Radiative Emissions from Charge Exchange Processes in Collisions of 0.7–10.0 Kev He⁺ with N2 and O2 Molecules


We present an experimental study of the dissociative excitation in the collision of helium ions with nitrogen and oxygen molecules for collision energy of 0.7–10.0 keV. Absolute emission cross sections are measured and reported for the most pronounced nitrogen and oxygen atomic and ionic lines in vacuum ultraviolet (80–130nm) and visible (380–670nm) spectral regions. Remarkable similarities of the processes realized in He++N2 and He++O2 collision systems are observed. We present polarization measurements for He++N2 collision system. The emission of excited dissociative products was detected using an improved high-resolution optical spectroscopy method. This method incorporates the retarding potential method and a high resolution electrostatic energy analyzer to precisely measure the energy of incident particles and the energy of dispersion. The improvement in the optical sensitivity allows us to measure the cross section on the order of 10−19 cm2 or lower.



Keywords and Phrases

Dissociative excitation; Helium ion impact; Nitrogen molecule; Optical spectroscopy method; Oxygen molecule; Polarization measurements

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

1096-083X; 0022-2852

Document Type

Article - Journal

Document Version


File Type





© 2024 Elsevier, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jul 2024
