Sparks, and Frank W. Liou
Embeddable Fiber Optic Strain Sensor for Structural Monitoring, Armadeep Kaur, Sriram Nagarajan, Sudharshan Anandan, Lei Yuan, K. Chandrashekhara, Steve Eugene Watkins, Hai Xiao, and Nam Phan
Combustion Simulation of Hydrogen-fuelled Diesel Engines using Detailed Chemical Kinetics, H. A. Khairallah and U. O. Koylu
Design of an MOM Diode-Coupled Frequency-Selective Surface, Edward C. Kinzel, R. L. Brown, J. C. Ginn, B. A. Lail, B. A. Slovick, and G. D. Boreman
Effect of Architecture and Porosity on Mechanical Properties of Borate Glass Scaffolds Made by Selective Laser Sintering, Krishna C. R. Kolan, Ming-Chuan Leu, Greg Hilmas, and Taylor Comte
Parameter Identification Technique based on Lyapunov Stability, Manoj Kumar and S. N. Balakrishnan
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Technique for Near-Optimal Control of Flexible Aircraft Wings, Manoj Kumar, Karthikeyan Rajagopal, S. N. Balakrishnan, and Nhan T. Nguyen
A Digital Interface for the Part Designers and the Fixture Designers for a Reconfigurable Assembly System, Vishwa V. Kumar, Salik R. Yadav, Frank W. Liou, and S. N. Balakrishnan
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of SOC-Dependent Elasticity of LiₓMn₂O₄ Spinels in Li-Ion Batteries, Sangmin Lee, Jonghyun Park, Ann Marie Sastry, and Wei Lu
Low-Cost Robust Airfoil Optimization by Variable-Fidelity Models and Stochastic Expansions, Leifur Leifsson, Slawomir Koziel, Yi Zhang, and Serhat Hosder
CAD Model Based Virtual Assembly Simulation, Planning and Training, Ming-Chuan Leu, H. A. ElMaraghy, A. Y. C. Nee, S. K. Ong, M. Lanzetta, M. Putz, W. Zhu, and A. Bernard
Development of Freeze-Form Extrusion Fabrication with Use of Sacrificial Material, Ming-Chuan Leu and Diego A. Garcia
Improvement of Heat Transfer Efficiency at Solid-Gas Interfaces by Self-Assembled Monolayers, Zhi Liang, William Evans, Tapan Desai, and Pawel Keblinski
Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Thermal Conductance at Solid-Gas Interfaces, Zhi Liang, William Evans, and Pawel Keblinski
Liquid Phase Stability under an Extreme Temperature Gradient, Zhi Liang, Kiran Sasikumar, and Pawel Keblinski
Design and Performance Evaluation of a Hydrokinetic Composite Turbine System, H. Li, G. A. Taylor, A. M. Abutunis, K. Chandrashekhara, Amshumaan Raghunatha Kashyap, and Jonathan W. Kimball
Extrusion Process Modeling for Aqueous-Based Ceramic Pastes-Part 1: Constitutive Model, Mingyang Li, Lie Tang, Robert G. Landers, and Ming-Chuan Leu
Extrusion Process Modeling for Aqueous-Based Ceramic Pastes, Part 2: Experimental Verification, Mingyang Li, Lie Tang, Robert G. Landers, and Ming-Chuan Leu
Modeling and its Applications to Metal Additive Manufacturing Processes, Frank W. Liou
Process Planning Optimization for Parallel Drilling of Blind Holes Using a Two Phase Genetic Algorithm, Shujuan Li, Yong Liu, Yan Li, Robert G. Landers, and Lie Tang
Numerical Analysis of Thermal Stress and Deformation in Multi-Layer Laser Metal Deposition Processes, Heng Liu, Todd E. Sparks, Frank W. Liou, and David M. Dietrich
Factors Influencing Paste Extrusion Pressure and Liquid Content of Extrudate in Freeze-Form Extrusion Fabrication, Hongjun Liu, Jia Liu, Ming-Chuan Leu, Robert G. Landers, and Tishu Huang
Etching Rate Enhancement by Shaped Femtosecond Pulse Train Electron Dynamics Control for Microchannels Fabrication in Fused Silica Glass, Pengjun Liu, Lan Jiang, Jie Hu, Xueliang Yan, Bo Xia, and Yongfeng Lu
NFET Effective Work Function Improvement Via Stress Memorization Technique in Replacement Metal Gate Technology, Y. Liu, H. V. Meer, O. Gluschenkov, Xiaodong Yang, F. Sato, K. H. Cho, M. Ganz, H. Utomo, Y. Wang, U. Kwon, and H. Kothari
Analysis of a Bi-harmonic Tapping Mode for Atomic Force Microscopy, Muthukumaran Loganathan and Douglas A. Bristow
Development of an Experimental Testbed for Research in Lithium-Ion Battery Management Systems, Nima Lotfi, Poria Fajri, Samuel Novosad, Jack Savage, Robert G. Landers, and Mehdi Ferdowsi
Effects of Flashing Light-Emitting Diodes on Algal Biomass Productivity, Alex A. Lunka and David J. Bayless
Probabilistic Mechanism Analysis with Bounded Random Dimension Variables, Kang Luo and Xiaoping Du
Improving Uniform Ultimate Bounded Response of Neuroadaptive Control Approaches using Command Governors, Daniel Magree, Tansel Yucelen, and Eric N. Johnson
Orbit Determination of an Uncooperative RSO using a Stereo Vision-Based Sensor, Bharat Mahajan, Henry J. Pernicka, and J. Darling
Orbit Determination of an Uncooperative Maneuvering Rso during Proximity Operations, B. Mahajan, Henry J. Pernicka, and S. N. Balakrishnan
Laser-Assisted Solid-State Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube/Silicon Core/Shell Structures, Masoud Mahjouri-Samani, Yunshen Zhou, L. Fan, Yang Gao, Wei Xiong, K. L. More, Lan Jiang, and Yongfeng Lu
Waveguiding of Surface Phonon Polariton, Franklin Manene, Brian A. Lail, and Edward C. Kinzel
Many-Core Computing for Space-Based Stereoscopic Imaging, P. McCall, G. Torres, K. Legrand, M. Adjouadi, C. Liu, J. Darling, and Henry J. Pernicka
Optical Emission Spectroscopy of Plasma Formation in a Xenon Theta Pinch, Warner C. Meeks, R. Pahl, and Joshua L. Rovey
PPPS-2013: Optical Emission Spectroscopy of Initial Plasma Formation in a Heavy Gas Theta Pinch Coil, Warner C. Meeks and Joshua L. Rovey
Elevated-Temperature Vacuum-Assisted Resin Transfer Molding Process for High Performance Aerospace Composites, V. G. K. Menta, Rama Bhadra Raju Vuppalapati, K. Chandrashekhara, Thomas P. Schuman, and Jilun Sha
On a Compliant Mechanism Design Methodology using the Synthesis with Compliance Approach for Coupled and Uncoupled Systems, Ashok Midha, Yuvaraj Annamalai, Sharath K. Kolachalam, Sushrut G. Bapat, and Ashish B. Koli
Adaptive Optimal Control of Partially-Unknown Constrained-Input Systems using Policy Iteration with Experience Replay, Hamidreza Modares, Frank L. Lewis, Mohammad-Bagher Naghibi-Sistani, Girish Chowdhary, and Tansel Yucelen
Moisture Effects on Performance of Polyurethane Composite Sandwich Panels Manufactured Using Vartm, M. Mohamed, Z. Huo, S. Hawkins, K. Chandrashekhara, Victor Birman, and Jeffery S. Volz
Modeling and Experimental Study of Advanced Materials for Aerospace, Joseph William Newkirk, Frank W. Liou, Karen M. Brown Taminger, William J. Seufzer, Zhiqiang Fan, Harihar R. Sistla, and Sreekar Karnati
Processing of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites for Ultra High Temperature Applications Using Polymer Precursors, J. Nicholas, V. G. K. Menta, K. Chandrashekhara, Jeremy Lee Watts, B. Lai, Greg Hilmas, and William Fahrenholtz
Surface Potential and Electric Field Measurements in Plasma Actuators At Low Pressure, T. G. Nichols and Joshua L. Rovey
Non-Destructive Evaluation of Concrete with Ultrasonic C-Scan and Digital Image Enhancement Techniques, Anthony Chukwujekwu Okafor and Amitabha Dutta
Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Tensile Testing of Corroded and Un-Corroded Clad Aluminum 2024-T3 and Characterization of Effects of Corrosion on Ae Source Events and Material Tensile Properties, Anthony Chukwujekwu Okafor and Shridhar Natarajan
PPPS-2013: Magnetic Field Probe Calibration at Relevant Field Magnitude and Frequency, R. A. Pahl and Joshua L. Rovey
Calibration of Magnetic Field Probes At Relevant Magnitudes, Ryan A. Pahl, Joshua L. Rovey, and David Pommerenke
Design, Integration and Flight Test of a Pair of Autonomous Spacecraft Flying in Formation, Henry J. Pernicka
Comparison of Three Aerodynamic Models Used in Simulation of a High Angle of Attack UAV Perching Maneuver, Michael G. Puopolo, Ryan Reynolds, and Jamey D. Jacob
Comparison of Marker-Based and Marker-less Systems for Low-cost Human Motion Capture, Sajeev C. Puthenveetil, Chinmay P. Daphalapurkar, Wenjuan Zhu, Ming-Chuan Leu, and Xiaoqing Frank Liu
Concurrent Learning Adaptive Control of the Aeroelastic Generic Transport Model, John Quindlen, Jonathan How, Girish Chowdhary, Nhan Nguyen, and Tansel Yucelen
Numerical Study of Upstream Radiative Heating in 1-D Detonations, P. Raghunandan and Kakkattukuzhy M. Isaac
Time Delay Margin Analysis of Modified State Observer based Adaptive Controller, Karthikeyan Rajagopal, S. N. Balakrishnan, Nhan T. Nguyen, and Kalmanje Krishnakumar
Numerical Modeling of Scattering Type Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy, Arvindvivek Ravichandran, Edward C. Kinzel, James C. Ginn, Jeffery A. D'Archangel, and Eric Z. Tucker
Impacts of Government Policies, Fuel Cell Cost, and Battery Cost on Greenhouse Gas Emission of Light-Duty Vehicles, S. S. Razu and Shun Takai
Three-Dimensional Indefinite Metamaterial Nanocavities with Anomalous Scaling Law, J. Rho, Xiaodong Yang, J. Yao, X. Yin, and X. Zhang
Mission-Integrated Exergy Analysis for Hypersonic Vehicles: Methodology and Application, David W. Riggins, J. Camberos, M. Wolff, and K. Bowcutt
Height Dependent Laser Metal Deposition Process Modeling, Patrick M. Sammons, Douglas A. Bristow, and Robert G. Landers
Iterative Learning Control of Bead Morphology in Laser Metal Deposition Processes, Patrick M. Sammons, Douglas A. Bristow, and Robert G. Landers
Process and Local Layout Effect Interaction on a High Performance Planar 20nm CMOS, F. Sato, R. Ramachandran, H. Van Meer, K. H. Cho, A. Ozbek, Xiaodong Yang, Y. Liu, Z. Li, X. Wu, S. Jain, and H. Utomo
Constraint Enforcement Methods for Command Governor based Adaptive Control of Uncertain Dynamical Systems, Simon P. Schatz, Tansel Yucelen, Eric N. Johnsony, and Florian Holzapfelz
Tissue-Engineered Heart Valves, Jillian B. Schmidt and Robert T. Tranquillo
Microwire Feeder for Laser Applications, Amogh J. Shenoy and Frank W. Liou
Analysis of Damage in Laminated Architectural Glazing Subjected to Wind Loading and Windborne Debris Impact, Mahesh S. Shetty, Jun Wei, Lokeswarappa R. Dharani, and Daniel S. Stutts
Impact! Exploring Innovation Across Disciplines, S. B. Shooter and Seth D. Orsborn
Experimental Validation of a Simple Dynamic Absorber Model, Daniel S. Stutts
Broadband Epsilon-Near-Zero Metamaterials with Step-Like Metal-Dielectric Multilayer Structures, Lei Sun, Jie Gao, and Xiaodong Yang
Giant Optical Nonlocality Near the Dirac Point in Metal-Dielectric Multilayer Metamaterials, Lei Sun, Jie Gao, and Xiaodong Yang
Loss-Compensated Broadband Epsilon-Near-Zero Metamaterials with Gain Media, Lei Sun, Xiaodong Yang, and Jie Gao
Multiaxis Contour Control - the State of the Art, Lie Tang and Robert G. Landers
Modeling of a 5 kWₑ Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell based System Operating on Desulfurized JP-8 Fuel for Auxiliary and Mobile Power Applications, Tanvir Tanim, David J. Bayless, and Jason P. Trembly
Structural Interfaces and Attachments in Biology, Stavros Thomopoulos, Victor Birman, and Guy M. Genin
The Challenge of Attaching Dissimilar Materials, Stavros Thomopoulos, Victor Birman, and Guy M. Genin
Manufacturing and Impact Characterization of Soy-Based Polyurethane Pultruded Composites, Rama Bhadra Raju Vuppalapati, V. G. K. Menta, K. Chandrashekhara, and Thomas P. Schuman
Computational Modeling and Experimental Study on Optical Microresonators using Optimal Spherical Structure for Chemical Sensing, Hanzheng Wang, Lei Yuan, Jie Huang, Xinwei Lan, Cheol-Woon Kim, Lan Jiang, and Hai Xiao
Kinetic Simulations of Plasma Plume Potential in a Vacuum Chamber, Joseph J. Wang, Daoru Frank Han, and Yuan Hu
Seed-Free Growth of Diamond Patterns on Silicon Predefined by Femtosecond Laser Direct Writing, Mengmeng Wang, Yunshen Zhou, Zhi Qiang Xie, Yang Gao, Xiang Nan He, Lan Jiang, and Yongfeng Lu
Local Doping Modulation for Improving Quantum Efficiency in GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes, N. Wang, T. Mei, Xiaodong Yang, H. Li, N. Zhu, and M. Zhang
Sequential Reliability-Based Optimization with Support Vector Machines, Yijun Wang, Xiongqing Yu, and Xiaoping Du
Damage Assessment of Hydrokinetic Composite Turbine Blades, Steve Eugene Watkins, K. E. Robison, J. R. Nicholas, G. A. Taylor, K. Chandrashekhara, and Joshua L. Rovey