"Introduction of Mechanized Haulage Drilling Equipment into the Angle A" by John W. Wilson and J. G. Taylor

Introduction of Mechanized Haulage Drilling Equipment into the Angle American Corporation Gold Mines in South Africa


Problems encountered in earlier attempts at the mechanization of haulage drilling in the gold mines of South Africa are considered and an explanation of why drilling with jumbos in the South African gold mines has yet to be proved a viable proposition, despite success with this machinery in mines in other parts of the world, is given. A team from the Technical Development Sercices organization of Anglo American Corporation has directed a project through the test and development trials to the stage at which drill rings mounting hydraulic and pneumatic drifters are about to begin production trials. One result of the development trials is that high-power, light-blow, high-frequency drifters, used in combination with small bits with large, tungsten carbide inserts, have proved to be particularly suitable for drilling at high rates in the hard and abrasive quartzites encountered in the small tunnels commonly excavated in South African gold mines.


Mining Engineering

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)


Document Type

Article - Journal

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© 1974 Maney Publishing, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 1974

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