Chemistry Masters Theses
Theses from 1959
Reaction to 1-Bromo-2, 3-Epoxybutane with phenol in the presence of boron trifluoride, Robert F. Bridger
Theses from 1958
The use of chelating agents in inorganic analysis, Richard K. Vitek
Theses from 1957
Transference numbers of concentrated manganous chloride solutions, Marshall L. Severson
Theses from 1956
The effect of pH on phase reversals of protein-stabilized emulsions, Samuel Arthur Bradford
The effect of metallic naphthenates on the oxidation of linoleic acid, David Elliott Troutner
Theses from 1955
Addition of ketene to ethylene oxide, John Philip Friedrich
Separation of germanium, lead, zinc, and cadmium by anion exchange, Franklin Maynard Hill
Theses from 1952
Halogenated epoxide-phenol reactions A mechanism study, Richard L. Rowton
4-Benzoyl-4-methyl-1, 2-epoxypentane, An attempted synthesis, Robert L. Snell
Theses from 1951
Radioactive carbon labeled molecules: A method of synthesis, Glen E. Benedict
The polarographic determination of germanium, Herbert L. Bowkley
Theses from 1950
The determination of the solubility of hafnium oxide in aqueous solution by the radioactive tracer technique, Hampden O. Banks
Ammonium and alkylammonium salts of carboxylic acids as characterizing derivatives, Hal Gilbert Lankford
Theses from 1948
The determination of the surface tension of benzyl ether, Sze-Kwei Min
Reduction of beryllium compounds with magnesium, Pei Wang
Theses from 1947
An investigation of the colorimetric methods for the determination of fluorine by the zirconium alizarin sulfonate method, William Lewis Break
The separation of the rare earths neodymium and praseodymium by precipitation as chloride, Stanley Milton Kulifay
Theses from 1942
A study of the electrolytic reduction of pyrrole, Don Richard Strehlau
Theses from 1941
Studies on the quantitative analysis of rhenium and its occurrence in the products of molybdenite processing, Walter Keith Dean
Theses from 1940
The volumetric determination of alumina in clays and related materials, David Ferdinand Boltz
Consumption and uses of crude barite and its derivatives, Peter Simonds
Electrolytic reduction of galena in fused salt, Peter Simonds
Theses from 1939
The reactions of acid halides with sodium, magnesium, zinc and amalgams, William H. Webb
Theses from 1938
The catalytic vapor-phase hydrolysis of benzene and toluene, Clemens Raebel Maise
Theses from 1937
A study of methods for the recovery of silver, bromine, iodine, and sodium thiosulfate from used photographic fixing baths, LeRoy Agustave Bay
Theses from 1933
Steric hindrance in the ketonic splitting of substituted acetoacetic ester, Claude Stanley Abshier
The preparation and specific gravity of pure formic acid and its aqueous solutions, Leo Henry Merchie
A study of methods for separating the elements that interfere in the electrolytic deposition of lead as lead oxide, John Shaw Sabine
Theses from 1932
Factors affecting the electrolytic deposition of small amounts of lead as lead dioxide and the composition of the deposit, Thomas Gordon Day
Theses from 1928
The preparation of certain inorganic and organic compounds which may be of use in mineralogical separations, Clarence Jay Black
Theses from 1927
The solubility of solid paraffin in the lower molecular weight hydrocarbons, Paul Weber
Theses from 1923
The disintegration of refractory brick by carbon monoxide, Wilbur J. Darby
Theses from 1921
Glucose from corn cobs, Barney Nudelman
Theses from 1920
Methyl amines from carbinol and ammonium chloride, Arthur Mark Howald
Theses from 1900
The determination of aluminium, Victor Hugo Gottschalk