Scholars' Mine - International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering: Dynamic Compaction in Assalouyeh, Iran


New York, New York


15 Apr 2004, 7:00pm - 8:30pm


Dynamic compaction used as a soil improvement method for treatment of filled material in sea in Assalouyeh, Iran. Land reclamation by filling soil performed up to depth 14m and dynamic compaction used for reduction of liquefaction potential and the settlements due to static loadings. The compaction pattern and the other parameters like applied energy, compaction phases and rest periods designed in term of the characteristics of the soil to be treated and filling material deep. Final compaction pattern revised according to the results of the compaction on trial areas. Extensive trial compactions performed to optimize the compaction process with respect to the required energy for achieving specified densification criterion. Dynamic compaction carried out in two and three passes. Using 16 patterns (combination of weight of pounder, falling height and the arrangement of the impact points) the 90 hectares area improved in 12 months. For testing of efficiency of dynamic compaction geotechnical site investigation tests performed before and after compaction. The desired tests were measurement of induced settlement, boring and Standard Penetration test, Plate load test and Field density test. The results of tests showed that the dynamic compaction was useful to increase bearing capacity up to 3 kg/cm2 for shallow foundations and reduced mostly liquefaction potential.


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Meeting Name

5th Conference of the International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering


University of Missouri--Rolla

Document Version

Final Version


© 2004 University of Missouri--Rolla, All rights reserved.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

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Article - Conference proceedings

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Apr 13th, 12:00 AM Apr 17th, 12:00 AM

Dynamic Compaction in Assalouyeh, Iran

New York, New York

Dynamic compaction used as a soil improvement method for treatment of filled material in sea in Assalouyeh, Iran. Land reclamation by filling soil performed up to depth 14m and dynamic compaction used for reduction of liquefaction potential and the settlements due to static loadings. The compaction pattern and the other parameters like applied energy, compaction phases and rest periods designed in term of the characteristics of the soil to be treated and filling material deep. Final compaction pattern revised according to the results of the compaction on trial areas. Extensive trial compactions performed to optimize the compaction process with respect to the required energy for achieving specified densification criterion. Dynamic compaction carried out in two and three passes. Using 16 patterns (combination of weight of pounder, falling height and the arrangement of the impact points) the 90 hectares area improved in 12 months. For testing of efficiency of dynamic compaction geotechnical site investigation tests performed before and after compaction. The desired tests were measurement of induced settlement, boring and Standard Penetration test, Plate load test and Field density test. The results of tests showed that the dynamic compaction was useful to increase bearing capacity up to 3 kg/cm2 for shallow foundations and reduced mostly liquefaction potential.