
Submissions from 2018


Phytoforensics: Trees as Bioindicators of Potential Indoor Exposure Via Vapor Intrusion, Jordan L. Wilson, V. A. Samaranayake, Matt A. Limmer, and Joel Gerard Burken


De-Biasing Covariance-Regularized Discriminant Analysis, Haoyi Xiong, Wei Cheng, Yanjie Fu, Wenqing Hu, Jiang Bian, and Zhishan Guo


Linear, Second Order and Unconditionally Energy Stable Schemes for the Viscous Cahn-Hilliard Equation with Hyperbolic Relaxation using the Invariant Energy Quadratization Method, Xiaofeng Yang, Jia Zhao, and Xiaoming He


Thermal Stress Effect on Fracture Integrity in Enhanced Geothermal Systems, Chao Zeng, Wen Deng, Chenglin Wu, and Matt Insall


Numerical Investigation of Dynamics of Elliptical Magnetic Microparticles in Shear Flows, Jie Zhang, Christopher A. Sobecki, Yanzhi Zhang, and Cheng Wang


An Edg Method for Distributed Optimal Control of Elliptic Pdes, Xiao Zhang, Yangwen Zhang, and John R. Singler

Submissions from 2017


Stationary Acceleration of Frenet Curves, Nemat Abazari, Martin Bohner, Ilgin Sager, and Yusuf Yayli


T-Closed Sets, Hussam Abobaker and W. J. Charatonik


Dynamic Shum Inequalities, Ravi P. Agarwal, Martin Bohner, Donal O'regan, and Samir Saker


Limiting Behaviors of Nonoscillatory Solutions for Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Time Scale Systems, Elvan Akin and Ozkan Ozturk


Representation Space with Confluent Mappings, Jose G. Anaya, Felix Capulin, Enrique Castaneda-Alvarado, W. J. Charatonik, and Fernando Orozco-Zitli


Three Dimensional Phase-Field Investigation of Droplet Formation in Microfluidic Flow Focusing Devices with Experimental Validation, F. Bai, Xiaoming He, X. Yang, R. Zhou, and Cheng Wang


Statistical Analysis of Reliability and Life-Testing Models: Theory and Methods, Second Edition, Lee J. Bain and Max Engelhardt


Multi-Party Sparse Discriminant Learning, Jiang Bian, Haoyi Xiong, Wei Cheng, Wenqing Hu, Zhishan Guo, and Yanjie Fu


The Bessel Difference Equation, Martin Bohner and Tom Cuchta


Oscillation Criteria for Third-Order Nonlinear Functional Difference Equations with Damping, Martin Bohner, C. Dharuman, R. Srinivasan, and Ethiraju Thandapani


Asymptotic Behaviour of Solutions of Rational Difference Systems, Martin Bohner and Svetlin G. Georgiev


Multivariable Dynamic Calculus on Time Scales, Martin Bohner and Svetlin G. Georgiev


Oscillation Criteria for Second-Order Neutral Delay Differential Equations, Martin Bohner, Said R. Grace, and Irena Jadlovska


Existence of Three Solutions for Impulsive Multi-Point Boundary Value Problems, Martin Bohner, Shapour Heidarkhani, Amjad Salari, and Giuseppe Caristi


Pontryagin's Maximum Principle for Dynamic Systems on Time Scales, Martin Bohner, Kenzhegaly Kenzhebaev, Olga Lavrova, and Oleksandr Stanzhytskyi


Impulsive Control Functional Differential Systems of Fractional Order: Stability with Respect to Manifolds, Martin Bohner, Ivanka M. Stamova, and Gani Stamov


The Second Cushing-Henson Conjecture for the Beverton-Holt q-Difference Equation, Martin Bohner and Sabrina H. Streipert


Limit Sets in Normed Linear Spaces, W. J. Charatonik, Alicja Samulewicz, and Roman Witula


Uniquely Solvable and Energy Stable Decoupled Numerical Schemes for the Cahn-Hilliard-Stokes-Darcy System for Two-Phase Flows in Karstic Geometry, Wenbin Chen, Daozhi Han, and Xiaoming Wang


An Immersed-Finite-Element Particle-in-Cell Simulation Tool for Plasma Surface Interaction, Yuchuan Chu, Daoru Frank Han, Yong Cao, Xiaoming He, and Wang Joseph


Convergence Analysis and Error Estimates for a Second Order Accurate Finite Element Method for the Cahn–Hilliard–Navier–Stokes System, Amanda E. Diegel, Cheng Wang, Xiaoming Wang, and Steven M. Wise


The Defocusing Quintic NLS in Four Space Dimensions, Benjamin Dodson, Changxing Miao, Jason Murphy, and Jiqiang Zheng


A New Proof of Scattering below the Ground State for the 3D Radial Focusing Cubic NLS, Benjamin Dodson and Jason Murphy


Mass Deployment of Sustainable Transportation: Evaluation of Factors That Influence Electric Vehicle Adoption, Ona Egbue, Suzanna Long, and V. A. Samaranayake


On 2d Incompressible Euler Equations with Partial Damping, Tarek Elgindi, Wenqing Hu, and Vladimir Sverak


A Supermartingale Argument for Characterizing the Functional Hill Process Weak Law for Small Parameters, A. M. Fall, G. S. Lo, Akim Adekpedjou, and C. H. Ndiaye


Initial-Boundary Layer Associated with the Nonlinear Darcy-Brinkman-Oberbeck-Boussinesq System, Mingwen Fei, Daozhi Han, and Xiaoming Wang


An Ensemble-Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Method for the Nonstationary Navier-Stokes Equations, Max Gunzburger, Nan Jiang, and Michael Schneier


Founders, Feminists, and a Fascist -- Some Notable Women in the Missouri Section of the MAA, Leon M. Hall


Numerical Analysis of Second Order, Fully Discrete Energy Stable Schemes for Phase Field Models of Two-Phase Incompressible Flows, Daozhi Han, Alex Brylev, Xiaofeng Yang, and Zhijun Tan


Interaction of a Vortex Induced by a Rotating Cylinder with a Plane, Daozhi Han, Yifeng Hou, and Roger Temam


Itô's Formula, the Stochastic Exponential, and Change of Measure on General Time Scales, Wenqing Hu


Hypoelliptic Multiscale Langevin Diffusions: Large Deviations, Invariant Measures and Small Mass Asymptotics, Wenqing Hu and Konstantinos Spiliopoulosï


A Second-Order Ensemble Method Based on a Blended Backward Differentiation Formula Timestepping Scheme for Time-Dependent Navier-Stokes Equations, Nan Jiang


Large Data Mass-Subcritical NLS: Critical Weighted Bounds Imply Scattering, Rowan Killip, Satoshi Masaki, Jason Murphy, and Monica Visan


The Focusing Cubic NLS with Inverse-Square Potential in Three Space Dimensions, Rowan Killip, Jason Murphy, Monica Visan, and Jiqiang Zheng


Deep Learning Inspired Prognostics Scheme for Applications Generating Big Data, R. Krishnan, Jagannathan Sarangapani, and V. A. Samaranayake


Existence Results for Quasi-Variational Inequalities with Multivalued Perturbations of Maximal Monotone Mappings, Vy Khoi Le


A Link-Free Approach for Testing Common Indices for Three or More Multi-Index Models, Xuejing Liu, Lei Huo, Xuerong Meggie Wen, and Robert L. Paige


Almost Global Existence for Cubic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations in One Space Dimension, Jason Murphy and Fabio Pusateri


Genetic Variant Analysis of Boys with Autism: A Pilot Study on Linking Facial Phenotype to Genotype, Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi, Luke Settles, Yuqing Su, Cynthia Germeroth, Gayla R. Olbricht, Donald C. Wunsch, T. Nicole Takahashi, and Judith Miles


On Nonoscillatory Solutions of Emden-Fowler Dynamic Systems on Time Scales, Ozkan Ozturk, Elvan Akin, and Ismail Ugur Tiryaki


Neuroimaging Abnormalities in Clade C HIV Are Independent of Tat Genetic Diversity, Robert H. Paul; Sarah Phillips; Jacqueline Hoare; David H. Laidlaw; Ryan Cabeen; Gayla R. Olbricht; and For full list of authors, see publisher's website.


Iron Phosphate Glass Waste Forms for Vitrifying Hanford AZ102 Low Activity Waste (LAW), Part I: Glass Formation Model, C. S. Ray, V. A. Samaranayake, Ali Mohammadkhah, Thomas E. Day, and D. E. Day


Global Attractor for a Low Order ODE Model Problem for Transition to Turbulence, John R. Singler


Multiple-Population Shrinkage Estimation Via Sliced Inverse Regression, Tao Wang, Xuerong Meggie Wen, and Lixing Zhu


Tree Sampling as a Method to Assess Vapor Intrusion Potential at a Site Characterized by VOC-Contaminated Groundwater and Soil, Jordan L. Wilson, Matthew A. Limmer, V. A. Samaranayake, John G. Schumacher, and Joel Gerard Burken


Contaminant Gradients in Trees: Directional Tree Coring Reveals Boundaries of Soil and Soil-Gas Contamination with Potential Applications in Vapor Intrusion Assessment, Jordan L. Wilson, V. A. Samaranayake, Matthew A. Limmer, John G. Schumacher, and Joel Gerard Burken


AWDA: An Adaptive Wishart Discriminant Analysis, Haoyi Xiong, Wei Cheng, Wenqing Hu, Jiang Bian, and Zhishan Guo


Convergence of the Spectral Galerkin Method for the Stochastic Reaction–Diffusion–Advection Equation, Li Yang and Yanzhi Zhang


Linearly First- and Second-Order, Unconditionally Energy Stable Schemes for the Phase Field Crystal Model, Xiaofeng Yang and Daozhi Han


A Link-Free Sparse Group Variable Selection Method for Single-Index Model, Bilin Zeng, Xuerong Meggie Wen, and Lixing Zhu


Magnetic Control of Lateral Migration of Ellipsoidal Microparticles in Microscale Flows, R. Zhou, C. A. Sobecki, J. Zhang, Yanzhi Zhang, and Cheng Wang

Submissions from 2016


A General Dynamic Inequality of Opial Type, Ravi P. Agarwal, Martin Bohner, Donal O'Regan, Mahmoud Osman, and Samir Saker


Ensemble Statistical and Subspace Clustering Model for Analysis of Autism Spectrum Disorder Phenotypes, Khalid Al-Jabery, Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi, Gayla R. Olbricht, T. Nicole Takahashi, Stephen Kanne, and Donald C. Wunsch


Cellular Oxidative Damage is More Sensitive to Biosynthetic Rate than to Metabolic Rate: A Test of the Theoretical Model on Hornworms (Manduca Sexta Larvae), Kaushalya Amunugama, Lihong Jiao, Gayla R. Olbricht, Chance Walker, Yue-Wern Huang, Paul Ki-souk Nam, and Chen Hou


Influence of Cure Conditions on Out-of-Autoclave Bismaleimide Composite Laminates, Sudharshan Anandan, Gurjot S. Dhaliwal, V. A. Samaranayake, K. Chandrashekhara, Thomas R. Berkel, and Doug Pfitzinger


A Polynomial-Type Jost Solution and Spectral Properties of a Self-Adjoint Quantum-Difference Operator, Yelda Aygar and Martin Bohner


Spectral Analysis of a Matrix-Valued Quantum-Difference Operator, Yelda Aygar and Martin Bohner

Model Reduction of a Nonlinear Cable-Mass PDE System with Dynamic Boundary Input, Belinda A. Batten, Hesam Shoori, John R. Singler, and Madhuka H. Weerasinghe


Oscillation Criteria for Third-Order Functional Differential Equations with Damping, Martin Bohner, Said R. Grace, and Irena Jadlovska


Oscillation of Third-Order Nonlinear Damped Delay Differential Equations, Martin Bohner, Said R. Grace, Ilgin Sager, and Ercan Tunc


Inverse Problems for Sturm-Liouville Difference Equations, Martin Bohner and Hikmet Koyunbakan


Periodic Averaging Principle in Quantum Calculus, Martin Bohner and Jaqueline Godoy Mesquita


Sneak-Out Principle on Time Scales, Martin Bohner and Samir H. Saker


Optimal Harvesting Policy for the Beverton-Holt Model, Martin Bohner and Sabrina H. Streipert


Feedback Stabilization of a Thermal Fluid System with Mixed Boundary Control, John A. Burns, Xiaoming He, and Weiwei Hu


Measures on Hyperspaces, W. J. Charatonik and Matt Insall


Inverse Limits with Bonding Functions Whose Graphs Are Connected, W. J. Charatonik and Sahika Sahan


An Efficient and Long-Time Accurate Third-Order Algorithm for the Stokes–Darcy System, Wenbin Chen, Max Gunzburger, Dong Sun, and Xiaoming Wang


Principal Solutions Revisited, Stephen L. Clark, Fritz Gesztesy, and Roger Nichols


Mass Conservative Method for Solving the Fractional Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation, Siwei Duo and Yanzhi Zhang


Birth Mass Is the Key to Understanding the Negative Correlation Between Lifespan and Body Size in Dogs, Rong Fan, Gayla R. Olbricht, Xavior Baker, and Chen Hou


Is It More Profitable to Acquire Cleaner or Dirtier Firms?, Mahelet G. Fikru and Matt Insall


Open-Source Strategy to Enhance Imaginative Intensity and Profits, Nobuyuki Fukawa, Yanzhi Zhang, and Sunil Erevelles


Consumer Perception of U.S. and Japanese Automobiles: A Statistical Comparison via Consumer Reports and J.D. Power & Associates Data, Abhijit Gosavi, William Daughton, Ozge Senoz, and V. A. Samaranayake


Asymptotic Behavior of Certain Integrodifferential Equations, Said R. Grace and Elvan Akin


Oscillation Criteria for Fourth Order Nonlinear Positive Delay Differential Equations with a Middle Term, Said R. Grace and Elvan Akin


Qualitative Analysis on Differential, Fractional Differential, and Dynamic Equations and Related Topics, Said R. Grace, Taher S. Hassan, Shurong Sun, and Elvan Akin


Oscillation Criteria for Certain Fourth-Order Nonlinear Delay Differential Equations, Said R. Grace, Shurong Sun, and Elvan Akin


Missouri Section of the Mathematical Association of America: Centennial History 1915-2015, Leon M. Hall


A Nonhomogeneous Immersed-Finite-Element Particle-in-Cell Method for Modeling Dielectric Surface Charging in Plasmas, Daoru Frank Han, Joseph Wang, and Xiaoming He


A 3D Immersed Finite Element Method with Non-Homogeneous Interface Flux Jump for Applications in Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Plasma-Lunar Surface Interactions, Daoru Frank Han, Pu Wang, Xiaoming He, Tao Lin, and Joseph Wang


A Decoupled Unconditionally Stable Numerical Scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw System, Daozhi Han


Decoupled Energy-Law Preserving Numerical Schemes for the Cahn-Hilliard-Darcy System, Daozhi Han and Xiaoming Wang


Assessing Freshman Engineering Students' Understanding of Ethical Behavior, Amber M. Henslee, Susan L. Murray, Gayla R. Olbricht, Douglas K. Ludlow, Malcolm E. Hays, and Hannah M. Nelson


A Dual-Porosity-Stokes Model and Finite Element Method for Coupling Dual-Porosity Flow and Free Flow, Jiangyong Hou, Meilan Qiu, Xiaoming He, Chaohua Guo, Mingzhen Wei, and Baojun Bai


Feedback Control of a Thermal Fluid Based on a Reduced Order Observer, Weiwei Hu, John R. Singler, and Yangwen Zhang


Algorithms and Models for Turbulence Not at Statistical Equilibrium, Nan Jiang and William Layton


An Optimally Accurate Discrete Regularization for Second Order Timestepping Methods for Navier-Stokes Equations, Nan Jiang, Muhammad Mohebujjaman, Leo G. Rebholz, and Catalin Trenchea


The Final-State Problem for the Cubic-Quintic NLS with Nonvanishing Boundary Conditions, Rowan Killip, Jason Murphy, and Monica Visan


Fractional Schrödinger Dynamics and Decoherence, Kay Kirkpatrick and Yanzhi Zhang


A POD Projection Method for Large-Scale Algebraic Riccati Equations, Boris Kramer and John R. Singler


On the Convergence of Solutions of Inclusions Containing Maximal Monotone and Generalized Pseudomonotone Mappings, Vy Khoi Le