Submissions from 2009
Linear Perturbations of a Nonoscillatory Second-order Dynamic Equation, Martin Bohner and Stevo Stević
Analysis of Transient Growth in Iterative Learning Control Using Pseudospectra, Douglas A. Bristow and John R. Singler
A Splitting Extrapolation for Solving Nonlinear Elliptic Equations with D-quadratic Finite Elements, Yong Cao, Xiaoming He, and Tao Lü
Comparing the Predictive Ability of T-method and Cobb-Douglas Production Function for Warranty Data, Protyusha DasNeogi, Akim Adekpedjou, Rodney Kestle, and Elizabeth A. Cudney
A Snapshot Algorithm for Linear Feedback Flow Control Design, Benjamin T. Dickinson, Belinda A. Batten, and John R. Singler
A Comparison of the Mahalanobis-Taguchi System to Standard Statistical Methods for Defect Detection, David Drain, Kioumars Paryani, Naresh Kumar Sharma, and Elizabeth A. Cudney
A Short History of Convexity, Roman Dwilewicz
Values of the Riemann Zeta Function at Integers, Roman Dwilewicz and Ján Minác
Effect of DLK1 and RTL1 but not MEG3 or MEG8 on Muscle Gene Expression in Callipyge Lambs, Jolena N. Fleming-Waddell, Gayla R. Olbricht, Tasia M. Taxis, Jason D. White, Tony Vuocolo, Bruce A. Craig, Ross L. Tellam, Mike K. Neary, Noelle E. Cockett, and Christopher A. Bidwell
Microhabitat Characteristics of Akodon Montensis, a Reservoir for Hantavirus, and Hantaviral Seroprevalence in an Atlantic Forest Site in Eastern Paraguay, Douglas G. Goodin, Robert Paige L., Robert D. Owen, Kabita Ghimire, David E. Koch, Yong-Kyu Chu, and Colleen B. Jonsson
Oscillation of Second-order Strongly Superlinear and Strongly Sublinear Dynamic Equations, Said R. Grace, Ravi P. Agarwal, Donal O'Regan, and Martin Bohner
On the Oscillation of Second-order Half-linear Dynamic Equations, Said R. Grace, Martin Bohner, and Ravi P. Agarwal
Central Interpolation Sets for Compact Groups and Hypergroups, David E. Grow and Kathryn E. Hare
Mathematical Analysis of the Complete Iterative Inversion Method I, David E. Grow and Matt Insall
A Quadrature-Rule Type Approximation to the Quasi-Continuum Method, Max Gunzburger and Yanzhi Zhang
Bilinear Immersed Finite Elements for Interface Problems, Xiaoming He
A Bilinear Immersed Finite Volume Element Method For the Diffusion Equation with Discontinuous Coefficient, Xiaoming He, Tao Lin, and Yanping Lin
A Finite Element Splitting Extrapolation for Second Order Hyperbolic Equations, Xiaoming He and Tao Lü
Modular Arithmetic, Matt Insall and Eric W. Weisstein
On Nontrivial Solutions of Variational-hemivariational Inequalities with Slowly Growing Principal Parts, Vy Khoi Le and Dumitru Motreanu
Optimization of Cu Seed Deposition from Organic Solution on TaSiN Barrier Layers using Design of Experiment (DOE) Methods, Jingye Li, Matthew J. O'Keefe, Thomas J. O'Keefe, and David Drain
Statistical Methods for Affymetrix Tiling Array Data, Gayla R. Olbricht, Nagesh Sardesai, Stanton B. Gelvin, Bruce A. Craig, and Rebecca W. Doerge
Variance Reduction in Smoothing Splines, Robert Paige L., Shan Sun, and Keyi Wang
Saddlepoint-based Bootstrap Inference for Quadratic Estimating Equations, Robert Paige L., A. Alexandre Trindade, and P. Harshini Fernando
A Comparison of Balanced Truncation Methods for Closed Loop Systems, John R. Singler and Belinda A. Batten
A Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Approach to Approximate Balanced Truncation of Infinite Dimensional Linear Systems, John R. Singler and Belinda A. Batten
Risk Matrix Input Data Biases, Eric D. Smith, William T. Siefert, and David Drain
Approximating Stationary Statistical Properties, Xiaoming Wang
Upper Semi-Continuity of Stationary Statistical Properties of Dissipative Systems, Xiaoming Wang
New Approaches to Model-free Dimension Reduction for Bivariate Regression, Xuerong Meggie Wen and R. Dennis Cook
A Minimum Discrepancy Approach to Multivariate Dimension Reduction via K-means Inverse Regression, Xuerong Meggie Wen, C. Messan Setodji, and Akim Adekpedjou
Efficiently Computing Vortex Lattices in Rapid Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates, Rong Zeng and Yanzhi Zhang
On Analytical Solutions of the Black-Scholes Equation, Yao Zheng and Martin Bohner
Submissions from 2008
Semiparametric Estimation with Recurrent Event Data under Informative Monitoring, Akim Adekpedjou and Edsel A. Pena
Semiparametric Estimation with Correlated Recurrent Event Data under Informative Monitoring, Akim Adekpedjou and Jonathan Quiton
Some Aspects Pertaining to Recurrent Event Modeling and Analysis., Akim Adekpedjou, Jonathan Quiton, and Edsel A. Pena
Quality in Call/ Contact Centers, Vaibhav Adewar, Elizabeth A. Cudney, and David Drain
Oscillation and Boundedness of Solutions to First and Second Order Forced Dynamic Equations with Mixed Nonlinearities, Ravi P. Agarwal and Martin Bohner
Regularly and Strongly Decaying Solutions for Quasilinear Dynamic Equations, Elvan Akin
On the Asymptotic Integration of Nonlinear Dynamic Equations, Elvan Akin, Smail Djebali, Toufik Moussaoui, and Martin Bohner
Oscillatory Properties for Three-dimensional Dynamic Systems, Elvan Akin, Zuzana Dosla, and Bonita Lawrence
Quantized Vortex Stability and Interaction in the Nonlinear Wave Equation, Weizhu Bao, Rong Zeng, and Yanzhi Zhang
Kelley Remainders of [0,∞], Robbie A. Beane and W. J. Charatonik
CR Runge Sets on Hypersurface Graphs, Al Boggess, Roman Dwilewicz, and Dan Jupiter
Evolutionary Variational-hemivariational Inequalities: Existence and Comparison Results, Siegfried Carl, Vy Khoi Le, and Dumitru Motreanu
Approximation of Dendroids by Trees, Robert Cauty, W. J. Charatonik, and Jennifer Smith
Absolute Retracts for Some Classes of Continua, W. J. Charatonik
Whitney Levels Without Whitney Maps, W. J. Charatonik
Property of Kelley for the Cartesian Products and Hyperspaces, W. J. Charatonik and J. J. Charatonik
Confluent Mappings and Arc Kelley Continua, W. J. Charatonik, Janusz R. Prajs, and J. J. Charatonik
A Semi-Implicit Scheme for Stationary Statistical Properties of the Infinite Prandtl Number Model, Wenfang Cheng and Xiaoming Wang
A Uniformly Dissipative Scheme for Stationary Statistical Properties of the Infinite Prandtl Number Model, Wenfang (Wendy) Cheng and Xiaoming Wang
Borg-marchenko-type Uniqueness Results for CMV Operators, Stephen L. Clark, Fritz Gesztesy, and Maxim Zinchenko
The Detection of Unsteady Flow Separation with Bioinspired Hair-Cell Sensors, Benjamin T. Dickinson, John R. Singler, and Belinda A. Batten
Global Holomorphic Approximations of Cauchy-Riemann Functions, Roman Dwilewicz
Schwarz Inequality for Squares of Harmonic Conjugate Functions, Roman Dwilewicz
Evaluating Statistical Methods using Plasmode Data Sets in the Age of Massive Public Databases: An Illustration using False Discovery Rates, Gary L. Gadbury, Qinfang Xiang, Lin Yang, Stephen Barnes, Grier P. Page, and David B. Allison
Approximation Capability of a Bilinear Immersed Finite Element Space, Xiaoming He, Tao Lin, and Yanping Lin
Iterated oscillation criteria for delay dynamic equations of first order, B. Karpuz, O. Öcalan, and Martin Bohner
Existence of Nontrivial Solutions in Neumann Boundary Value Problems with Slow Principal Operators, Vy Khoi Le
Ostrowski Inequalities on Time Scales, Thomas Matthews and Martin Bohner
Dual-layer Dye-filled Developer-soluble BARCs for 193-nm Lithography, James D. Meador, Carol Beaman, Charlyn Stroud, Joyce A. Lowes, and David Drain
The One- and Multi-sample Problem for Functional Data with Application to Projective Shape Analysis, Axel Munk, Robert Paige L., J. Pang, Vic Patrangenaru, and Frits H. Ruymgaart
Robust Inference in Conditionally Linear Nonlinear Regression Model, Robert Paige L. and P. Harshini Fernando
Practical Small Sample Inference for Single Lag Subset Autoregressive Models, Robert Paige L. and A. Alexandre Trindade
Properties of Predictors for Multivariate Autoregressive Models with Estimated Parameters, V. A. Samaranayake and David P. Hasza
Customer Expectation and Warranty Cost — Nominal-the-best Case, Naresh Kumar Sharma, David Drain, Elizabeth A. Cudney, and K. M. Ragsdell
Implications of Quality Loss Function in Unified Methodology - LTB Case with Target, Naresh Kumar Sharma, David Drain, Elizabeth A. Cudney, and K. M. Ragsdell
Predicting Customer-Expectation-Based Warranty Cost for Smaller-the-Better and Larger-the-Better Performance Characteristics, Naresh Kumar Sharma, David Drain, Kioumars Paryani, Elizabeth A. Cudney, and K. M. Ragsdell
Approximate Low Rank Solutions of Lyapunov Equations Via Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, John R. Singler
Transition to Turbulence, Small Disturbances, and Sensitivity Analysis I: A Motivating Problem, John R. Singler
Transition to Turbulence, Small Disturbances, and Sensitivity Analysis II: The Navier-Stokes Equations, John R. Singler
Modeling Electrostatic Levitation of Dust Particles on Lunar Surface, Joseph Wang, Xiaoming He, and Yong Cao
Bound on Vertical Heat Transport at Large Prandtl Number, Xiaoming Wang
Stationary Statistical Properties of Rayleigh-Bénard Convection at Large Prandtl Number, Xiaoming Wang
N-(6-chloro-pyridin-3-yl)-3,4-difluoro-benzamide (ica-27243): A Novel, Selective Kcnq2/q3 Potassium Channel Activator, Alan D. Wickenden, J. L. Krajewski, B. London, P. Kay Wagoner, W. A. Wilson, Stephen L. Clark, R. Roeloffs, G. McNaughton-Smith, and G. C. Rigdon
Submissions from 2007
Estimation with Recurrent Event Data under an Informative Monitoring Period, Akim Adekpedjou
Oscillation Criteria for Fourth Order Nonlinear Difference Equations, Ravi P. Agarwal, Elvan Akin, and Said R. Grace
Oscillation Criteria for First and Second Order Forced Difference Equations with Mixed Nonlinearities, Ravi P. Agarwal, Wing-Sum Cheung, Said R. Grace, and Martin Bohner
Positive Increasing Solutions of Quasilinear Dynamic Equations, Elvan Akin
A Generalized Upper and Lower Method for Singular Boundary Value Problems for Quasilinear Dynamic Equations, Elvan Akin and Ravi P. Agarwal
Oscillation Criteria for a Certain Class of Second Order Emden-Fowler Dynamic Equations, Elvan Akin, S. H. Saker, and Martin Bohner
Energy and Chemical Potential Asymptotics for the Ground State of Bose-Einstein Condensates in the Semiclassical Regime, Weizhu Bao, Fong Yin Lim, and Yanzhi Zhang
On the Relationship between the Classical Linearization and Optimal Derivative, Tayeb Benouaz and Martin Bohner
Periodic Solutions of Functional Dynamic Equations with Infinite Delay, Li Bi, Meng Fan, and Martin Bohner
Euler-Type Boundary Value Problems in Quantum Calculus, Martin Bohner and Thomas Hudson
Elements of Stability Theory of A.M. Liapunov for Dynamic Equations on Time Scales, Martin Bohner and A. A. Martynyuk
Group and Home-based Tai Chi in Elderly Subjects with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Jean-Michel Brismée, Robert Paige L., Ming-Chien Chyu, Julie D. Boatright, James M. Hagar, Joseph A. McCaleb, Mauricio M. Quintela, Du Feng, Ke T. Xu, and Chwan-Li Shen
Existence Results for Hemivariational Inequalities with Measures, Siegfried Carl and Vy Khoi Le
Nonsmooth Variational Problems and Their Inequalities: Comparison Principles and Applications, Siegfried Carl, Vy Khoi Le, and Dumitru Motreanu
Retractions from C(X) onto X and Continua of Type N, W. J. Charatonik and Felix Capulin
Metrics Defined via Discrepancy Functions, W. J. Charatonik and Matt Insall
Trivial Shape of Inverse Limits, W. J. Charatonik and Robert Paul Roe
Discrete Kato-Type Theorem on Inviscid Limit of Navier-Stokes Flows, Wenfang Cheng and Xiaoming Wang
Detecting Brittle Fracture Failures, Stephen L. Clark
Wyle-Titchmarsh Theory and Borg-Marchenko-type Uniqueness Results for CMV Operators with Matrix-valued Verblunsky Coefficients, Stephen L. Clark, Fritz Gesztesy, and Maxim Zinchenko
Effective Use of Meta-Analysis for Industrial Process Development, Elizabeth A. Cudney and David Drain