
OxaD is a flavin-dependent monooxygenase (FMO) responsible for catalyzing the oxidation of an indole nitrogen atom, resulting in the formation of a nitrone. Nitrones serve as versatile intermediates in complex syntheses, including challenging reactions like cycloadditions. Traditional organic synthesis methods often yield limited results and involve environmentally harmful chemicals. Therefore, the enzymatic synthesis of nitrone-containing compounds holds promise for more sustainable industrial processes. In this study, we explored the catalytic mechanism of OxaD using a combination of steady-state and rapid-reaction kinetics, site-directed mutagenesis, spectroscopy, and structural modeling. Our investigations showed that OxaD catalyzes two oxidations of the indole nitrogen of roquefortine C, ultimately yielding roquefortine L. The reductive-half reaction analysis indicated that OxaD rapidly undergoes reduction and follows a "cautious" flavin reduction mechanism by requiring substrate binding before reduction can take place. This characteristic places OxaD in class A of the FMO family, a classification supported by a structural model featuring a single Rossmann nucleotide binding domain and a glutathione reductase fold. Furthermore, our spectroscopic analysis unveiled both enzyme-substrate and enzyme-intermediate complexes. Our analysis of the oxidative-half reaction suggests that the flavin dehydration step is the slow step in the catalytic cycle. Finally, through mutagenesis of the conserved D63 residue, we demonstrated its role in flavin motion and product oxygenation. Based on our findings, we propose a catalytic mechanism for OxaD and provide insights into the active site architecture within class A FMOs.



Publication Status

Open Access


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona, Grant CHE 2003658

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

1520-4995; 0006-2960

Document Type

Article - Journal

Document Version


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© 2024 American Chemical Society, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

04 Jun 2024

PubMed ID


Included in

Chemistry Commons
