Missouri S&T High Performance Computing Research Faculty Works | Center for High Performance Computing Research | Missouri University of Science and Technology

HPC Faculty Research

High Performance Computing Research
112A Engineeering Research Laboratories, Rolla, MO 65409
(573) 341-4451

HPC center researchers are prolific in writing publications, having published over 300 refereed journal articles since the center opened in January 2014. In that same time period, center members have written 50 conference proceedings, authored four book chapters and been awarded six patents.


Submissions from 2021


Encoding Time-Series Ground Motions as Images for Convolutional Neural Networks-Based Seismic Damage Evaluation, Xinzhe Yuan, Dustin Tanksley, Pu Jiao, Liujun Li, Genda Chen, and Donald C. Wunsch


Decoupled, Linear, and Unconditionally Energy Stable Fully Discrete Finite Element Numerical Scheme for a Two-Phase Ferrohydrodynamics Model, Guo Dong Zhang, Xiaoming He, and Xiaofeng Yang


Fully-Kinetic Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Photoelectron Sheath on Uneven Lunar Surface, Jianxun Zhao, Xinpeng Wei, Xiaoming He, Daoru Frank Han, and Xiaoping Du


Photoelectron Sheath Near the Lunar Surface: Fully Kinetic Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification Analysis, Jianxun Zhao, Xinpeng Wei, Zhangli Hu, Xiaoming He, Daoru Frank Han, Zhen Hu, and Xiaoping Du


A Review of Approaches to Simulate Windborne Debris Dynamics in Wind Fields, Jianxun Zhao, Guirong Grace Yan, and Daoru Frank Han


Wind Flow Characteristics of Multivortex Tornadoes, Yi Zhao, Guirong Grace Yan, and Ruoqiang Feng


Two-Sensor Droplet-Capable Conductivity Probe for Measurement in Liquid Dispersed Flows, Qingzi Zhu; Xiaohong Yang; Guanyi Wang; Yikuan Yan; Joshua P. Schlegel; and For full list of authors, see publisher's website.

Submissions from 2020


New Modeling Approach of Mixing Quality and Axial Hold-Up Distribution in Agitated Liquid-Liquid Flow Mixers for Enabling Process Intensification with Validation using Advanced Techniques, Kifah H. Abid, James C. Godfrey, Michael J. Slater, Binbin Qi, and Muthanna H. Al-Dahhan


Experimental Evaluation of Coaxial Horizontal Axis Hydrokinetic Composite Turbine System, A. Abutunis, G. Taylor, M. Fal, and K. Chandrashekhara


Unusual Atmospheric Water Trapping and Water Induced Reversible Restacking of 2D Gallium Sulfide Layers in NaGaS₂ Formed by Supertetrahedral Building Unit, Amit Adhikary, Hooman Yaghoobnejad Asl, Prashanth Sandineni, Srikanth Balijapelly, Sudip Mohapatra, Sajal Khatua, Sanjit Konar, Nikolay Gerasimchuk, Aleksandr V. Chernatynskiy, and Amitava Choudhury


An Improved N-Step Value Gradient Learning Adaptive Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Online Learning, Seaar Al-Dabooni and Donald C. Wunsch


Convergence of Recurrent Neuro-Fuzzy Value-Gradient Learning with and Without an Actor, Seaar Al-Dabooni and Donald C. Wunsch


Online Model-Free N-Step HDP with Stability Analysis, Seaar Al-Dabooni and Donald C. Wunsch


Local Hydrodynamics Investigation of Industrial Scaled-Down Upflow Moving-Bed Hydrotreater Reactor using a Two-Tip Optical Probe, Vineet Alexander, Hamza Albazzaz, and Muthanna H. Al-Dahhan


CFD Modeling of Hot-Channel for Potential High-Power Configuration of Missouri S&T Reactor, Thaqal Alhuzaymi, Ayodeji Babatunde Alajo, and Joshua P. Schlegel


A Coupled Multiphysics Model and a Decoupled Stabilized Finite Element Method for the Closed-Loop Geothermal System, M. D. Abdullah Al Mahbub, Xiaoming He, Nasrin Jahan Nasu, Changxin Qiu, Yifan Wang, and Haibiao Zheng


Assessing the Removal of Heavy Metals using Emerging and Intensifying Technology of Emulsion Liquid Membrane with Ionic Liquid, Qusay Al-Obaidi, Jasmine Monroe, Hannah Smith, Zaid Haha, and Muthanna H. Al-Dahhan


The Pre-Acidification Gas Impact on Upgrading the Biogas Produced in Expanded Granular Sludge Bed Reactor, Haider Al-Rubaye, Joseph D. Smith, Manohar Shivashankaraiah, Jia Yu, Mahyar Ghorbanian, Anand Alembath, and Hasan Al-Abedi


International Symposium on Advances in Hydroprocessing of Oil Fraction (ISAHOF 2019), Jorge Ancheyta, Muthanna H. Al-Dahhan, and Vicente Sámano


Examining Plant Uptake and Translocation of Emerging Contaminants using Machine Learning: Implications to Food Security, Majid Bagheri, Khalid Al-jabery, Donald C. Wunsch, and Joel Gerard Burken


Deformation and Coalescence of Ferrodroplets in Rosensweig Model using the Phase Field and Modified Level Set Approaches under Uniform Magnetic Fields, Feng Bai, Daozhi Han, Xiaoming He, and Xiaofeng Yang


Receiver Function Imaging of the 410 and 660 Km Discontinuities Beneath the Australian Continent, Kailun Ba, Stephen S. Gao, Kelly H. Liu, Fansheng Kong, and Jianguo Song


Student Preclass Preparation by Both Reading the Textbook and Watching Videos Online Improves Exam Performance in a Partially Flipped Course, Kaleb Bassett, Gayla R. Olbricht, and Katie Shannon


Improving Soft Skills Through Mentorship, Richard A. Bausell, Charles W. Lyon, and Muthanna H. Al-Dahhan


Fluctuations and Correlations of Transmission Eigenchannels in Diffusive Media, Nicholas Bender, Alexey Yamilov, Hasan Yllmaz, and Hui Cao


Rotational Quenching of an Interstellar Gas Thermometer: CH₃CN⋯He Collisions, M. Ben Khalifa, Ernesto Quintas-Sánchez, Richard Dawes, K. Hammami, and L. Wiesenfeld


Revealing the Hidden Hyperfine Interactions in ϵ-Iron, Dimitrios Bessas, Ilya Sergueev, Konstantin Glazyrin, Cornelius Strohm, Ilya Kupenko, Daniel G. Merkel, Gary J. Long, Fernande Grandjean, Aleksandr I. Chumakov, and Rudolf Ruffer


An Integrated P2P Framework for E-Learning, Nikita Bhagatkar, Kapil Dolas, R. K. Ghosh, and Sajal K. Das


QnQ: Quality and Quantity based Unified Approach for Secure and Trustworthy Mobile Crowdsensing, Shameek Bhattacharjee, Nirnay Ghosh, Vijay K. Shah, and Sajal K. Das


Distributed Dual Vigilance Fuzzy Adaptive Resonance Theory Learns Online, Retrieves Arbitrarily-Shaped Clusters, and Mitigates Order Dependence, Leonardo Enzo Brito da Silva, Islam Elnabarawy, and Donald C. Wunsch


Incremental Cluster Validity Indices for Online Learning of Hard Partitions: Extensions and Comparative Study, Leonardo Enzo Brito Da Silva, Niklas Max Melton, and Donald C. Wunsch


Experimental Development of Johnson-Cook Strength Model for Different Carbon Steel Grades and Application for Single-Pass Hot Rolling, Mario F. Buchely, Shouviik Ganguly, David C. Van Aken, Ronald J. O'Malley, Simon Naumovich Lekakh, and K. Chandrashekhara


Numerical Investigations of 2-D Magnetic Nozzle Effects on Plasma Plumes, Joshua D. Burch, Daoru Frank Han, and Sergey N. Averkin


Efficient Data Collection in IoT Networks using Trajectory Encoded with Geometric Shapes, Xiaofei Cao and Sanjay K. Madria


Multi-Model Z-Compression for High Speed Data Streaming and Low-Power Wireless Sensor Networks, Xiaofei Cao, Sanjay Kumar Madria, and Takahiro Hara


Copper Cobalt Selenide as a High-Efficiency Bifunctional Electrocatalyst for overall Water Splitting: Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study, Xi Cao, Julia E. Medvedeva, and Manashi Nath


Hierarchical Syntactic Models for Human Activity Recognition through Mobility Traces, Enrico Casella, Marco Ortolani, Simone Silvestri, and Sajal K. Das


Exploring Reinforcement Learning Method in Bidding Strategy Development for Day-Ahead Electricity Market, Haotian Chen, Rui Bo, Ronit Das, and Donald C. Wunsch


Uniquely Solvable and Energy Stable Decoupled Numerical Schemes for the Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes-Darcy-Boussinesq System, Wenbin Chen, Daozhi Han, Xiaoming Wang, and Yichao Zhang


Modeling, Dynamics, and Parametric Studies of a Multi-Cable-Stayed Beam Model, Yunyue Cong, Houjun Kang, Guirong Grace Yan, and Tieding Guo

Multiphysics Prediction Model of Microwave Curing for Thick Polymer Composites, S. Dasari, M. Rangapuram, K. Chandrashekhara, N. Iyyer, and N. Phan


Cross-Market Price Difference Forecast using Deep Learning for Electricity Markets, Ronit Das, Rui Bo, Waqas Ur Rehman, Haotian Chen, and Donald C. Wunsch


Efficient Photo Crowdsourcing with Evolving POIs under Delay-Tolerant Network Environment, Shudip Datta and Sanjay K. Madria


Effect of Crumb Rubber Modifier Dissolution on Elasticity of Asphalt Binder, Eslam Deef-Allah, Magdy Abdelrahman, Yanxiao Li, and Chenglin Wu


Approximation Algorithms for the Min-Max Cycle Cover Problem with Neighborhoods, Lijia Deng, Wenzheng Xu, Weifa Liang, Jian Peng, Yingjie Zhou, Lei Duan, and Sajal K. Das


CF⁺ Excitation in the Interstellar Medium, Benjamin Desrousseaux, François Lique, Javier R. Goicoechea, Ernesto Quintas-Sánchez, and Richard Dawes


A Novel Data Collection Framework for Telemetry and Anomaly Detection in Industrial Iot Systems, Fabrizio De Vita, Dario Bruneo, and Sajal K. Das


On the Use of a Full Stack Hardware/Software Infrastructure for Sensor Data Fusion and Fault Prediction in Industry 4.0, Fabrizio De Vita, Dario Bruneo, and Sajal K. Das


Quantitative Analysis of Deep Leaf: A Plant Disease Detector on the Smart Edge, Fabrizio De Vita, Giorgio Nocera, Dario Bruneo, Valeria Tomaselli, Davide Giacalone, and Sajal K. Das


Effects of Surfactants on Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Soy-Based Polyurethane Foams, Gurjot S. Dhaliwal, Sudharshan Anandan, Mousumi Bose, K. Chandrashekhara, and Paul Ki-souk Nam


Ejected-Electron-Energy and Angular Dependence of Fully Differential Ionization Cross Sections in Medium-Velocity Proton Collisions with He and H₂, M. Dhital, S. Bastola, A. Silvus, J. Davis, B. R. Lamichhane, E. Ali, M. F. Ciappina, R. Lomsadze, A. Hasan, Don H. Madison, and Michael Schulz


Resolution of Blockchain Conflicts through Heuristics-Based Game Theory and Multilayer Network Modeling, Alessandro Di Stefano, Damiano Di Francesco Maesa, Sajal K. Das, and Pietro Liò


A Novel Methodology for Designing Policies in Mobile Crowdsensing Systems, Alessandro Di Stefano, Marialisa Scata, Barbara Attanasio, Aurelio La Corte, Pietro Lio, and Sajal K. Das


Effect of Turbulence Model Uncertainty on Scramjet Isolator Flowfield Analysis, Martin A. Di Stefano, Serhat Hosder, and Robert A. Baurle


A Chirped Pulse Fourier Transform Microwave Spectrometer with Multi-Antenna Detection, Amanda Duerden, Frank E. Marshall, Nicole Moon, Christian Swanson, Kristen M. Donnell, and Gary S. Grubbs


Validation of the New Mechanistic Scale-Up of Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds using Advanced Non-Invasive Measurement Techniques, Abdelsalam Efhaima and Muthanna H. Al-Dahhan


Predicting Effective Fracture Toughness of ZrB₂-Based Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics by Phase-Field Modeling, Arezoo Emdadi, Jeremy Lee Watts, William Fahrenholtz, Greg Hilmas, and Mohsen Asle Zaeem


Analysis of Turbulence Model Uncertainty for Shock-Wave/Boundary-Layer Interaction Simulations, Aaron Erb and Serhat Hosder


On the Nonlinear Stability and the Existence of Selective Decay States of 3D Quasi-Geostrophic Potential Vorticity Equation, Ogul Esen, Daozhi Han, Taylan Sengul, and Quan Wang


Investigation of Laminate Debonding in Horizontal Axis Water Turbine Composite Blades, Mokhtar Fal, Abdulaziz Abutunis, K. Chandrashekhara, and Gurjot S. Dhaliwal


Error Analysis of an Incremental Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Algorithm for PDE Simulation Data, Hiba Fareed and John R. Singler


Effective Elastic Properties of Additively Manufactured Metallic Cellular Structures using Numerical Unit-Cell Homogenization, Okanmisope Fashanu, David Murphy, Myranda Spratt, Joseph William Newkirk, K. Chandrashekhara, Ben Brown, and John Porter


Simulation Study on Shear Resistance of New Cold-Formed-Steel-Framed Shear Walls Sheathed with Steel Sheet and Gypsum Boards, Ruo-Qiang Feng, Qi Cai, Ying Ma, Shen Liu, and Guirong Grace Yan


Shear Analysis of Self-Drilling Screw Connections of CFS Walls with Steel Sheathing, Ruo-Qiang Feng, Qi Cai, Ying Ma, and Guirong Grace Yan


Development and Characterization of an Ion Source to Simulate Solar Wind Plasma in a Vacuum Chamber, Blake A. Folta, Terence W. McGarvey, Joseph C. Faudel, Kyle R. McMillen, and Daoru Frank Han


Blind Validation Study of Parametric Cost Estimation Tool SEER-H for NASA Space Missions, Paul D. Friz, Serhat Hosder, Benjamin B. Leser, and Benjamin C. Towle


A Modified Johnson-Cook Model Incorporating the Effect of Grain Size on Flow Stress, S. Ganguly, Mario F. Buchely, K. Chandrashekhara, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, and Ronald J. O'Malley


Bending Behavior and Deflection Prediction of High-Strength SFRC Beams under Fatigue Loading, Dan Ying Gao, Zhi Qiang Gu, and Chenglin Wu


Crustal Modifications Beneath the Central Sunda Plate Associated with the Indo-Australian Subduction and the Evolution of the South China Sea, Jia Gao, Youqiang Yu, Wenkai Song, Stephen S. Gao, and Kelly H. Liu


Understanding Cation Doping Achieved by Atomic Layer Deposition for High-Performance Li-Ion Batteries, Yan Gao, Xiaoqing He, Lu Ma, Tianpin Wu, Jonghyun Park, and Xinhua Liang


Comprehensive Study of Al- and Zr-Modified LiNi₀.₈Mn₀.₁Co₀.O₂ through Synergy of Coating and Doping, Yan Gao, Jonghyun Park, and Xinhua Liang


Nanoparticle Catalyzed Hydrodesulfurization of Diesel Fuel in a Trickle Bed Reactor: Experimental and Optimization Study, Saba A. Gheni, Saad A. Awad, Safaa M. R. Ahmed, Ghassan Abdullah, and Muthanna H. Al-Dahhan


Distributed On-Demand Clustering Algorithm for Lifetime Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks, Amrita Ghosal, Subir Halder, and Sajal K. Das


Analysis of a Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme for the Tangential Control of the Stokes System, Wei Gong, Weiwei Hu, Mariano Mateos, John R. Singler, and Yangwen Zhang


Impact of Lithium and Potassium Cations on the Mössbauer Spectral and Electrical Properties of Two Mixed-Valence Iron(II/III) Phosphites, Fernande Grandjean, Gary J. Long, Roger Evrard, U. Chan Chung, Edurne S. Larrea, Idoia Ruiz De Larramendi, Mariá Isabel Arriortua, and Teófilo Rojo


Measurement of the Molecular Dipole Moment using Active Microwave Thermography (AMT), Garry S. Grubbs, A. Mirala, D. Bischof, Mohammad Tayeb Ahmad Ghasr, and Kristen M. Donnell


Synthesis and Characterization of Free-Stand Graphene/Silver Nanowire/Graphene Nano Composite as Transparent Conductive Film with Enhanced Stiffness, Chuanrui Guo, Yanxiao Li, Yanping Zhu, Chenglin Wu, and Genda Chen


Synthesis and Characterization of Free-Stand Graphene/Silver Nanowire/Graphene Nano Composite as Transparent Conductive Film with Enhanced Stiffness, Chuanrui Guo, Yanxiao Li, Yanping Zhu, Chenglin Wu, and Genda Chen


Towards Identifying Alien Appliances using Semantic Information, Ashish Gupta, Hari Prabhat Gupta, Tanima Dutta, and Sajal K. Das


Big Data Energy Management, Analytics and Visualization for Residential Areas, Ragini Gupta, A. R. Al-Ali, Imran A. Zualkernan, and Sajal K. Das


COIDS: A Clock Offset based Intrusion Detection System for Controller Area Networks, Subir Halder, Mauro Conti, and Sajal K. Das


A Second Order, Linear, Unconditionally Stable, Crank-Nicolson-Leapfrog Scheme for Phase Field Models of Two-Phase Incompressible Flows, Daozhi Han and Nan Jiang


Dynamic Transitions and Bifurcations for Thermal Convection in the Superposed Free Flow and Porous Media, Daozhi Han, Quan Wang, and Xiaoming Wang


Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer using Advanced Optical Probe in a Mimicked FT Slurry Bubble Column, Lu Han, Premkumar Kamalanathan, and Muthanna H. Al-Dahhan


Origin of the "Odd" Behavior in the Ultraviolet Photochemistry of Ozone, Shanyu Han, Carolyn E. Gunthardt, Richard Dawes, Daiqian Xie, Simon W. North, and Hua Guo


Using Ethanol for Continuous Biodiesel Production with Trace Catalyst and CO₂ Co-Solvent, Aso A. Hassan, Hayder A. Alhameedi, and J.D. Smith


Two-Step Sub/Supercritical Water and Ethanol Processes for Non-Catalytic Biodiesel Production, Aso A. Hassan, Hayder A. Alhameedi, and Joseph D. Smith


Investigation of Microwave-Assisted Transesterification Reactor of Waste Cooking Oil, Aso A. Hassan and Joseph D. Smith


Designing Efficient Communication Infrastructure in Post-Disaster Situations with Limited Availability of Network Resources, Krishnandu Hazra, Vijay K. Shah, Simone Silvestri, Vaneet Aggarwal, Sajal K. Das, Subrata Nandi, and Sujoy Saha


ROAchain: Securing Route Origin Authorization with Blockchain for Inter-Domain Routing, Guobiao He, Wei Su, Shuai Gao, Jiarui Yue, and Sajal K. Das


An Artificial Compressibility Ensemble Algorithm for a Stochastic Stokes-Darcy Model with Random Hydraulic Conductivity and Interface Conditions, Xiaoming He, Nan Jiang, and Changxin Qiu


Discovery of an Unexpected Metal Dissolution of Thin-Coated Cathode Particles and its Theoretical Explanation, Yufang He, Hiep Pham, Yan Gao, Rajankumar L. Patel, Susmita Sarkar, Xinhua Liang, and Jonghyun Park


Evaluation of Standard and Semantically-Augmented Distance Metrics for Neurology Patients, Daniel B. Hier, Jonathan Kopel, Steven U. Brint, Donald C. Wunsch, Gayla R. Olbricht, Sima Azizi, and Blaine Allen


A Review of the Characteristics of Tornadic Wind Fields through Observations and Simulations, Ryan Honerkamp, Guirong Grace Yan, and Jeffrey C. Snyder


CFD Analysis of S-Gamma Model Coupled with Two-Group Interfacial Area Transport Equations and AMUSIG Model for a Large Diameter Pipe, Sungje Hong, Joshua P. Schlegel, and Subash L. Sharma


Understanding Chemistry of Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Carbides and Carbonitrides (MXenes) with Gas Analysis, Shuohan Huang and Vadym N. Mochalin


Experimental and theoretical evidence for hydrogen doping in polymer solution-processed indium gallium oxide, Wei Huang; Po Hsiu Chien; Kyle McMillen; Julia E. Medvedeva; and For full list of authors, see publisher's website.


Aluminum Parts Fabricated by Laser-Foil-Printing Additive Manufacturing: Processing, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties, Chia Hung Hung, Yingqi Li, Austin Sutton, Wei Ting Chen, Xiangtao Gong, Heng Pan, Hai Lung Tsai, and Ming-Chuan Leu


Effect of Salt Water Exposure on Foam-Cored Polyurethane Sandwich Composites, Zhen Huo, M. Mohamed, J. R. Nicholas, Sudharshan Anandan, and K. Chandrashekhara


The Role of Cation Coordination in the Electrical and Optical Properties of Amorphous Transparent Conducting Oxides, Sebastian Husein, Julia E. Medvedeva, John D. Perkins, and Mariana I. Bertoni