(2004) - Fifth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering | International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering

Browse the contents of (2004) - Fifth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering:

Past Proceedings
Session 12: Recent Earthquake Reports
Session 11: Case Histories of World Trade Center Foundation Damage and Repairs, JFK Light Rail Foundations, Second Avenue Subway, Path/Subway Restoration, LIRR East Side Access Project and Other NY/NJ Local Projects
Session 10: Case Histories of Health Monitoring and Retrofit of Bridges, Tunnels, and Other Transportation and Geotechnical Structures
Session 09: Case Histories of Non-Destructive Evaluation and Load Testing of Drilled Shafts, Auger Cast Piles and Driven Piles
Session 08: Case Histories of Soil Property Improvement, Use of Lightweight Materials, and Geotechnical and Hydrological Management and Remediation of Solid, Hazardous and Low-Level Radioactive Wastes, Including Liner Cover Systems and Landfill Closure for Brownfield Development
Session 07: Case Histories of Forensic Engineering, Where Things Went Wrong
Session 06: Case Histories of Geological, Rock and Mining Engineering, Including Underground Structures and Deep Foundations
Session 05: Case Histories of Retaining Structures and Deep Excavations
Session 04: Case Histories of Engineering Vibrations
Session 03: Case Histories of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Natural Disasters, Including Debris and Mud Flows and Lessons Learned from Loma Prieta 1989, Petrolia 1992, Northridge 1994, Kobe 1995, Turkey 1999, Chi-Chi 1999, Greece 1999, Bhuj India 2001 and Other Recent Earthquakes
Session 02: Case Histories of Slopes, Dams and Embankments
Session 01: Case Histories of Shallow, Deep and other Foundations, Including Soil Structure Interaction
Other Special (OSP) Lectures
State Of The Art and Practice (SOAP) Lectures
Table of Contents and Conference Schedule
Meet Our Authors and Speakers
Short Course on Soil Dynamics in Engineering Practice
Preface and Disclaimer