Presenter Information

Rachel Dilly


Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering

Research Advisor

Elmore, A. Curt

Advisor's Department

Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering


Hunters Point Naval Shipyard lies on western intertidal coastline and is designated as a Superfund site. Studies indicate sediment dwelling organisms that usually thrive in this intertidal area are now suffering and dying from PCB toxins. Experts have discovered that PCBs adsorb onto Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) particles, a material commonly used for contaminant remediation. Using a water jet, the GAC can be distributed in situ throughout the top IO cm. of sediment. Research measures will include reproducing the natural, intertidal habitat in the UMR High Pressure Water Jet Laboratory. Specifically, to realize optimal benefits from the remediation process, a mixture of 2% (by dry weight) surrogate material to the sediment must be attained.

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

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