
Geocast is a one-to-many communication paradigm that enables the transmission of data packets to a designated area rather than an IP address. The most common geocast solutions rely on the application-layer Geolocation-to-IP database. But these IP-based approaches cannot cope with the challenges of flexibility and mobility in a granularity-customizable geocast scenario. While some non-IP network-layer (L3) attempts have resulted in low addressing accuracy and poor routing scalability. Besides, the clean-slate design is incompatible with the existing network. To address these issues, this article proposes an innovative network-layer geographic addressing scheme that leverages P4-based Software Defined Networks (SDN) to enable flexible geocast with high accuracy. Based on the aggregation relationship of the geographic area, a network-layer routing strategy is designed to enhance routing scalability. Compatibility is improved by deploying the network-layer designs only at the network edge where granularity-customizable geocast is implemented, without requiring changes to the current IP infrastructure. Then, the network-layer functions are integrated with an application-layer mapping service to support intercommunication between different network edges. Furthermore, a prototype system is built to implement and evaluate the proposed L3Geocast, which outperforms the existing approaches in terms of communication latency and mapping overhead.


Computer Science


Natural Science Foundation of Beijing Municipality, Grant 42420008

Keywords and Phrases

Customizable geocast; geographic routing; network-layer addressing; p4; SDN

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

1558-0660; 1536-1233

Document Type

Article - Journal

Document Version


File Type





© 2024 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 2024
