Masters Theses
This collection contains theses written in partial fulfillment of the master's degree, from 1900 to the present.
The first masters degree was awarded in Chemistry, to V. H. Gottschalk; his thesis was titled The Determination of Aluminium. Most recently, popular masters disciplines have included Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Geological Engineering, Petroleum Engineering and Nuclear Engineering.Theses and dissertations previously submitted in print will be digitized with permission of the author or copyright holder. Missouri S&T Library and Learning Resources encourages graduates to provide this permission so that their work can reach the widest possible audience. If you would like to grant this permission, please use this Form or go to your thesis in Scholars' Mine and click on the Share My Thesis button. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.
More information on today’s graduate degree programs is available on the Missouri S&T website.
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Theses from 1971
The influence of member length on thermal contact resistance in a vacuum environment, Larry Martin Cooper
Ground water of the Uncompahgre Valley Montrose County, Colorado, Ted William Craig
Shear properties of an organic soil and the same soil with the organic matter removed, David Eugene Daniels
Analysis of factors affecting station capacitor bank switching transients, M. Davarpanah
The use of semiconductor memories in drug dispensing, James John De Largy
Effects of flat and elongated particles upon properties of mixtures containing glass aggregates, John Dean Doyle
A study of a nitrogen heat pipe, Jay Dudheker
Design and preliminary testing of a thermomechanical rock fragmentation apparatus, Gary Earl Fenton
Distribution, petrology, and environment of the St. Louis-Ste. Genevieve transition zone in Missouri, Donald Howerton Fielding
Alkali mobility and mechanical relaxation in mixed-alkali silicate glasses, James W. Fleming Jr.
A digital computer simulation of a rural two-lane highway, D. Jay Frankenfield
Integrability of the sums of the trigonometric series 1/2 aₒ + ∞ [over] Σ [over] n=1 an cos nΘ and ∞ [over] Σ [over] n=1 an sin nΘ, John William Garrett
Electrolytic reduction of zinc from acidic sulfate solutions, Kenneth Dale Gielow
Evaluation of a cation isotopic substitution technique in conjunction with a high temperature gas pycnometer for determining the stoichiometry of materials, Michael Clair Graves
Quenching defects in aluminum plus ten atomic per cent zinc, James Thomas Grider
Inclusion theorems for boundary value problems for delay differential equations, Leon M. Hall
The concept and design of a curvilinear character generator for cathode ray tube display systems, Lawrence Edward Hanebrink Jr.
Advanced waste treatment of industrial waste waters by physicochemical processes, Michael Gay Hardie
Digested sludge dewatering on drying beds under controlled environmental conditions, Daniel James Harris
Ladder network transfer function characteristics, Thomtavanit Hatayodom
A driver-assisting control system, Roger Allen Hayes
The thermal contact resistance of lubricant films in vacuum, Garry A. Heizer
Mass fraction and the isotopic anomalies of xenon and krypton in ordinary chondrites, Edward W. Hennecke
Synthesis of active distributed RC networks via the W=e[superscript square root of s] transmission, Roy Dale Hensley
The oxidative decarboxylation of aminopolycarboxylic acids with cerium (IV) in sulfuric acid, Rita Kathleen Hessley
The design of a lightning data interface, Larry Lee Hosto
Simulation of digital computer SIMCOM, Ming-Te Hsieh
A study of early-late type S0-PCM signal bit synchronizers, Kuang-Cheng Hu
Low frequency lumped element directional couplers, Constantine Rodolph Jenkins
Anodic oxidation of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid on Pt in acid sulfate solutions, Howard Ho-Wei Jiang
Final sintering of Cr₂O₃ with minor additions of MgO and sintering of MgO with minor additions of Cr₂O₃, Gordon E. Jungquist
Phase equilibrium and thermodynamic study of lime-iron oxide solid solutions, Shin Suk Kang
A study of radiative heat transfer from a spherical layer, Hakimuddin Kalimuddin Khalil
The effect of solvents on the desorption of phenol from carbon in a water free system, William W. Knickmeyer
The skid resistance of asphaltic pavements using glass aggregates, Michael Vaughn Korth
An investigation of stress in the MONOWALL construction system subjected to racking loads, Louis Alex Kuhlmann
Interactions between selected pigment producing bacteria isolated from sewage, Leslie Alexander Lakie
An energy solution for vibration characteristics of free thin cylinders, Dale Elmer Leanhardt
Normal mode method applied to the transient longitudinal vibrations of a finite rod with material damping and viscoelastic dispersion, David Arthur Levene
A study of the dislocation instability and reverse martensitic transformation in FE-NI system, Chung Lim
Variable-threshold-mixed-weight threshold element, Cheng-Chung Liu
The integrated planning method of project planning, development and implementation, Joseph Frank Lynch
A time and frequency domain approach to the optimization of linear multivariable regulators, Eugene Charles Machacek
A triangular element for numerical solutions of axisymmetric conduction problems in cylindrical coordinates, Prafulla Chandra Mahata
A study of the void-strengthening of aluminum and its nature, Purushottam G. Manusmare
A system study of a computerized grocery store, Neal Joseph Martini
Reservoir design: simulation techniques, Larry W. Mays
Thickening and dewatering characteristics of activated sludge containing metal-precipitated phosphorus, Lyle Wayne Merritt
A software system for interactive man-machine design and analysis of electronic circuits, Leo William Midden
An analysis of solar noise outbursts and their application to space communication, Marion Francis Moen
Design of a quadrature envelope and correlating receiver, Clinton Harold Moor
Compressibility effects on transient gas pipe flow, Gerald Francis Mouser
Dolomitized Pahasapa Limestone (Mississippian), northeastern sector of the Black Hills, South Dakota, petrography and geological setting, Abdullatif Najjar
Perturbation and sensitivity analysis of an urban model, Nicola Ann Nelson
The use of scattering parameters in amplifier design, Yousef Neman-Ebrahim
Triangular signal stabilization of nonlinear systems, Kamaleddin Yadavar Nikravesh
The design of a data set interface, Wayne Everett Omohundro
A study of the effects of mixing on the accelerated anaerobic digestion of concentrated municipal sludges, Victor Darryl Orr
A method for studying sequential faults on a three phase distribution transformer, Shashi Kant Pandey
Phase equilibrium and thermodynamic study of the iron-copper-carbon system, Krishna Parameswaran
The effect of cathodic protection on the stress corrosion characteristics of 300M low alloy steel, John Pechonick
The design and experimental investigation of a hybrid phase-lock loop, Srinivasa H. R. Raghavan
A hardware and software interface between a graphics terminal and the SCC 650 computer, George Irvin Rhine Jr.
An analog computer simulation of the flapping of a helicopter hinged main rotor blade, Edward Charles Robinson
Hydrostatic extrusion of tubular products, John Lester Roth
Practical application of digital computer to distribution systems, Juan Vincente Saavedra
Fossil otoliths of some lower Cenozoic perciform fishes of the Gulf Coast, Mostafa Juma Salem
Radiant interchange in a non-isothermal rectangular cavity, Tilak Raj Sawheny
Free vibrations of circular cylindrical shells, Sushil Kumar Sharma
A hybrid computer solution of the swing equation, Donald Wayne Shaw
Irradiation enhanced decomposition of a nickel-carbon solid solution, Bryce Linn Shriver
Development of a set of optimum synchronization codes for a unique decoder mechanization, Irv D. Siegel
High temperature compressive creep in mullite, Peter C. Smith
The influence of temperature, carbon content, and preloading on secondary consolidation of a clay, Richard Kai-Ming So
Sediment properties and depositional environment of the Minnelusa formation (Permo-Pennsylvanian), Northern Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, El-Magtuf Taleb Taleb
A comparative study of experimental and computed compressibility factors of methane - nitrogen - helium system, Promod Kumar Taneja
Laser interferometric holography investigation of free convection about a vertical plate of non-uniform temperature, Richard Kenneth Thomson
Laminar heat transfer for small Prandtl number fluids including step change in wall temperature, Shiny Ting
Hydrothermal alteration of ash-flow tuffs in the Indian Peak District of southwestern Utah, Michael Allan Tolley
Contractor quality control: A method of construction inspection, John Scott Treadwell
Evaporation and condensation of zinc, Shailesh Bhanuprasad Vora
The effect of diameter on the film boiling behavior of liquid nitrogen, William Joseph Wafer
Comparing community resources to industrial needs with application to Daviess County, Missouri, Jay Eldon Waggoner Jr.
The artificial sedimentation of soil, John Richard Wagner
Petrology and petrography of the Croweburg Coal, North-Central Missouri, William Keith Wedge
The Pm3m-Fm3m transformation and phase equilibrium in solid solutions of CsC1 with KC1, RbC1, and CsBr, John David Weyand
A statistical hydrologic simulation model, Ronald L. Wycoff
An investigation of a bistable oscillator used in a phase modulated control circuit, Yu-Fang Yen
Theses from 1970
Transient response of a vibration isolation system, Hemendra Shantilal Acharya
Clay mineralogy and compaction characteristics of residual clay soils used in earth dam construction in the Ozark Province of Missouri, Arthur David Alcott
Parameters effecting the dynamic properties of a saturated cohesive soil tested in cyclical simple shear, William Kenneth Andrew V
Abandoned automobiles :a case history of land pollution, Robert William Arden
The smelting of lead drosses, Humberto Adolfo Arzabe
Dynamic analysis of a torsional vibration actuator, Narayandas Trikamdas Ashar
A study of the composite action of light gage steel deck and concrete, Charles Sherman Bach Jr.
The design, construction and experimental verification of a split hopkinson bar, Woosoon Bai
Spheroidization in tool steels, Sharad Gajanan Bankar
Integrating an oscilloscope into a general purpose automatic test system, William Charles Bauer