Chemical and Biochemical Masters Theses | Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Theses and Dissertations | Missouri University of Science and Technology

Chemical and Biochemical Masters Theses



Theses from 1988

The cascade arc as a plasma source for plasma polymerization, Steven Paul Fusselman


VLE for 1,3-butadiene with 1,2-butadiene and propyne, Patrick J. Gripka

Data acquisition using an IBM PC AT, Sumant M. Hattikudur

Removal of hazardous components by sorption on waste materials, Ching-Li Hu

Equation of state model for the water, ammonia, carbon dioxide system, Kaylynn Sue Johnston


An experimental study of adsorption and variable temperature desorption of ethanol-water, propane-propylene and hydrogen sulfide-carbon dioxide-propane, Suvit Kulvaranon

Preparation of microporous poly(vinylidene fluoride) membranes by phase inversion, Hung-Chen Shih

Theses from 1987

Gas diffusion in activated carbon : dusty-gas model, Abdulmuhsen Rashed Alshamlan

The development and evaluation of a re-enterable LU decomposition algorithm, Martin John Armstrong

Adsorption-desorption separations of ethylbenzene and styrene, Hung Hathuc

Vapor-liquid Equilibria for n-Propyl Mercaptan/Methylcyclohexane and n-Propyl Mercaptan/Benzene, James C. McNelis

New device for analysis of metal particles in oil, Michael John Quinn

Phase equilibria and liquid densities for the perfluoro (methlycyclohexane) - ethanol system, Sen Sabyasachi

The desorption of furfural from activated carbon, Chi Min Shu

A mathematical model for the simulation of multicomponent adsorption in a fixed bed, Ba Kim Trinh

Theses from 1986


Water desalination using nocturnal radiation cooling, Ali Mufarreh Saleh Al-Amri

VLE from liquid density data for the n-butane/1,3-butadiene system, Donna Sue Cambre Arve

Nucleation and crystal growth kinetics of zinc electrodeposited from acidic zinc sulphate solution, Allan Campbell Beshore


Measurement of the dusty gas model parameters for activated carbon, Philip James Gloor

Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulation of two interacting liquid-vapor interfaces of single component atomic fluids, Dan Walter Hawley

Ultrathin coating by methane plasma polymerization applied to silicone rubber contact lenses, Benjamin Chung-Peng Ho

Removal of trichloroethylene from waste water by sorption on biomass, Patricia Mary Kieran

Synthesis and characterization of an X-ray resist, Arlene Saum Koelling

An evaluation of different solution models for the methylfuran/dioaxane and maleic anhydride/dioxane binaries with calorimetric data, Paul E. Nagy

Saturation pressures and vapor densities for C3 hydrocarbons, Jeffrey T. Pachl

Instability of a crossed shear layer with two velocity components to vortical and to three-dimensional perturbations, Nimesh Y. Shah

Hydrolysis of cellulosic materials with concentrated acid, Chienchung Shih

Theses from 1985

Dynamic contact lines in rotating liquids, Farhad Adib


Oxygen absorption and diffusion in tissue, Bo Henrik Arve

A data acquisition system for the Apple IIe, Erich Albert Fechner

Construction of a system for laser Doppler measurements of turbulence in two-phase stratified liquid/liquid flows, Shaun Patrick Hennessey


Complex reactions in porous media, Dar-Sen Horng

Stability of foams, Shun-Yodle Hsieh

A study of promoting nucleate boiling and dropwise condensation by ultra thin plasma deposited polymers, Wenbin Eric Huang

Multiphase equilibria from PVT data : carbon dioxide, water, heptane, Chris Eric Lancaster

A personal computer graphical preprocessor for flowsheeting systems, Dru Ann Nelson

The determination of the solubility of glucose in aqueous ethyl alcohol and the single-solute equilibrium adsorption of glucose onto activated carbon in aqueous ethyl alcohol, Christopher P. O'Callaghan

Characterizing plasma polymers for durable reverse osmosis membranes, Michael Stephen Schmidt

Catalytic effects of the inorganic rock matrix in the pyrolysis of oil shales, John Bryer Tummons

Diffusion of vapors through stretched polymers, Yun Yang

The determination of adsorption isotherms for various components of acid hydrolyzates using activated carbon, Jing-Jong Your

Theses from 1984

Plasma polymer films for controlling interfacial phenomenon, Dong Lyun Cho

Equipment modules for the equation oriented approach to simulation, Patrick Francis Anthony Cummins

Design and construction of a system for the investigation of random droplet motion in liquid-liquid dispersions, John Michael Kokorudz

Recovery of sugars from acid hydrolyzate streams via charcoal adsorption, Jen-Ho Kuo

A block diagram decoupler application and evaluation, Paul Glenn Luebbers

Combined reaction and distillation : a study of esterification, Chung-Shih Pien

High pressure kinetic study of the catalytic decomposition of ethyl diazoacetate, William Lyle Pulse

Fluorescence based measurement of concentration in stirred tanks, Jennifer Jan Ferrell Quigley

Solution to the piecewise linear continuous random initial value problem for Burger's equation, Yin-Chin Shih

Deposition mechanism of plasma polymerization, Chien-Rhone Wang

A study of gas permeabilities of poly-p-xylylene and polychoro-p-xylylene, Yun-Siung Yeh

Theses from 1983

The pyrolysis of western and eastern oil shales in inert and organic gaseous atmospheres, Charles Robert Allison

Fluorescence determination of relative conversion in a stirred baffled reactor tank with reaction, William Don Bockelman

The redesign and reconstruction of a vertical cloud tunnel, William Allen Brooks

Study of alcohol permeating membranes as a means of alcohol-water mixture separation, Mark Patrick David Carthy

Stability of fluid-fluid displacement with mass transfer in porous media : a model for carbon dioxide flooding of oil fields, Huan-Chung Chang

Study of rate of mechanical shear degradation of polymer solutions, In-Mau Chen

Electrochemical studies of plasma-formed tin, Yung-Ming Jack Chen

The electrochemical reduction of crotyl alcohol, Chen-Yie Chien

Energy storage capacity of reversible liquid phase Diels-Alder reactions as determined by drop calorimetry, Chih-Ping Chung

A study of analog and direct digital pH control, Terry Ray Coffman


UNIFAC parameters for maleic anhydride and 2-methyl furan in p-dioxane system, Kow-Jen Daumn

Applications of a generalised geometric programming algorithm in preliminary plant design, Damian James Greene

Structuring dynamic systems of chemical process design equations, Jeffrey Joseph Jost

Concentration induced stress effects in diffusion of vapors through polymer membranes, Myungsoo Kim

Fixed-bed wood gasification with recirculation, Tyau-Jeen Lin

Separation of ethanol from water by a two-stage adsorption on activated carbon and cellulose, Chen-Pang Anthony Liu

Laser Doppler measurements of turbulence in a stirred tank, Ning-Ju Nan

Transient response in heterogeneous "Solid" polymer membranes, Shirish Shantilal Pancholi

Modelling of falloff in unimolecular chemical reactions, Rajaram Ramesh

Ethanol fermentation with continuous product removal by carbon dioxide stripping and pulsed feed, Padraig Kevin Walsh

Thermochemical wood gasification, Jiun-Fang Wang

Development of an equation oriented flowsheeting system, Mark Charles Whelan

A comparison of Broyden's and Newton's methods for solving systems of simultaneous algebraic equations, Chi-Kung Jerry Yu

Theses from 1982

Acid hydrolysis of corn stover using hydrochloric acid., Michael Dean Ackerson

PVT data for enhanced oil systems, David Martin Fischer

Deposition characterization and polymer film properties of vacuum pyrolytic polymerized poly-p-xylylenes., Paul William Kramer

The simulation of thermally coupled extractive distillation, Edward Allen Kyser

Construction and testing of a high temperature air bath., Edward Gerard Latimer

A comparative analysis of slit-jet nozzle quality for papermaking., Charles Brentford McField

The effect of recycle on the acid hydrolysis of corn stover, Mark Stanley Ziobro

Theses from 1981

Vapor pressures for the propane-propadiene system., Andy Francis Burcham

Production of ethanol from peat., Paul Joseph Cahill

Comparison of fermentors for acetone/butanol production., James Anthony Conheady

Fermentation of acid hydrolysate., Cecilia Meyer Freeman

A study of air-blown wood gasification in a large fluidized bed reactor., Chong-King Lian

Turbulent mixing in a chemically reactive flow with second-order chemical reaction., John Panagopoulos

Preparation of a stable dropwise condensation surface for steam., Joseph Elmer Schroeder

Rate of shear degradation of polymer solutions., An-Min Shen


A determination of the energy storage capacity of the Diels-Alder reaction between methylfuran and maleic anhydride as applied to storing solar energy, Brent Gregory Sparks

Two component multiphase vapor liquid equilibria from total pressure measurements., Jen-Sheng Tzeng

Capability of a complex viscosity apparatus to measure storage and loss moduli of solid polymers., James D. Wood

Light-scattering measurements of turbulence and concentration in a stirred tank reactor., Robert P. Zipp

Theses from 1980

Wood gasification wastewater treatment using activated carbon., Prakash Acharya

Plasma polymerization as a means of preparing composite hollow fiber reverse osmosis membranes., Patrick Joseph Heffernan

The effect of plasma deposited polymers on the nucleate boiling behavior of copper heat transfer surfaces., Thomas Alan Hinrichs

The simulation of the anaerobic digestion process., George Everett Reynolds

Adsorption of surfactants by polymer surfaces., Brian Gerard Sherry

Theses from 1979

Cyclic voltammetry applied to manganese electrowinning solutions., Satish D. Bhakta