Computer Integrated Manufacturing Enterprise in an Academic Environment


The Engineering Management Department at the University of Missouri-Rolla is developing a Manufacturing Engineering preference program which attempts to integrate laboratory exercises approaching the complexity of `real world' manufacturing systems with lecture based course work emphasizing theory. This paper describes the industrial grade Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) laboratory in the Engineering Management Department at the University of Missouri-Rolla. The primary mission of the CIM laboratory is to provide a facility to encourage cross-disciplinary teaching and research in the realization of a truly integrated manufacturing system based on Concurrent Engineering tenets. Constant efforts are being made to realize the evolution of the CIM laboratory facility into a demonstration production facility illustrating the various facets of the Computer Integrated Manufacturing Enterprise (CIME). Descriptions of the various components of CIM hardware, control software developed in-house, and interfacing techniques are presented in this paper.


Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

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Publication Date

01 Dec 1995

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