
Submissions from 2013


The Beverton–holt Q-difference Equation, Martin Bohner and Rotchana Chieochan


Continuous Dependence for Impulsive Functional Dynamic Equations Involving Variable Time Scales, Martin Bohner, Márcia Federson, and Jaqueline Godoy Mesquita


Nonlinear Differential Equations with "maxima": Parametric Stability in Terms of Two Measures, Martin Bohner, Atanaska T. Georgieva, and Snezhana G. Hristova


Further Properties of the Laplace Transform on Time Scales with Arbitrary Graininess, Martin Bohner, Gusein Sh Guseinov, and Başak Karpuz

The Gamma Function on Time Scales, Martin Bohner and Başak Karpuz

Stochastic Dynamic Equations on General Time Scales, Martin Bohner, Olexandr M. Stanzhytskyi, and Anastasiia O. Bratochkina


The Kalman Filter for Linear Systems on Time Scales, Martin Bohner and Nick Wintz


Lyapunov-type Inequalities for Planar Linear Dynamic Hamiltonian Systems, Martin Bohner and Ǎgacik Zafer


Decoupling the Stationary Navier-Stokes-Darcy System with the Beavers-Joseph-Saffman Interface Condition, Yong Cao, Yuchuan Chu, Xiaoming He, and Mingzhen Wei


Quasilinear Parabolic Variational Inequalities with Multi-valued Lower-order Terms, Siegfried Carl and Vy Khoi Le

The Freudenthal Compactification of Tree-like Generalized Continua, W. J. Charatonik, Tomás Fernández-Bayort, and Antonio Quintero

On Mahavier Products, W. J. Charatonik and Robert Paul Roe

Dendrites with a Countable Set of End Points and Universality, W. J. Charatonik, Evan Wright, and Sophia Zafiridou


Efficient and Long-Time Accurate Second-Order Methods for the Stokes-Darcy System, Wenbin Chen, Max Gunzburger, Dong Sun, and Xiaoming Wan


Dioids and Nano-event Systems, Jeffrey Stephen Dalton and Matt Insall


Holomorphic Extensions and Theta Functions on Complex Tori, Roman Dwilewicz


Mathematical Engineering and Control with Applications, Mamdouh M. El Kady, Martin Bohner, J. Liang, and Mouffak Benchohra


On Partial Sufficient Dimension Reduction with Applications to Partially Linear Multi-Index Models, Zhenghui Feng, Xuerong Meggie Wen, Zhou Yu, and Lixing Zhu


On Diffusion in Narrow Random Channels, Mark Freidlin and Wenqing Hu


On Second Order Elliptic Equations with a Small Parameter, Mark Freidlin and Wenqing Hu


Wave Front Propagation for a Reaction-Diffusion Equation in Narrow Random Channels, Mark Freidlin and Wenqing Hu


Why Does the Complete Iterative Inversion Method Work So Well?, David E. Grow and Matt Insall


Study on Gas Permeability in Nano Pores of Shale Gas Reservoirs, Chaohua Guo, Baojun Bai, Mingzhen Wei, Xiaoming He, and Yushu Wu

Extensions of Lettenmeyer's Theorem, Leon M. Hall and L. J. Grimm


A Selective Immersed Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Elliptic Interface Problems, Xiaoming He, Tao Lin, and Yanping Lin


Immersed Finite Element Methods for Parabolic Equations with Moving Interface, Xiaoming He, Tao Lin, Yanping Lin, and Xu Zhang


Polynomially Inexpressible Functions on Rings, Matt Insall


Project based Learning for Quality and Six Sigma Education, Dinesh Kanigolla, Elizabeth A. Cudney, Steven M. Corns, and V. A. Samaranayake


Existence and Enclosure of Solutions to Noncoercive Systems of Inequalities with Multivalued Mappings and Non-power Growths, Vy Khoi Le


On a Parabolic Variational Inequality Related to a Sandpile Problem, Vy Khoi Le and Klaus Schmitt


Modeling, Analysis, and Applications of Complex Systems, Chuandong Li, Xiaodi Li, Shukai Duan, and Yanzhi Zhang


RNA Profiles of Porcine Embryos during Genome Activation Reveal Complex Metabolic Switch Sensitive to in vitro Conditions, Olga Østrup, Gayla R. Olbricht, Esben Østrup, Poul Hyttel, Philippe Collas, and Ryan A. Cabot


Fast and Accurate Inference for the Smoothing Parameter in Semiparametric Models, Robert Paige L. and A. Alexandre Trindade

Trap Design for the Brown Recluse Spider, Loxosceles Reclusa, Jennifer Parks, William V. Stoecker, and Robert L. Paige


Obtaining Prediction Intervals for Farima Processes Using the Sieve Bootstrap, Maduka Rupasinghe, Purna Mukhopadhyay, and V. A. Samaranayake


Cytokinins Secreted by Agrobacterium Promote Transformation by Repressing a Plant Myb Transcription Factor, Nagesh Sardesai, Lanying Lee, Huabang Chen, HoChul Yi, Gayla R. Olbricht, Alexandra Stirnberg, Jacob Jeffries, Kia Xiong, Rebecca W. Doerge, and Stanton B. Gelvin

Variation of the Balanced POD Algorithm for Model Reduction of Linear Systems, John R. Singler


Distributed Load Estimation from Noisy Structural Measurements, John R. Singler and Ben T. Dickinson

Reduced Order Controllers for an Anisotropic Composite Plate with Smart Actuation and Sensing, John R. Singler, Joshua Merritt, Cody W. Ray, and Belinda A. Batten


A Bound on the Vertical Transport of Heat in the 'ultimate' State of Slippery Convection at Large Prandtl Numbers, Xiaoming Wang and Jared P. Whitehead


Well-Posedness of the Hele-Shaw-Cahn-Hilliard System, Xiaoming Wang and Zhifei Zhang


New Results for Oscillatory Behavior of Even-order Half-linear Delay Differential Equations, Chenghui Zhang, Ravi P. Agarwal, Martin Bohner, and Tongxing Li


Properties of Higher-order Half-linear Functional Differential Equations with Noncanonical Operators, Chenghui Zhang, Ravi P. Agarwal, Martin Bohner, and Tongxing Li

Submissions from 2012

A Chi-Squared Goodness of Fit Test For Recurrent Event Data, Akim Adekpedjou and K. D. Zamba


Oscillation and Asymptotic Behavior of Third-order Nonlinear Retarded Dynamic Equations, Ravi P. Agarwal, Martin Bohner, Shuhong Tang, Tongxing Li, and Chenghui Zhang


Discrete Sturm Comparison Theorems on Finite and Infinite Intervals, Dov Aharonov, Martin Bohner, and Uri Elias

Time Scales Ostrowski and Grüss Type Inequalities Involving Three Functions, Elvan Akin-Bohner, Martin Bohner, and Thomas Matthews

New Ostrowski and Gruss Type Inequalities on Time Scales, Elvan Akin, Martin Bohner, and Thomas Matthews


Almost Oscillatory Three Dimensional Dynamic Systems, Elvan Akin, Zuzana Dosla, and Bonita Lawrence

Oscillation Criteria for a Class of Second Order Strongly Superlinear and Sublinear Dynamic Inclusions, Elvan Akin and Shurong Sun


Jensen's Functionals on Time Scales, Matloob Anwar, Rabia Bibi, Martin Bohner, and Josip Pečarić

Hartogs Phenomenon on Unbounded Domains—conjectures and Examples, Al Boggess, Roman Dwilewicz, and Zbigniew Slodkowski


Risk Aversion and Risk Vulnerability in the Continuous and Discrete Case: A Unified Treatment with Extensions: A Unified Treatment with Extensions, Martin Bohner and Gregory M. Gelles


Oscillation and Spectral Theory for Linear Hamiltonian Systems with Nonlinear Dependence on the Spectral Parameter, Martin Bohner, Werner Kratz, and Roman Šimon Hilscher

Controllability and Observability of Time-invariant Linear Dynamic Systems, Martin Bohner and Nick Wintz


Geometry of Semi-tube Domains in ℂ2, Josep M. Burgués and Roman Dwilewicz

Control of the Boussinesq Equations with Implications for Sensor Location in Energy Efficient Buildings, J. A. Burns, Xiaoming He, and W. Hu


Evaluation of Low-Velocity Impact Response of Honeycomb Sandwich Structures Using Factorial-Based Design of Experiments, Ramanjaneya R. Butukuri, Venkata Bheemreddy, K. Chandrashekhara, and V. A. Samaranayake

On the Freudenthal Extensions of Confluent Proper Maps, W. J. Charatonik, Tomás Fernández-Bayort, and Antonio Quintero


Absolute Differentiation in Metric Spaces, W. J. Charatonik and Matt Insall

Connectedness of the Representation Space for Continua, W. J. Charatonik, Matt Insall, and J. R. Prajs

Inverse Limits of Continua Having Trivial Shape, W. J. Charatonik and Robert Paul Roe


Mappings between Inverse Limits of Continua with Multivalued Bonding Functions, W. J. Charatonik and Robert Paul Roe

On the Freudenthal Extensions of Confluent Proper Maps, Wlodzimierz J. Charatonik, Tomas Fernandez-Bayort, and Antonio Quintero

Absolute Differentiation in Metric Spaces, Wlodzimierz J. Charatonik and Matt Insall

Connectedness of the Representation Space for Continua, Włodzimierz J. Charatonik, Matt Insall, and Janusz R. Prajs

Inverse Limits of Continua Having Trivial Shape, Wlodzimierz J. Charatonik and Robert Paul Roe


Calibrating the Exchange Coefficient in the Modified Coupled Continuum Pipe-Flow Model for Flows in Karst Aquifers, Nan Chen, Max Gunzburger, Bill Hu, Xiaoming Wang, and Celestine Woodruff


A Linear Energy Stable Scheme for a Thin Film Model Without Slope Selection, Wenbin Chen, Sidafa Conde, Cheng Wang, Xiaoming Wang, and Steven M. Wise


DNMT1: An Emerging Target in the Treatment of Invasive Urinary Bladder Cancer, Deepika Dhawan, José Antonio Ramos-Vara, Noah Hahn, Jolena N. Waddell, Gayla R. Olbricht, Rong Zheng, Jane C. Stewart, and Deborah W. Knapp


Non-Iterative Domain Decomposition Methods for a Non-Stationary Stokes-Darcy Model with Beavers-Joseph Interface Condition, Wenqiang Feng, Xiaoming He, Zhu Wang, and Xu Zhang


Long Time Stability of a Classical Efficient Scheme for Two-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Equations, S. Gottlieb, F. Tone, C. Wang, X. Wang, and D. Wirosoetisno


The Quadratic Variation of Brownian Motion on a Time Scale., David E. Grow and Suman Sanyal


Boundary Layer for a Class of Nonlinear Pipe Flow, Daozhi Han, Anna L. Mazzucato, Dongjuan Niu, and Xiaoming Wang


The Convergence of the Bilinear and Linear Immersed Finite Element Solutions to Interface Problems, Xiaoming He, Tao Lin, and Yanping Lin


Existence and Concentration Behavior of Positive Solutions For a Kirchhoff Equation in R3, Xiaoming He and Winmeng Zou


Splitting Extrapolation Algorithm for First Kind Boundary Integral Equations with Singularities by Mechanical Quadrature Methods, Jin Huang, Guang Zeng, Xiaoming He, and Zi-Cai Li


Productivity Formulae of an Infinite-conductivity Hydraulically Fractured Well Producing at Constant Wellbore Pressure Based on Numerical Solutions of a Weakly Singular Integral Equation of the First Kind, Chaolang Hu, Jing Lu, and Xiaoming He


On Metastability in Nearly-Elastic Systems, Wenqing Hu


Experimental and Computational Validation and Verification of the Stokes-Darcy and Continuum Pipe Flow Models for Karst Aquifers with Dual Porosity Structure, Xiaolong Hu, Xiaoming Wang, Max Gunzburger, Fei Hua, and Yanzhao Cao


Equivalent Circuit Model of Coaxial Probes for Patch Antennas, Y. S. Hu, Yanzhi Zhang, and Jun Fan


Appendix: An Introduction To The Hilbert Cube, William Thomas Ingram and William S. Mahavier


Brown's Approximation Theorem, William Thomas Ingram and William S. Mahavier


Inverse Limits In A General Setting, William Thomas Ingram and William S. Mahavier


Inverse Limits In Continuum Theory, William Thomas Ingram and William S. Mahavier


Inverse Limits On Intervals, William Thomas Ingram and William S. Mahavier


On the Existence of Nontrivial Solutions of Inequalities in Orlicz-Sobolev Spaces, Vy Khoi Le


On Variational Inequalities with Maximal Monotone Operators and Multivalued Perturbing Terms in Sobolev Spaces with Variable Exponents, Vy Khoi Le

Some Oscillation Results for Second-order Neutral Dynamic Equations, Tongxing Li, Ravi P. Agarwal, and Martin Bohner


An Impulsive Delay Differential Inequality and Applications, Xiaodi Li and Martin Bohner

Fractal Characteristics of Coal Pores and its Change with Temperature, Y. Li, Yanzhi Zhang, and Greg Galecki


Incorporating Genomic Annotation into a Hidden Markov Model for DNA Methylation Tiling Array Data, Gayla R. Olbricht, Bruce A. Craig, and Rebecca W. Doerge


Asymptotic Properties of Sieve Bootstrap Prediction Intervals For Farima Processes, Maduka Rupasinghe and V. A. Samaranayake


Second-Order Convex Splitting Schemes for Gradient Flows with Ehrlich-Schwoebel Type Energy: Application to Thin Film Epitaxy, Jie Shen, Cheng Wang, Xiaoming Wang, and Steven M. Wise


Model Reduction of Linear PDE Systems: A Continuous Time Eigensystem Realization Algorithm, John R. Singler


Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Biologically Inspired Hair Receptor Arrays in Laminar Unsteady Flow Separation, John R. Singler, Belinda A. Batten, and Benjamin T. Dickinson

349-358 Oscillation of Odd-order Half-linear Advanced Differential Equations, Shuhong Tang, Tongxing Li, Ravi P. Agarwal, and Martin Bohner


An Efficient Second Order in Time Scheme for Approximating Long Time Statistical Properties of the Two Dimensional Navier-Stokes Equations, Xiaoming Wang


Long-Time Behavior for the Hele-Shaw-Cahn-Hilliard System, Xiaoming Wang and Hao Wu


On Model-Free Conditional Coordinate Tests For Regressions, Zhou Yu, Lixing Zhu, and Xuerong Meggie Wen