
Conversational information seeking has evolved rapidly in the last few years with the development of Large Language Models (LLMs), providing the basis for interpreting and responding in a naturalistic manner to user requests. The extended TREC Interactive Knowledge Assistance Track (iKAT) collection aims to enable researchers to test and evaluate their Conversational Search Agent (CSA). The collection contains a set of 36 personalized dialogues over 20 different topics each coupled with a Personal Text Knowledge Base (PTKB) that defines the bespoke user personas. A total of 344 turns with approximately 26,000 passages are provided as assessments on relevance, as well as additional assessments on generated responses over four key dimensions: relevance, completeness, groundedness, and naturalness. The collection challenges CSAs to efficiently navigate diverse personal contexts, elicit pertinent persona information, and employ context for relevant conversations. The integration of a PTKB and the emphasis on decisional search tasks contribute to the uniqueness of this test collection, making it an essential benchmark for advancing research in conversational and interactive knowledge assistants.


Computer Science


Canadian Network for Research and Innovation in Machining Technology, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Grant EP/V025708/1

Keywords and Phrases

conversational information seeking; conversational search agents; evaluation; test collection

Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


File Type





© 2024 Association for Computing Machinery, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

10 Jul 2024
