"Boring At High Thrust and Its Potential in the Hard-Rock Mining Indust" by John W. Wilson and P. C. Graham

Boring At High Thrust and Its Potential in the Hard-Rock Mining Industry in South Africa


Raise-boring studies carried out in gold mines have indicated that increased penetration rates and possibly reduced costs could be obtained if higher thrusts were available at the reaming head. In response to these requirements a raise-borer, the Robbins 83R was designed, built, and is operating in South African gold mines at a depth of 12,000 ft below surface. The initial raises bored have substantiated that increased penetration is attainable at high thrust and it is now apparent that the machine is sufficiently versatile to drill raises of up to 12 ft in diameter in quartzite formation over a length of 2000 ft. A description of the high thrust borer specifications is given, and the ancillary back-up equipment necessary to facilitate transportation from site to site and actual machine operation on site is referred to.

Meeting Name

Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference


Mining Engineering

Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


File Type





© 1974 Society of Mining Engineers, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 1974

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