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Sunday, May 6th
12:00 AM

An Embankment on Soft Clays with Sand Drains Numerical Characterization of the Parameters from In-situ Measurements

A. Cancelli, Technical University (Polltecnico) of Milan, Milano, Italy
A. Cividini, Technical University (Polltecnico) of Milan, Milano, Italy

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Baldwin Hills Reservoir Failure

G. A. Leonards, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana

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Behaviour of Ramganga Dams

Bhagwat V. K. Lavania, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India

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Clay Shale Foundation Slide at Waco Dam, Texas

W. R. Stroman, U.S. Army Engineer District, Fort Worth, Texas
R. R. W. Beene
A. M. Hull

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Collapsible Soils Chashma Right Bank Canal

Izharul Haq, WAPDA, Pakistan

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Controlled Breaching of a Full Scale Clay Flood Bank

A. Marsland, Building Research Station, Watford, UK

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Deep Seated Base Failure and Reconstruction Work

M. Fukuoka, Science University of Tokyo, Noda City, Japan

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Design and Performance of Horizontal Drains

J. H. Kleppe, Hart-Crowser and Associates, Seattle, Washington
G. M. Denby, GeoEngineers, Inc., Bellevue, Washington

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Discussions and Replies

Multiple Authors

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Earth Dams at Nuclear Power Plants

R. Pichumani, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C.
D. C. Gupta, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C.
L. W. Heller, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C.

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Efficacy of Grout Curtain at Ramganga Dam

M. C. Goel, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India
B. N. Sharma, Flood Control Department, Gauhati-3, Assam, India

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Embankments Built Over Swamps

Samuel Y. Ng, Soil Exploration Company, St. Paul, Minnesota
James C. Rudd, Soil Exploration Company, St. Paul, Minnesota

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Evolution of Design and Construction of Lornex L-L Tailings Dam

M. D. (Dal) Scott, Lornex Mining Corp. Ltd., Logan Lake, British Columbia, Canada
Robert C. Lo, Klohn Leonoff Ltd., Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

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Failure of a Dredged Slope in a Sensitive Clay

D. P. LaGatta, Geotechnical Engineers, Inc., Winchester, Massachusetts
S. L. Whiteside, Geotechnical Engineers, Inc., Winchester, Massachusetts

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Failure of an Embankment on Soft Clay

M. K. Yegian, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts
Hugo Perez Lasalvia, Teproy, Caracas, Venezuela

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Failure of Micaceous Waste Tailings Dam

W. F. Brumund, Golder Associates, Inc.

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Failure Slope in Clay Shales in Aratu Bay - Brazil

R. B. Guimarães, Universidade Federal da Bahia-Brazil

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General Report for the Theme Three – Case Histories in Dams, Embankments and Slopes

D. E. Kleiner, Harza Engineering Company, Chicago, Illinois

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Grand Coulee Riverbank Stabilization – Case History of the Design of Remedial Measures

J. Lawrence Von Thun, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado

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Lake Monona Causeway - Madison, Wisconsin, USA

W. W. Warzyn, Warzyn Engineering Inc., Madison, Wisconsin
C. A. Stoll, Warzyn Engineering Inc., Madison, Wisconsin

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Lessons from Embankment Dam Accidents. An Introduction

V. Perlea, Hydraulic Engineering Research Institute, Bucharest, Romania

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Long Term Failure in Compacted Clay Slopes

A. E. Templeton, USAED Vicksburg, Vicksburg, Mississippi
G. L. Sills, USAED Vicksburg, Vicksburg, Mississippi
L. A. Cooley, USAED Vicksburg, Vicksburg, Mississippi

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Open Pit Mine Rock Dump Geotechnical Evaluation

Z. M. Zovodni, Kennecott, Engineering Construction, Salt Lake City, Utah
J. D. Tygesen, Kennecott, Utah Copper Division, Bingham Canyon, Utah
S. C. Pereus, SOHIO, Alternate Energy Development, Cleveland, Ohio

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Peculiar Behaviour of the Manicouagan 3 Dam's Core

O. Dascal, Hydro-Quebec, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Performance of a Stone Column Supported Embankment

R. R. Goughnour, Vibroflotation Foundation Company
R. D. Barksdale, Georgia Institute of Technology

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Performance of an Embankment on Peat

R. E. Olson, University of Texas, Austin, Texas

St. Louis, Missouri

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Performance of Trial Embankment on Soft Clay

T. Shibata, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
H. Sekiguchi, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

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Performances of Some Embankment Dams in India

T. Ramamurthy, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India

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Powerhouse Slope Behavior, Fort Peck Dam, Montana

J. V. Hamel, Hamel Geotechnical Consultants, Monroeville, Pennsylvania
G. S. Spencer, Corps of Engineers, Omaha, Nebraska

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Quest and Probe Related to Erosion in the Wrap-Around of an Embankment

R. J. R. Cardia, Civil Engineering Central Laboratory, CEST, Ilha Solteria, SP, Brazil

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Reconsideration of Failure Initiating Mechanisms for Teton Dam

G. A. Leonards, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
L. W. Davidson, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado

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Sealing Leakage of Earth Dam by Concrete Diaphragm

Shen Chonggang, Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power Research, Beijing, China
Jiang Guocheng, Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power Research, Beijing, China

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Slide Stabilization With Gravel Trenches

E. G. Wardlaw, USAED Vicksburg, Vicksburg, Mississippi
L. A. Cooley, USAED Vicksburg, Vicksburg, Mississippi
A. E. Templeton, USAED Vicksburg, Vicksburg, Mississippi
R. L. Fleming Jr., USAED Vicksburg, Vicksburg, Mississippi

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Slip Failure of Embankment on Soft Marine Clay

K. Y. Yong, National University of Singapore, Singapore
S. T. Ting, Soil Investigation (Pte) Ltd, Singapore

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Stability of an Erratic Tailings Deposit

P. C. Kotzias, Kotzias-Stamatopoulos Co. Ltd, Athens, Greece
A. C. Stamatopoulos, Kotzias-Stamatopoulos Co. Ltd, Athens, Greece
B. Karas, Public Power Corporation of Greece, Athens, Greece

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Stability of Hill Slopes and Foundation Condition at Radio Astronomy Centre Ootacamand

R. K. Katti, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Bombay, India
V. S. Chandrasekaran, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Bombay, India
A. Parthasarathy, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Bombay, India
K. K. Moza, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Bombay, India

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Stability of Shannon Embankments

K. R. Massarsch, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), and Consultant to VBB/SWECO, Stockholm, Sweden
M. O. Fives, Electricity Supply Board (E.S.B.), Dublin, Ireland

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Stability of Slopes - A Case History

G. Ramasamy, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India
Gopal Ranjan, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India
Bhawani Singh, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India
A. C. Khazanchi, Regional Research Laboratory, Bhopal, India
U. N. Sinha, Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, India

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The Delayed Failure of a Large Cutting in Hong Kong

R. R. Hudson, Geotechnical Control Office, Kowloon, Hong Kong
S. R. Hencher, Geotechnical Control Office, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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The Failure of a Cut Slope on the Tuen Mun Road in Hong Kong

S. R. Hencher, Geotechnical Control Office, Kowloon, Hong Kong
R. P. Martin, Geotechnical Control Office, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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The Failure of a Soil Blanket Lining Caused by the Action of Bacteria

G. W. Plant, Ove Arup and Partners
P. B.B. Voslo, Consultant Waste Water Purification, Geustyn, Forsyth and Joubert Inc.

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The Foundation of the Right Bank in Wadi-Zarat Dam

M. A. Benltayf, AI-Fateh University, Tripoli, Libya (SPLAJ)
M. Atalla, AI-Fateh University, Tripoli, Libya (SPLAJ)
K. Rabah, Soil and Water Department Secretariat for Agrarian Reform and Land Reclamation, Libya (SPLAJ)

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The Santa Helena Dam on Compressible Foundation

Vinod K. Garga, Klohn Leonoff Ltd., Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
Arnaldo V. Rocha, ECLA Ltda, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Homero G. Ramos, ECLA Ltda, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

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The Use of Limited Field Observation in Remedial Design

J. P. Sully, INTEVEP, S.A., Venezuela
G. I. McPhail, Steffen Robertson & Kirsten (Mining) Inc. South Africa

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