Doctoral Dissertations
This collection contains dissertations written in partial fulfillment of the doctoral degree, from 1937 to the present.
The first doctoral degree was in Chemistry, awarded to Frank Joseph Zvanut; his dissertation was titled Pyrochemical changes in Missouri halloysite.. Zvanut had earned his Bachelor of Science in Ceramic Engineering in 1932. Most recently, popular Ph.D. disciplines have included Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Geological Engineering and Petroleum Engineering.
Theses and dissertations previously submitted in print will be digitized with permission of the author or copyright holder. Missouri S&T Library and Learning Resources encourages graduates to provide this permission so that their work can reach the widest possible audience. If you would like to grant this permission, please use this Form or go to your dissertation in Scholars' Mine and click on the Share My Dissertation button. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.
More information on today’s graduate degree programs is available on the Missouri S&T website.
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Dissertations from 2018
Aerogels for energy storage applications: From shape memory materials to thermites and explosives, Suraj Donthula
Quantitative phase-field modeling of crack propagation in multi-phase materials, Arezoo Emdadi
Incremental proper orthogonal decomposition for PDE simulation data: Algorithms and analysis, Hiba Fareed
Chemistry, design, and processing of two-stage TRIP steel, Daniel M. Field
Monitoring of hybrid manufacturing using acoustic emission sensor, Haythem Gaja
On modeling quantities for insurer solvency against catastrophe under some Markovian assumptions, Daniel Jefferson Geiger
Synthesis and comprehensive studies of nanogels for enhanced oil recovery, Jiaming Geng
Shear performance and behavior of long carbon fiber reinforced concrete, Benjamin Paul Gliha
Data fusion techniques for biomedical informatics and clinical decision support, Peng Guo
Geomechanical characterizations and correlations to reduce uncertainties of carbonate reservoir analysis, Farqad Hadi
Cox-type model validation with recurrent event data, Muna Mohamed Hammuda
Mitigation of environmental hazards of sulfide mineral flotation with an insight into froth stability and flotation performance, Muhammad Badar Hayat
Service response and evaluation of prestressed concrete bridges through load testing, Eli Saul Hernandez Ramos
Engineering polymeric hollow fiber membrane reactors for sustainable chemical transformation reactions, Yingxin He
Electrodeposited epitaxial cobalt oxides and copper metal, Caleb M. Hull
New developments of dimension reduction, Lei Huo
Modeling and characterization of thermo-oxidative behavior of bismaleimide composites, Rafid Muhammad Hussein
Disorder at first-order classical and quantum phase transitions, Ahmed Khalil Ibrahim
Effects of milling methods, cooling strategies and end-mill coatings on machinability in high speed end-milling of Inconel- 718 using carbide end-mills, Paras Mohan Jasra
Nanoporous carbon scaffolds for energy storage applications, Waruni Jayawardana
Empirical correlations between rock cutting parameters and excavated rock surface rebound hardness, Azupuri Germanus Ayerikujei Kaba
GIS-based spatial analysis coupled with geophysical imaging to identify and evaluate factors that control the formation of karst sinkholes in southwestern Missouri, Shishay T. Kidanu
Fully differential study of dissociative capture in P + H₂ collisions, Basu Ram Lamichhane
Development and management of advanced batteries via additive manufacturing and modeling, Jie Li
Lithospheric layering and thickness beneath the contiguous United States, Lin Liu
Guayule plant extracts as binder modifiers in flexible (asphalt) pavement mixtures, Steven Michael Lusher
Electrodeposited semiconductor nanostructures & epitaxial thin films for flexible electronics, Naveen Kumar Mahenderkar
Detecting cells and analyzing their behaviors in microscopy images using deep neural networks, Yunxiang Mao
Analyzing factors affecting patient satisfaction using the Kano model, Tejaswi Materla
A new signal processing method for acoustic emission/microseismic data analysis, Charles Mborah
Multitarget tracking and terrain-aided navigation using square-root consider filters, James Samuel McCabe
Evaluation of the redesign of a STEM gatekeeper course, General Chemistry I, incorporating active-learning strategies and implementation of a student-choice model, Travis Rae McDowell
Evolving specialization in an agent-based model without task-switching costs, Shane Robert Meyer
The significance of grouping and missed bubbles on interfacial area concentration and void fraction, Chandller Stephen-Leslie Mills
Data driven decision making tools for transportation work zone planning, Samareh Moradpour
Analysis of DC microgrids as stochastic hybrid systems, Jacob Andreas Mueller
On-die transient event sensors and system-level ESD testing, Abhishek Patnaik
Seismic anisotropy and the mantle dynamics beneath the Arabian plate, Saleh Ismail Hassan Qaysi
Adaptive data analysis for damage detection and system identification in civil infrastructure, Hongya Qu
Computational design and numerical analyses of thermal-hydraulics in a PWR-type small modular nuclear reactor, Vivek Murlidhar Rao
The separation of shear-driven liquid films from a sharp corner, Zahra Sadeghizadeh
Advancement in thermal energy storage using phase change materials, Rami Mohammad Reda Saeed
Correlation between delay time and measured concentration and concentration uncertainty by neutron activation analysis, James Thomas Seman
Security risk assessment in cloud computing domains, Amartya Sen
Research on additive manufacturing of metallic glass alloy, Yiyu Shen
A methodology to predict community college STEM student retention and completion, Jennifer Lynn Snyder
Dragline excavation simulation, real-time terrain recognition and object detection, Godfred Somua-Gyimah
Hydrodynamics study of the bubble columns with intense vertical heat-exchanging tubes using gamma-ray computed tomography and radioactive particle tracking techniques, Abbas Jawad Sultan
Characterization of triboelectric charging in data centers/display panel manufactures, and EMI visualization based on energy parcels method in high speed interconnections, Atieh Talebzadehghahroudi
Investigation of additively manufactured polymer and transparent polymer composites, Gregory Taylor
Atomic layer deposition prepared nanostructured materials for various catalytic reactions, Xiaofeng Wang
A multiple scattering method to study the cable harness inside a vehicle shell, Yansheng Wang
Discrete element and artificial intelligence modeling of rock properties and formation failure in advance of shovel excavation, Muhammad Waqas
Computational dynamics and virtual dragline simulation for extended rope service life, Muhammad Wardeh
Learning-based short-time prediction of photovoltaic resources for pre-emptive excursion cancellation, Huaiqi Xie
Signal processing for microwave imaging systems with very sparse array, Xiahan Yang
Direct numerical simulation of pressure fluctuations induced by supersonic turbulent boundary layers, Chao Zhang
Harmful algae, algal toxin, taste and odor control and mitigation in public water system, Haiting Zhang
Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties by direct metal deposition, Jingwei Zhang
HDG methods for Dirichlet boundary control of PDEs, Yangwen Zhang
Enhancement of heat transfer coefficient using nanofluids for multi-stage flash desalination (MSF) plant, Nasser Zouli
Dissertations from 2017
Experimental study of natural convection heat transfer and gaseous dynamics from dual-channel circulation loop, Ibrahim Ahmed Said Abdallah
Geophysical interpretation and static reservoir modeling of structurally complex reservoir, RG oil field area, Sirte Basin, Libya, Abdalla A. Abdelnabi
Investigation of local velocities and phase holdups, and flow regimes and maldistribution identification in a trickle bed reactor, Mohd Fitri Bin Abdul Rahman
T-closed sets, multivalued inverse limits, and hereditarily irreducible maps, Hussam Abobaker
Long-range interatomic interactions: Oscillatory tails and hyperfine perturbations, Chandra Mani Adhikari
Magneto inductive communication system for underwater wireless sensor networks, Niaz Ahmed
Event-triggering architectures for adaptive control of uncertain dynamical systems, Ali Talib Oudah Albattat
Screening guidelines and data analysis for the application of in-situ polymer gels for injection well conformance improvement, Munqith Naeem Rashak Aldhaheri
Electron impact excitation-ionization of molecules, Esam Abobakr A. Ali
Imaging a fly ash landfill using non-invasive technologies (ERT and MASW), Atiat Shaban Qasim Alsaaideh
Programming problems on time scales: Theory and computation, Rasheed Basheer Al-Salih
Acquisition of active multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) data in karst terrain, Ghassan Salem Alsulaimani
Numerical and experimental study of new designs of all-vanadium redox flow batteries for performance improvement, Mohammed Abdulkhabeer Ali Al-yasiri
Theoretical calculations for electron impact ionization of atoms and molecules, Sadek Mohamed Fituri Amami
Local holomorphic extension of Cauchy Riemann functions, Brijitta Antony
Pillar design for St. Peter sandstone formation, Francis Anohomah Arthur
Experimental and computational investigation of multi-principal element alloys, Mohsen Beyramali Kivy
Modeling dynamic community acceptance of mining using agent-based modeling, Mark Kofi Boateng
A harmonic M-factorial function and applications, Reginald Alfred Brigham II
Biomarker discovery using urinary metabolomics for noninvasive early cancer detection, Casey Franklin Burton
Reliability prediction in early design stages, Yao Cheng
Long-period fiber grating corrosion sensors for life-cycle monitoring and assessment of reinforced concrete structures, Yizheng Chen
The influence of caprock on blast fragmentation distribution, Matthew Kurtis Coy
Volumetric error compensation for 5-axis machine tools, Jennifer Ruth Creamer