Ceramic Processing
Materials scientists continue to develop stronger, more versatile ceramics for advanced technological applications, such as electronic components, fuel cells, engines, sensors, catalysts, superconductors, and space shuttles. From the start of the fabrication process to the final fabricated microstructure, Ceramic Processing covers all aspects of modern processing for polycrystalline ceramics. Stemming from chapters in the author's bestselling text, Ceramic Processing and Sintering, this book gathers additional information selected from many sources and review articles in a single, well-researched resource. The author outlines the most commonly employed ceramic fabrication processes by the consolidation and sintering of powders. A systematic approach highlights the importance of each step as well as the interconnection between the various steps in the overall fabrication route. The in-depth treatment of production methods includes powder, colloidal, and sol-gel processing as well as chemical synthesis of powders, forming, sintering, and microstructure control. The book covers powder preparation and characterization, organic additives in ceramic processing, mixing and packing of particles, drying, and debinding. It also describes recent technologies such as the synthesis of nanoscale powders and solid freeform fabrication. Ceramic Processing provides a thorough foundation and reference in the production of ceramic materials for advanced undergraduates and graduate students as well as professionals in corporate training or professional courses.
Recommended Citation
M. N. Rahaman, "Ceramic Processing," Ceramic Processing, pp. 1 - 475, Taylor and Francis Group; Taylor and Francis, Jan 2017.
The definitive version is available at https://doi.org/10.1201/9781315276045
Materials Science and Engineering
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© 2024 Taylor and Francis Group; Taylor and Francis, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
01 Jan 2017