Submissions from 2022
A Multigrid Multilevel Monte Carlo Method for Stokes-Darcy Model with Random Hydraulic Conductivity and Beavers-Joseph Condition, Zhipeng Yang, Ju Ming, Changxin Qiu, Maojun Li, and Xiaoming He
A Multigrid Multilevel Monte Carlo Method for Stokes–Darcy Model with Random Hydraulic Conductivity and Beavers–Joseph Condition, Zhipeng Yang, Ju Ming, Changxin Qiu, Maojun Li, and Xiaoming He
Discrete Symplectic Systems, Boundary Triplets, and Self-Adjoint Extensions, Petr Zemánek and Stephen L. Clark
Discrete Symplectic Systems, Boundary Triplets, and Self-Adjoint Extensions, Petr Zemánek and Stephen L. Clark
A Fully Decoupled Linearized Finite Element Method with Second-Order Temporal Accuracy and Unconditional Energy Stability for Incompressible MHD Equations, Guo Dong Zhang, Xiaoming He, and Xiaofeng Yang
Kinetic Particle Simulations of Plasma Charging and Dust Transport Near Uneven Lunar Surface Terrain, Jianxun Zhao, Guirong Grace Yan, Xiaoming He, and Daoru Frank Han
Optimal Equivalence Testing in Exponential Families, Renren Zhao and Robert L. Paige
Submissions from 2021
On Thin Continua, Hussam Abobaker and W. J. Charatonik
Lyapunov Inequalities and Applications, Ravi P. Agarwal, Martin Bohner, and Abdullah Özbekler
Oscillation and Nonoscillation Criteria for Four-dimensional Advanced and Delay Time-scale Systems, Elvan Akin and GÜLŞAH YENPI
Hyers-Ulam and Hyers-Ulam-Rassias Stability of First-Order Nonlinear Dynamic Equations, Maryam A. Alghamdi, Mymonah Alharbi, Martin Bohner, and Alaa E. Hamza
Hyers-Ulam and Hyers-Ulam-Rassias Stability of First-Order Linear Dynamic Equations, Maryam A. Alghamdi, Alaa Aljehani, Martin Bohner, and Alaa E. Hamza
Oscillation of Nonlinear Third-Order Difference Equations with Mixed Neutral Terms, Jehad Alzabut, Martin Bohner, and Said R. Grace
A Multivalued Logarithm on Time Scales, Douglas R. Anderson and Martin Bohner
Corrigendum To: Finite-Time Distributed Control with Time Transformation (International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, (2021), 31, 1, (107-130), 10.1002/Rnc.5264), Ehsan Arabi, Tansel Yucelen, and John R. Singler
Finite-Time Distributed Control with Time Transformation, Ehsan Arabi, Tansel Yucelen, and John R. Singler
A Kinetic Model for Blood Biomarker Levels after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Sima Azizi, Daniel B. Hier, Blaine Allen, Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi, Gayla R. Olbricht, Matthew S. Thimgan, and Donald C. Wunsch
An Implicit Particle-In-Cell Model based on Anisotropic Immersed-Finite-Element Method, Jinwei Bai, Yong Cao, Xiaoming He, and Peng E
The Euler Method for Dynamic Equations on Time Scales, Martin Bohner, İnci M. Erhan, and Svetlin G. Georgiev
Discrete Fractional Boundary Value Problems and Inequalities, Martin Bohner and Nick Fewster-Young
Oscillation of Even-Order Neutral Differential Equations with Retarded and Advanced Arguments, Martin Bohner, Bose Rani, Srinivasan Selvarangam, and Ethiraju Thandapani
First-Order Nonlinear Dynamic Initial Value Problems, Martin Bohner, Sanket Tikare, and Iguer Luis Domini dos Santos
Qualitative Analysis of Caputo Fractional Integro-Differential Equations with Constant Delays, Martin Bohner, Osman Tunç, and Cemil Tunç
Heterogeneity in Blood Biomarker Trajectories after Mild TBI Revealed by Unsupervised Learning, Lien A. Bui, Dacosta Yeboah, Louis Steinmeister, Sima Azizi, Daniel Hier, Donald C. Wunsch, Gayla R. Olbricht, and Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi
A Unified Meshfree Pseudospectral Method for Solving Both Classical and Fractional Pdes, John Burkardt, Yixuan Wu, and Yanzhi Zhang
Introduction, Siegfried Carl and Vy Khoi Le
Mathematical Preliminaries, Siegfried Carl and Vy Khoi Le
Multi-Valued Elliptic Variational Inequalities on Convex Sets, Siegfried Carl and Vy Khoi Le
Multi-Valued Parabolic Variational Inequalities on Convex Sets, Siegfried Carl and Vy Khoi Le
Multi-Valued Variational Equations, Siegfried Carl and Vy Khoi Le
Multi-Valued Variational Inequalities and Inclusions, Siegfried Carl and Vy Khoi Le
Multi-Valued Variational Inequalities in Unbounded Domains, Siegfried Carl and Vy Khoi Le
Multi-Valued Variational Inequalities with Convex Functionals, Siegfried Carl and Vy Khoi Le
On Systems of Parabolic Variational Inequalities with Multivalued Terms, Siegfried Carl and Vy Khoi Le
Mappings and Spaces Defined by the Function Epsilon, W. J. Charatonik and Daria Michalik
Menger Curve as Inverse Limit, W. J. Charatonik and Şahika Şahan
Confluent Projections and Connectedness of Inverse Limits, Włodzimierz J. Charatonik and Daria Michalik
Conservative Unconditionally Stable Decoupled Numerical Schemes for the Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes-Darcy-Boussinesq System, Wenbin Chen, Daozhi Han, Xiaoming Wang, and Yichao Zhang
A Modified Crank-Nicolson Numerical Scheme for the Flory-Huggins Cahn-HilliardModel, Wenbin Chen, Jianyu Jing, Cheng Wang, Xiaoming Wang, and Steven M. Wise
Dynamics of Plane Waves in the Fractional Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Long-Range Dispersion, Siwei Duo, Taras I. Lakoba, and Yanzhi Zhang
Generalization of Mitrinović–Pečarić Inequalities on Time Scales, Ahmed A. El-Deeb, Elvan Akin, and Billur Kaymakçalan
Wave Propagation for Reaction-Diffusion Equations on Infinite Random Trees, Wai Tong Louis Fan, Wenqing Hu, and Grigory Terlov
A Linear Second-Order in Time Unconditionally Energy Stable Finite Element Scheme for a Cahn-Hilliard Phase-Field Model for Two-Phase Incompressible Flow of Variable Densities, Guosheng Fu and Daozhi Han
Dynamic Capability and Open-Source Strategy in the Age of Digital Transformation, Nobuyuki Fukawa, Yanzhi Zhang, and Sunil Erevelles
Second-Order, Fully Decoupled, Linearized, and Unconditionally Stable Scalar Auxiliary Variable Schemes for Cahn-Hilliard-Darcy System, Yali Gao, Xiaoming He, and Yufeng Nie
Bilinear State Systems on an Unbounded Time Scale, David E. Grow and Nick Wintz
Fast Implicit Difference Schemes for Time-Space Fractional Diffusion Equations with the Integral Fractional Laplacian, Xian Ming Gu, Hai Wei Sun, Yanzhi Zhang, and Yong Liang Zhao
On the Phase-Field Modeling of Rapid Solidification, Yijia Gu, Xiaoming He, and Daozhi Han
Scattering for the Non-Radial Energy-Critical Inhomogeneous NLS, Carlos M. Guzmán and Jason Murphy
PIFE-PIC: Parallel Immersed Finite Element Particle-in-cell for 3-D Kinetic Simulations of Plasma-material Interactions, Daoru Han, Xiaoming He, David Lund, and Xu Zhang
Dynamic Transitions and Bifurcations for a Class of Axisymmetric Geophysical Fluid Flow, Daozhi Han, Marco Hernandez, and Quan Wang
Existence and Weak-Strong Uniqueness of Solutions to the Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes-Darcy System in Superposed Free Flow and Porous Media, Daozhi Han, Xiaoming He, Quan Wang, and Yanyun Wu
Stability and Approximation of Solutions in New Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces on a Semi-Infinite Domain, Jabar S. Hassan and David E. Grow
Blood Biomarkers for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Selective Review of Unresolved Issues, Daniel B. Hier, Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi, Matthew S. Thimgan, Gayla R. Olbricht, Sima Azizi, Blaine Allen, Bassam A. Hadi, and Donald C. Wunsch
Inverse Limits With Set-valued Functions Having Graphs That Are Arcs, W. (William) T. (Thomas) Ingram
Hausdorff Compactifications, Matt Insall, Peter A. Loeb, and Małgorzata Aneta Marciniak
Pattern Selection in the Schnakenberg Equations: from Normal to Anomalous Diffusion, Hatim K. Khudhair, Yanzhi Zhang, and Nobuyuki Fukawa
Scattering for the Cubic-Quintic Nls: Crossing the Virial Threshold, Rowan Killip, Jason Murphy, and Monica Visan
On Optimal Pointwise in Time Error Bounds and Difference Quotients for the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, Birgul Koc, Samuele Rubino, Michael Schneier, John R. Singler, and Traian Iliescu
Extremal Solutions in Systems of Variational Inequalities with Multivalued Mappings, Vy Khoi Le
Estimating Average Treatment Effect on the Treated Via Sufficient Dimension Reduction, Lu Li, Wei Luo, Xuerong Meggie Wen, and Zhou Yu
Efficient, Positive, And Energy Stable Schemes For Multi-D Poisson–Nernst–Planck Systems, Hailiang Liu and Wumaier Maimaitiyiming
Bivariate Barycentric Rational Interpolation Method for Two Dimensional Fractional Volterra Integral Equations, Hongyan Liu, Jin Huang, and Xiaoming He
A Novel Convergence Analysis of Robin-Robin Domain Decomposition Method for Stokes-Darcy System with Beavers-Joseph Interface Condition, Yingzhi Liu, Yinnian He, Xuejian Li, and Xiaoming He
Stokes-Darcy System, Small-Darcy-Number Behaviour and Related Interfacial Conditions, Wenqi Lyu and Xiaoming Wang
Scattering for the Non-radial Inhomogeneous NLS, Changxing Miao, Jason Murphy, and Jiqiang Zheng
Testing Differentially Methylated Regions through Functional Principal Component Analysis, Mohamed Milad and Gayla R. Olbricht
Threshold Scattering for the 2D Radial Cubic-Quintic NLS, Jason Murphy
Failure of Scattering to Solitary Waves for Long-Range Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations, Jason Murphy and Kenji Nakanishi
Small Sample Inference for Exponential Survival Times with Heavy Right-Censoring, Robert L. Paige and Noroharivelo V. Randrianampy
Distributed Min-Max Learning Scheme for Neural Networks with Applications to High-Dimensional Classification, Krishnan Raghavan, Shweta Garg, Sarangapani Jagannathan, and V. A. Samaranayake
A Game Theoretic Approach for Addressing Domain-Shift in Big-Data, Krishnan Raghavan, Jagannathan Sarangapani, and V. A. Samaranayake
Fourth Derivative Singularly P-Stable Method for the Numerical Solution of the Schrödinger Equation, Ali Shokri, Higinio Ramos, Mohammad Mehdizadeh Khalsaraei, Fikret A. Aliev, and Martin Bohner
Predictive Modeling of Sports-Related Concussions using Clinical Assessment Metrics, Sujit Subhash, Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi, Dennis Goodman, Donald C. Wunsch, and Gayla R. Olbricht
Dynamic Local and Nonlocal Initial Value Problems in Banach Spaces, Sanket Tikare, Martin Bohner, Bipan Hazarika, and Ravi P. Agarwal
Global Weak Solutions To The Navier{Stokes{Darcy{Boussinesq System For Thermal Convection In Coupled Free And Porous Media Flows, Xiaoming Wang and Hao Wu
Adaptive Kriging Method for Uncertainty Quantification of the Photoelectron Sheath and Dust Levitation on the Lunar Surface, Xinpeng Wei, Jianxun Zhao, Xiaoming He, Zhen Hu, Xiaoping Du, and Daoru Han
On the Fast Convergence of Random Perturbations of the Gradient Flow, Jiaojiao Yang, Wenqing Hu, and Chris Junchi Li
A Deep Learning Model to Predict Traumatic Brain Injury Severity and Outcome from MR Images, Dacosta Yeboah, Hung Nguyen, Daniel B. Hier, Gayla R. Olbricht, and Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi
Decoupled, Linear, and Unconditionally Energy Stable Fully Discrete Finite Element Numerical Scheme for a Two-Phase Ferrohydrodynamics Model, Guo Dong Zhang, Xiaoming He, and Xiaofeng Yang
Direct Pore-Level Visualization and Verification of In Situ Oil-in-Water Pickering Emulsification during Polymeric Nanogel Flooding for EOR in a Transparent Three-Dimensional Micromodel, Yandong Zhang, Jiaming Geng, Junchen Liu, Baojun Bai, Xiaoming He, Mingzhen Wei, and Wen Deng
Predicting Lifespan of Drosophila Melanogaster: A Novel Application of Convolutional Neural Networks and Zero-inflated Autoregressive Conditional Poisson Model, Yi Zhang, V. A. Samaranayake, Gayla R. Olbricht, and Matthew S. Thimgan
Second-Order Decoupled Energy-Stable Schemes for Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes Equations, Jia Zhao and Daozhi Han
Photoelectron Sheath and Plasma Charging on the Lunar Surface: Semianalytic Solutions and Fully-Kinetic Particle-In-Cell Simulations, Jianxun Zhao, Xinpeng Wei, Xiaoping Du, Xiaoming He, and Daoru Frank Han
Fully-Kinetic Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Photoelectron Sheath on Uneven Lunar Surface, Jianxun Zhao, Xinpeng Wei, Xiaoming He, Daoru Frank Han, and Xiaoping Du
Photoelectron Sheath Near the Lunar Surface: Fully Kinetic Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification Analysis, Jianxun Zhao, Xinpeng Wei, Zhangli Hu, Xiaoming He, Daoru Frank Han, Zhen Hu, and Xiaoping Du
Submissions from 2020
A Natural Frenet Frame for Null Curves on the Lightlike Cone in Minkowski Space ℝ⁴₂, Nemat Abazari, Martin Bohner, Ilgin Sağer, Alireza Sedaghatdoost, and Yusuf Yayli
Hereditarily Irreducible Maps, Hussam Abobaker and Włodzimierz J. Charatonik
Semiparametric Estimation with Spatially Correlated Recurrent Events, Akim Adekpedjou and Sophie Dabo-Niang
Existence of Unique Solutions to the Telegraph Equation in Binary Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces, Ali Akgul and David E. Grow
Parameter Identification for Gompertz and Logistic Dynamic Equations, Elvan Akin, Neslihan Nesliye Pelen, Ismail Ugur Tiryaki, and Fusun Yalcin
On Exact Solutions to Epidemic Dynamic Models, Elvan Akin and Gülşah Yeni
Continuous and Discrete Modeling of HIV-1 Decline on Therapy, Elvan Akin, Gülşah Yeni, and Alan S. Perelson
A Coupled Multiphysics Model and a Decoupled Stabilized Finite Element Method for the Closed-Loop Geothermal System, M. D. Abdullah Al Mahbub, Xiaoming He, Nasrin Jahan Nasu, Changxin Qiu, Yifan Wang, and Haibiao Zheng
Quadratic Programming Problems on Time Scales, Rasheed Al-Salih and Martin Bohner
Separated and State-Constrained Separated Linear Programming Problems on Time Scales, Rasheed Al-Salih and Martin Bohner
Scattering Below the Ground State for the 2d Radial Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation, Anudeep Kumar Arora, Benjamin Dodson, and Jason Murphy
Binary Metrics, Samer Assaf, Tom Cuchta, and Matt Insall
Deformation and Coalescence of Ferrodroplets in Rosensweig Model using the Phase Field and Modified Level Set Approaches under Uniform Magnetic Fields, Feng Bai, Daozhi Han, Xiaoming He, and Xiaofeng Yang
Petrović -Type Inequalities for Harmonic Convex Functions on Coordinates, Imran Abbas Baloch, Martin Bohner, and Manuel De La SEN