"Classical Hamiltonian dynamics of a particle interacting with the vibr" by Alex A. Silvius

Doctoral Dissertations

Classical Hamiltonian dynamics of a particle interacting with the vibrational modes of a one-dimensional medium

Keywords and Phrases

Holstein molecular crystal


"The polaron and more generally the basic problem of a particle interacting with the vibrational modes of the local medium are important to a large range of physical processes. The complex behavior and underlying properties of polaron dynamics has been the focus of much research for many years. Since the exact quantum mechanical dynamics of the interacting particle/many-oscillator system remains computationally complex due to the enormous size of the man-body Hilbert space, it is difficult to computationally test perturbative or semi-classical calculations of such fundamental transport quantities as the polaron diffusion constant. This thesis introduces a classical model which incorporates the essential features of a particle coupling to the surrounding vibrational modes. With this simple model it is possible to numerically evaluate the equations of motion allowing detailed examination of the dynamics"--Abstract, page iv.


Parris, Paul Ernest, 1954-

Committee Member(s)

Story, J. Greg
Whitworth, T. M. (Thomas M.)
Peacher, Jerry
Bertino, Massimo F.



Degree Name

Ph. D. in Physics


National Science Foundation (U.S.)


University of Missouri--Rolla

Publication Date

Spring 2006

Journal article titles appearing in thesis/dissertation

  • Chaotic dynamics of a free particle interacting linearly with a harmonic oscillator
  • Adiabatic-nonadiabatic transition in the diffusive Hamiltonian dynamics of a classical Holstein polaron


x, 110 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references.


© 2006 Alexander Aden Temple Silvius, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Dissertation - Citation

File Type




Subject Headings

Chaotic behavior in systemsElectron transportHamiltonian systemsPolarons

Thesis Number

T 8986

Print OCLC #


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