Honors Academy | Student Research & Creative Works | Missouri University of Science and Technology

The Missouri S&T Honors Academy offers students the opportunity to be a part of a community of outstanding scholars seeking an enhanced educational experience.

At Missouri S&T, Honors Academy students are recognized for their academic excellence and provided with individualized attention and opportunities to establish leadership development skills, interact with faculty members, and participate in special projects, including undergraduate research, service learning, and other beneficial experiences.

Graduating students who have completed 15 credit hours of honors course work, maintained a 3.5 GPA, and produced an original thesis/project earn the distinction of Honors Academy Fellow. This distinction is noted on their diploma, transcript, and commencement program.

Senior Thesis/Project
Students under the guidance of a faculty mentor engage in original scholarship, research, or creative activity during their senior year. Then the student must discriminate their findings by presenting them to the Honors Committee and have the opportunity to share their work publicly on Scholars' Mine.


Honors Theses from 2022


AM surface roughness and its impact on drag, Jackson Landry Chandler


Assessing the effects of age and sex on mTBI severity, Jennifer Harrell