Computer Science Masters Theses | Computer Science Theses and Dissertations | Missouri University of Science and Technology

Computer Science Masters Theses



Theses from 1984


A simple method for organizing nearly optimal binary search trees, Joy L. Henderson

Medical computer imaging: an attempt to detect the boundary of a skin tumor, Starline Godfrey Judkins

An experimental output examiner for software testing, Thomas Edward Kryst

Circuit simulator using library functions, K. Hemanth Kumar

Development of a small local area network for distributed real-time communication, Myriam Levenson


A graphical representation of an executing program, Sherry A. Lile

Automated generation of behavioral level microprocessor simulation models, William Keith Marshall


The optimal trajectory modelling of robot manipulators, Mary Claire Miller

Applicative string processing components for macro definition languages, Gregory Edwin Nagawiecki


The design and implementation of the programming language Natural, Alan L. Sparks


CIEGEN: A system for testing knowledge base compilation heuristics on a microcomputer, Jayne D. Ward

Use of selected software complexity measures in introductory programming courses, Susan Denise Welsby


A focus of attention algorithm for expert systems, Kevin W. Whiting

Color computer graphics as applied to introductory calculus instruction, Kathy Sue Windhorst


Survey of routing algorithms for computer networks, Lu Yu

Theses from 1983

Development of multi-input gate level logic and fault simulator, S. P. R. Amaresan

Enhancement of a robot vision system with a sixteen-bit microprocessor-based single board computer, Paul Anthony Braun

A forth implemented interactive graphics package for printed circuit board design, Clifton Delane Dunn

Test generation for combinational logic circuits using information theory, Yusuf Murat Erten

The Gradient-Jump method, Louis Dean Gentry

An installation and migration methodology for operating systems, David Bruce Kelly

Purchasing a microcomputer system for use in a small business environment, Mary Margaret McCormick

A structured approach to the functional testing of VLSI logic networks, Lawrence Edward McCrary

Interactive preprocessor module for a logic level simulation system, Ashok Babubhai Mehta

Interactive goal programming application in capital budgeting in imperfect capital markets, Sha Mokhtari

On the considerations of translating Ada to Pascal, David Benjamin Whalley

Theses from 1982

Improvement of management staff productivity in large project organizations., Robert R. Cole

Interactive redistricting using color computer graphics., John Robert Hock

Local networks - a model using GPSS V, Rebecca Sue Reed

Theses from 1981

A run-time backout for IMS., Ralph Milton Butler

Parity error correction., Michael Thomas Dougherty

A hybrid metric to measure software complexity., Warren A. Harrison

Theses from 1980

Documentation of computer programs., Diane Koehler

Theses from 1979

A multi-processing remote job entry system., Pin Fong Ng


A mechanism for specifying parallel procedures, James Oliver Smith Jr.

Theses from 1978

Development of the conductive fault simulation method., Everett Linden Midkiff

A fast pseudo-random pattern generator for the statistical approach of fault diagnosis., Tony Sikavi

Theses from 1977

Analysis to establish proximity and damage criteria for surface and underground coal mines., Sunder R. Bajaj

Multiplication techniques including logarithms for special purpose microcomputers., Robert Hess

The further refinement of large scale vehicle routing problems., Kay Ellen Marrow Leonard

Theses from 1976

A digital computer designed for artificial intelligence and robotics., James Richard Fleming

An information theoretic search algorithm., Charles Herman

Theses from 1975


TOACS : An interactive computer graphic display model of a theaterwide on-line air combat simulation, Herman William Blick


An analysis of a network of finite-queue, multiple-server facilities., Juanita Kaye Shukers Grau


Computational models of learning., Kenneth Jesse Marse

Simplification of the reliability and maintainability simulation model., David A. Morrison

A composite integer linear programming algorithm., Jerry Dean Peterson


Using IBM's information management system to implement a relational data base, Melvin Arthur Rushton


A study of the effects of numerical error propagated through several independent stages: an electron optics simulation., William Donald Webster

Theses from 1974


Comparison of scatter storage techniques using an analysis of variance model, Robert Lee Kitsch


An algorithm for minimizing the riding time of students on school buses., Dennis Ray Morgan


A numerical study of ordinary differential equations with periodic coefficients, Richard Bruce Schuessler

Theses from 1973


Monte Carlo simulation of confidence intervals for reliability, Kathryn Palisch Berkbigler

Theses from 1972


Computerized registration for high schools, Kenneth Lee Fore

Theses from 1970


Modified method of linear associative retrieval, James Donald Byrd


The assignment problem and a suboptimal solution technique, William Barry Gregory

Theses from 1968


A development of regression models for predicting temperature, salinity and sound velocity in sea water, Darwin Wayne Brown


A comparison of three numerical techniques used for the solution of the two-point boundary value problem, William Richard Krall

Theses from 1967


Comparative analysis of polynomial root finding techniques, Charles Ray O'Daniel

Theses from 1966


Stable predictor-corrector methods for first order ordinary differential equations, Terrell Lester Carlson


Error analysis of rational approximations of functions with emphasis on minimax techniques, Mary Frances Good


A comparison of the LR and QR transformations for finding the eigenvalues for real nonsymmetric matrices, Susan Clara Hanson


A simulation study of a proposed computer installation, John Edward Hawthorne


Comparative analysis of numerical integration techniques, Edward Lee Sartore


A study of the development of a heuristic program that solves symbolic Laplace transformation problems, Arthur E. Zackrison

Theses from 1965


Near optimal sequencing :N jobs and M machines; all jobs to be processed through the same order of machines, Larry Glen Clark


A parameter perturbation technique applied to multipoint iteration functions for the solution of systems of nonlinear equations, Robert N. Delozier