Interacting Features Recognition for Prismatic Parts


Intelligent Computer-Aided Design (CAD) system that can support Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) system would be beneficial for many downstream manufacturing applications such as GT coding, NC code generation, automated process planning, automated tolerancing and inspection, automated assembly, etc. Traditional CAD systems typically represent the product information in terms of lower level primitives. These CAD systems can be turned into intelligent systems by building mechanisms which would map the lower level primitives into higher level primitives (features such as boss, slot, step, etc.). This study presents a mechanism for automatic feature recognition from the boundary representation (B-Rep) of the part model. The feature recognition methodology is based on a gift wrapping technique (wherein the part is assumed to be wrapped as if it is a gift). The proposed methodology is capable of identifying primitive features (both depression and protrusion features) and many features resulting from interaction of the primitive features from an orthogonal part model.


Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

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Publication Date

01 Dec 1995

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