
Computer Science


Computer Science

Research Advisor

McMillin, Bruce

Advisor's Department

Computer Science

Funding Source

NSF MRI award CNS-0420869, NSF CSR award CCF-0614633, UMR Intelligent Systems Center, UMR Opportunities for Undergraduate Research Experience (OURE) Program


With all the work finding effective placements for FACTS devices in power grids, there is some question as to how many of the cascading outage scenarios can actually be solved. We discuss fourteen outage scenarios on the IEEE 118 bus system. We determine whether each scenario can be solved using the Max-Flow algorithm. If it can be solved, we determine what placement and setting will solve the scenario. We also discuss the use of the max-flow algorithm both in determining the solvability of each scenario and in finding FACTS settings that will solve a scenario.


Adam Lininger is a senior at the University of Missouri - Rolla majoring in Computer Science. Adam plans on perusing a career in academic research.

Research Category


Presentation Type

OURE Fellows Final Oral Presentation

Document Type



Havener Center, Missouri Room

Presentation Date

11 April 2007, 10:00 am - 10:30 am


Apr 11th, 10:00 AM Apr 11th, 10:30 AM

Analysis of Max-Flow values for setting FACTS devices

Havener Center, Missouri Room

With all the work finding effective placements for FACTS devices in power grids, there is some question as to how many of the cascading outage scenarios can actually be solved. We discuss fourteen outage scenarios on the IEEE 118 bus system. We determine whether each scenario can be solved using the Max-Flow algorithm. If it can be solved, we determine what placement and setting will solve the scenario. We also discuss the use of the max-flow algorithm both in determining the solvability of each scenario and in finding FACTS settings that will solve a scenario.