
Submissions from 2014


Two Types of Multiple Solutions for Microseismic Source Location Based on Arrival-Time-Difference Approach, N. Li, Mao Chen Ge, and E. Wang


Numerical Simulation and Verification of Curtain Wall Systems under Shock Pressure, Mahmoud T. Nawar, Hani A. Salim, Braden Lusk, and Sam A. Kiger


The Leaching Behaviour and Geochemical Fractionation of Trace Elements in Hydraulically Disposed Weathered Coal Fly Ash, Sammy M. Nyale, Chuks P. Eze, Richard O. Akinyeye, Wilson M. Gitari, Segun A. Akinyemi, Olanrewaju O. Fatoba, and Leslie F. Petrik

A Method to Identify the Key Causes of Differences in Energy Efficiency of Operators, M. A. Oskouei and Kwame Awuah-Offei


Statistical Methods for Evaluating the Effect of Operators on Energy Efficiency of Mining Machines, M. A. Oskouei and Kwame Awuah-Offei


Framework for Mining Community Consultation Based on Discrete Choice Theory, S. Que and Kwame Awuah-Offei

Identifying Critical Factors that Influence Community Acceptance of Mining Projects, S. Que and Kwame Awuah-Offei


Depolarization Mechanisms of PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 and PbZr0.95Ti0.05O3 Poled Ferroelectrics under High Strain Rate Loading, Sergey I. Shkuratov, Jason Baird, Vladimir G. Antipov, Evgueni F. Talantsev, and Hwan R. Jo


Innovative Rts Technology for Dry Beneficiation of Phosphate, Ahmed Sobhy and Daniel Tao

Low-Temperature Oxidation of Methylene Bridge Bond in Coal by Model Compound, Y. Tang, Z. Li, Jerry C. Tien, W. Yin, and D. Ma


A Review of Combined Advanced Oxidation Technologies for the Removal of Organic Pollutants from Water, Jimoh O. Tijani, Ojo O. Fatoba, Godfrey Madzivire, and Leslie F. Petrik


Adsorption of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Polymers on Kaolin from Aqueous Solutions, S. Wang, Lana Z. Alagha, and Z. Xu


Passive Tomography to Image Stress Redistribution Prior to Failure on Granite, T. Yang, E. C. Westman, B. Slaker, X. Ma, Zeshan Hyder, and B. Nie


Probabilistic Block Theory Analysis for a Rock Slope at an Open Pit Mine in USA, Jun Zheng, Pinnaduwa H. S. W. Kulatilake, Biao Shu, Taghi Sherizadeh, and Jianhui Deng


Deflagration-To-Detonation Transition in Natural Gas-Air Mixtures, R. Karl Zipf, V. N. Gamezo, K. M. Mohamed, E. S. Oran, and D. A. Kessler

Submissions from 2013


Stochastic Non-Linear Optimization of Equipment Productivity in Multi-Seam Formations, E. Adadzi and Samuel Frimpong


Probing Adsorption of Polyacrylamide-Based Polymers on Anisotropic Basal Planes of Kaolinite Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance, Lana Z. Alagha, S. Wang, L. Yan, Z. Xu, and J. Masliyah


Virtual Prototype Simulation of Truck Vibrations in High-Impact Shovel Loading Operations, Nassib Aouad and Samuel Frimpong


Advanced Structural Materials to Mitigate Explosive and Impact Threats, C. M. Baumgart and Jason Baird


Chemical, Mineralogical and Morphological Changes in Weathered Coal Fly Ash: A Case Study of a Brine Impacted Wet Ash Dump, Chuks P. Eze, Sammy M. Nyale, Richard O. Akinyeye, Wilson M. Gitari, Segun A. Akinyemi, Olanrewaju O. Fatoba, and Leslie F. Petrik


Laboratory Study on the Mobility of Major Species in Fly Ash-brine Co-disposal Systems: Up-flow Percolation Test, O. O. Fatoba, L. F. Petrik, R. O. Akinyeye, W. M. Gitari, and E. I. Iwuoha


Dynamic Torque and Soil Deformation Mechanics and Simulation of the GAP Virtual Machinery, Samuel Frimpong, Y. Li, and R. Suglo

Preparing Graduate Talent for the Mining Industry: A New Metric System Based on an Old Tradition, Samuel Frimpong, J. M. Whiting, and R. S. Suglo


New Method of Coal Comminution to Ultrafine Size, Greg Galecki, G. Akar, and S. Sen


Parametric Evaluation of Coal Comminution by Waterjets, Greg Galecki, S. Sen, G. Akar, and Y. Li


Field Measurement of P- and S-Wave Velocities for Wyoming Trona Deposit, Mao Chen Ge and H. Wang

Shock Tube Detonator Shelf Life in Relation to Timing Accuracy, J. Hoffman, Braden Lusk, and Phillip R. Mulligan

Environmental Considerations and Operational Parameters of Underground Coal Gasification, Zeshan Hyder and M. Karmis


Impact of Fugitive Bitumen on Polymer-Based Flocculation of Mature Fine Tailings, C. Klein, D. Harbottle, Lana Z. Alagha, and Z. Xu

Understanding Well and Reservoir Performance with Modern Analytical Techniques, L. Konwar, A. M. Al-Hendi, and Syed M. Tariq

NOₓ Emission of Equipment and Blasting Agents in Surface Coal Mining, Ali Lashgari, Catherine E. Johnson, Vladislav J. Kecojevic, Braden Lusk, and Joshua Micah Hoffman


A Nonlinear Microseismic Source Location Method Based on Simplex Method and Its Residual Analysis, N. Li, E. Wang, Mao Chen Ge, and Z. Sun

A Comprehensive Evaluation Model for Microseismic Source Location Reliability, N. Li, E.-Y. Wang, Mao Chen Ge, X.-F. Liu, and Z.-Y. Sun

Cable Shovel Co-Simulation for Front-End Dynamic Stress Analysis, Y. Li, W. Y. Liu, and Samuel Frimpong


Comparison of CO2 Capture by Ex-situ Accelerated Carbonation and in In-situ Naturally Weathered Coal Fly Ash, Grace N. Muriithi, Leslie F. Petrik, Olanrewaju Fatoba, Wilson M. Gitari, Frédéric J. Doucet, Jaco Nel, Sammy M. Nyale, and Paul E. Chuks


Synthesis of Zeolites from Coal Fly Ash using Mine Waters, Nicholas M. Musyoka, Leslie F. Petrik, Ojo O. Fatoba, and Eric Hums


Concentrate Grade Prediction in an Industrial Flotation Column using Artificial Neural Network, F. Nakhaeie, A. Sam, and M. R. Mosavi


Comparison between Neural Networks and Multiple Regression Methods in Metallurgical Performance Modeling of Flotation Column, Fardis Nakhaei and Mehdi Irannajad


Recovery and Grade Prediction of Pilot Plant Flotation Column Concentrate by a Hybrid Neural Genetic Algorithm, F. Nakhaei, M. R. Mosavi, and A. Sam


Optimising Open Pit Mine Scheduling Taking into Consideration Time Value of Money and Mining Restrictions, E. L. Nanjari and Tad S. Golosinski


Modeling and Testing of Laminated Curtain Wall Systems under Blast Loading, Mahmoud T. Nawar, Hani A. Salim, Braden Lusk, Kyle A. Perry, Sam A. Kiger, and Garry A. Miller


Application of Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-Self-Organizing Map (SOM) for the Categorization of Water, Soil and Sediment Quality in Petrochemical Regions, R. Olawoyin, A. Nieto, R. Larry Grayson, F. Hardisty, and S. Oyewole


Cable Shovel Stress & Fatigue Failure Modeling-Causes and Solution Strategies Review, M. A. Raza and Samuel Frimpong


High-Efficiency Nanobubble Coal Flotation, Ahmed Sayed-Ahmed and D. Tao


Nanobubble Column Flotation of Fine Coal Particles and Associated Fundamentals, Ahmed Sayed-Ahmed and D. Tao


Extension of Thickness-Dependent Dielectric Breakdown Law on Adiabatically Compressed Ferroelectric Materials, S. I. Shkuratov, Jason Baird, and E. F. Talantsev



Novel At-Face-Slurry Performance Modeling with Elliptical and Spherical Geometries, R. S. Suglo, Samuel Frimpong, and O. F. Brown

China's Rare Earth Minerals: Reserves, Supply and Demand, Jerry C. Tien


A Review of Pharmaceuticals and Endocrine-disrupting Compounds: Sources, Effects, Removal, and Detections, Jimoh O. Tijani, Ojo O. Fatoba, and Leslie F. Petrik


Methane-Air Detonation Experiments At NIOSH Lake Lynn Laboratory, R. Karl Zipf, V. N. Gamezo, M. J. Sapko, W. P. Marchewka, K. M. Mohamed, E. S. Oran, D. A. Kessler, E. S. Weiss, J. D. Addis, F. A. Karnack, and D. D. Sellers

Tube Bundle System for Monitoring of Coal Mine Atmosphere, R. Karl Zipf, W. Marchewka, K. Mohamed, J. Addis, and F. Karnack

Submissions from 2012


Leaching Behavior of Selected Trace Elements in Coal Fly Ash Samples from Yenikoy Coal-Fired Power Plants, G. Akar, M. Polat, Greg Galecki, and U. Ipekoglu

Adsorption of Polyacrylamides on Bitumen: Implications in Oil Sands Ore Processing, Lana Z. Alagha, L. Guo, Z. Xu, and J. Masliyah


Application of Advanced Analysis Techniques for Waterflood Management: A Case Study in a Large Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoir, M. Y. Al-Henshiri and Syed M. Tariq


Ferroelectric Generators, L. L. Altgilbers, A. H. Stults, S. Shkuratov, Jason Baird, and E. Alberta

Improving Truck-Shovel Energy Efficiency through Discrete Event Modeling, Kwame Awuah-Offei, B.A. Osei, and H. Askari-Nasab


Production Scheduling and Waste Disposal Planning for Oil Sands Mining Using Goal Programming, E. Ben-Awuah, H. Askari-Nasab, and Kwame Awuah-Offei


Impact Effects of Explosively Formed Projectiles on Normal Strength Concrete, Laurin Ashley Bookout and Jason Baird

High Performing HMA Design Optimization, O. F. Brown, Kwame Awuah-Offei, Samuel Frimpong, and H. Askari-Nasab

Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis: Of Blade-Formation Interactions in Excavation, O. F. Brown and Samuel Frimpong

Growing Mine Rescue Capability through Development of University Student Teams, P. D'Elia, R. Larry Grayson, E. Zeglen, and S. Bealko


Effect of Mine Characteristics on Life Cycle Impacts of US Surface Coal Mining, O. Ditsele and Kwame Awuah-Offei


Advanced Studies on Coal Injection into a Cavitation Cell for the Purpose of Comminution, Greg Galecki, G. Akar, S. Sen, and Y. Li


Detonability of Natural Gas-Air Mixtures, V. N. Gamezo, R. Karl Zipf, M. J. Sapko, W. P. Marchewka, K. M. Mohamed, E. S. Oran, D. A. Kessler, E. S. Weiss, J. D. Addis, F. A. Karnack, and D. D. Sellers


Source Location Error Analysis and Optimization Methods, Mao Chen Ge

Ground Control Research at a Sandstone Mine, Mao Chen Ge and A.H. Bagherieh


Measuring Pillar Width in Trona Mines Using a Body Wave Based In-Seam Seismic Technique, Mao Chen Ge, H. Wang, A. Schissler, and R. Ramani


Some Approaches and Methods for Real-Time DPM Ambient Monitoring in Underground Mines, Stewart Gillies and Hsin Wei Wu

Design Aspects of Underground Rescue Chambers, Stewart Gillies, Hsin Wei Wu, and J. Rau

Analysis of U.S. Small-Mine Compliance Feasibility with Proposed New Respirable Dust Standards and Implications for Better Dust Control Methods, R. Larry Grayson and H. Kinilakodi

Underground Coal Mine Safety Performance: A Decade of Challenges and Improvements, R. Larry Grayson and H. Kinilakodi

Site Characterization, Sustainability Evaluation and Life Cycle Emissions Assessment of Underground Coal Gasification, Zeshan Hyder


Underground Coal Gasification and Potential for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction, Zeshan Hyder, N. Ripepi, and M. Karmis

NORA Research Agenda Available for Review, F. M. Jenkins and Lee W. Saperstein

Tracking Mine Safety Performance Trends to Assess the Risk for a Fatality, H. Kinilakodi and R. Larry Grayson


Evaluating Equivalence of the Safe Performance Index (Spi) to a Traditional Risk Analysis, H. Kinilakodi, R. Larry Grayson, and S. A. Oyewole


Use of Real-Time Surveillance Data for Reservoir Management in a Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoir, L. Konwar, N. S. Al-Zaabi, A. Mirza, Ameri S. R. M. Al, and Syed M. Tariq


3D Finite Element Analysis of PWA-Oil Sand Terrain System Interaction, Y. Li, Samuel Frimpong, and W. Y. Liu


Effect of Ambient Temperature on Stress, Deformation and Temperature of Dump Truck Tire, Y. Li, W. Y. Liu, and Samuel Frimpong

Monitoring Reclaimed Mine Land for Stray CO₂ Hazards, M. Moagabo and Kwame Awuah-Offei


Recovery and Grade Accurate Prediction of Pilot Plant Flotation Column Concentrate: Neural Network and Statistical Techniques, F. Nakhaei, M. R. Mosavi, A. Sam, and Y. Vaghei


Prediction of XRF Analyzers Error for Elements On-line Assaying using Kalman Filter, F. Nakhaei, A. Sam, M. R. Mosavi, and A. Nakhaei


Eco-Toxicological and Epidemiological Assessment of Human Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Niger Delta, Nigeria, R. Olawoyin, R. Larry Grayson, and O. T. Okareh


Potential Risk Effect from Elevated Levels of Soil Heavy Metals on Human Health in the Niger Delta, R. Olawoyin, S. A. Oyewole, and R. Larry Grayson

Study on Sustainable Capacity of Coal Mining in China under the Micro-Macro Angle of View, Q. Qi, J. Zhang, and Jerry C. Tien


Effect of Shock Front Geometry on Shock Depolarization of Pb(Zr 0.52Ti 0.48)O₃ Ferroelectric Ceramics, S. I. Shkuratov, Jason Baird, and E. F. Talantsev


Gas Breakdown Initiation in Explosive-Driven Pulsed Power Systems: Phenomenon and Possible Mechanisms, S. I. Shkuratov, Jason Baird, and E. F. Talantsev


Note: Utilizing Pb(Zr 0.95Ti 0.05)O₃ Ferroelectric Ceramics to Scale Down Autonomous Explosive-Driven Shock-Wave Ferroelectric Generators, S. I. Shkuratov, Jason Baird, and E. F. Talantsev


Miniature 100-KV Explosive-Driven Prime Power Sources Based on Transverse Shock-Wave Depolarization of PZT 95/5 Ferroelectric Ceramics, S. I. Shkuratov, Jason Baird, E. F. Talantsev, E. F. Alberta, W. S. Hackenberger, A. H. Stults, and L. L. Altgilbers


Method and Apparatus for Jet-Assisted Drilling or Cutting, David A. Summers, Klaus Woelk, Kenneth Doyle Oglesby, and Greg Galecki


Formation Flow Impairment in Carbonate Reservoirs Due to Asphaltene Precipitation and Deposition during Hydrocarbon Gas Flooding, F. I. Syed, S. G. Ghedan, A. R. Hage, Syed M. Tariq, and H. Shebl


An Integrated Approach for Assessment of In-Situ Scale Deposition Risk during Waterflooding in a Giant Carbonate Field, Offshore Abu Dhabi, Syed M. Tariq, S. A. Samad, A. H. B. Aouda, M. Afsal, M. BenGherbia, and G. Graham


Novel Method to Determine Blast Resistant Glazing System Response to Explosive Loading, William Chad Wedding and Braden Lusk

Submissions from 2011


Impact of Renewable Power Market Penetration on Coal Power Generation Capacity Growth, M. A. Abdul, R. Larry Grayson, and K. Vladislav


Adsorption Kinetics of a Novel Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Polymer on Silica and Alumina Studied by Quartz Crystal Microbalance, Lana Z. Alagha, S. Wang, Z. Xu, and J. Masliyah

Research and Engineering Solution for Dump Tuck Vibration Problems in High-Impact Shovel Loading Operations, Nassib Aouad and Samuel Frimpong


Aggregate Cost Minimization in Hot-Mix Asphalt Design, Kwame Awuah-Offei and H. Askari-Nasab

CO₂ Flux Field Delineation for Construction on Reclaimed Mine Land, Kwame Awuah-Offei and F. J. Baldassare


Efficient Cable Shovel Excavation in Surface Mines, Kwame Awuah-Offei and Samuel Frimpong