Mathematics and Statistics
Applied Mathematics
Research Advisor
Zhang, Yanzhi
Advisor's Department
Mathematics and Statistics
Funding Source
OURE Fellows
Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter near absolute zero temperature for which all atoms lose their individual properties and condense into a macroscopic coherent "super-wave". The superfluidity of BEC has been the focus of active research since the first experimental realization of BEC in 1995. The recent launch of the Cold Atom Laboratory to the space station on May 21, 2018, has once again drawn spotlights to these fascinating properties of BEC. In this project, we will carry out numerical studies to understand the behavior of exciton-polariton BECs. A modified Gross-Pitaevskii equation is used to model the dynamics of the condensate. Numerical methods will be developed for efficiently simulating the dynamics. Numerical experiments are provided to verify the accuracy of our method and study the properties of the exciton-polariton BECs.
Megan Benkendorf is a junior majoring in Applied Mathematics and working on minors in computer science, physics, and music. She has enjoyed working on research projects, both at Missouri S& T and over the summer at an NSF funded REU at Fairmont State in West Virginia. In spring of 2022, she worked with Dr. Han through the First Year Research Experience (FYRE). Over the summer, she had the opportunity to travel to West Virginia to participate in Discrete and Continuous Analysis in Appalachia under Dr. Cuchta. Last year, she worked with Dr. Murphy on Numerical Approaches for the Inverse Scattering. In addition to her research activity, she also enjoys being involved in other groups and activities on campus, including Foundation for Undergraduate Mathematicians, Lutheran Student Fellowship, Aerial Swing Dance, and the music fraternity Kappa Kappa Psi.
Research Category
Presentation Type
OURE Fellows Final Oral Presentation
Document Type
Havener Center - Carver Room
Presentation Date
10 April 2024, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Numerical Studies on Bose-Einstein condensates
Havener Center - Carver Room
Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter near absolute zero temperature for which all atoms lose their individual properties and condense into a macroscopic coherent "super-wave". The superfluidity of BEC has been the focus of active research since the first experimental realization of BEC in 1995. The recent launch of the Cold Atom Laboratory to the space station on May 21, 2018, has once again drawn spotlights to these fascinating properties of BEC. In this project, we will carry out numerical studies to understand the behavior of exciton-polariton BECs. A modified Gross-Pitaevskii equation is used to model the dynamics of the condensate. Numerical methods will be developed for efficiently simulating the dynamics. Numerical experiments are provided to verify the accuracy of our method and study the properties of the exciton-polariton BECs.