Heavy Metal Elements Pre-concentration by Solid Phase Extraction and Rapid Detection

Presenter Information

Ariel Donovan





Research Advisor

Shi, Honglan

Advisor's Department


Funding Source

Opportunities for Undergraduate Research (OURE)


Analyses of trace metal elements are generally performed by expensive instrumental methods, such as inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAA). In addition to the high cost, the instruments are not always available. These methods are also not suitable for in field detection. This study developed a novel method to pre-concentrate the heavy metal elements in environmental samples by solid phase extraction. A large volume of water sample was extracted with a cartridge that packed with specific adsorbent, and then the metal elements were eluted with a small volume of solvent. The metal elements in the extracted samples can be analyzed by using HACH test kits or other rapid and less expensive methods. ICP-MS method was used to detect the metal elements concentrations and validate the newly developed method. The optimized experimental conditions and the method suitability for water samples analysis were studied.


Ariel Donovan is a senior at Missouri S&T pursuing a Bachelors of Science in Chemistry. She is currently working on water treatment research with Dr. Honglan Shi. After completing her degree at Missouri S&T, she plans to continue her education through graduate school with a focus on Analytical Chemistry.

Research Category


Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Document Type



Upper Atrium/Hall

Presentation Date

16 Apr 2014, 9:00 am - 11:45 am

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Apr 16th, 9:00 AM Apr 16th, 11:45 AM

Heavy Metal Elements Pre-concentration by Solid Phase Extraction and Rapid Detection

Upper Atrium/Hall

Analyses of trace metal elements are generally performed by expensive instrumental methods, such as inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAA). In addition to the high cost, the instruments are not always available. These methods are also not suitable for in field detection. This study developed a novel method to pre-concentrate the heavy metal elements in environmental samples by solid phase extraction. A large volume of water sample was extracted with a cartridge that packed with specific adsorbent, and then the metal elements were eluted with a small volume of solvent. The metal elements in the extracted samples can be analyzed by using HACH test kits or other rapid and less expensive methods. ICP-MS method was used to detect the metal elements concentrations and validate the newly developed method. The optimized experimental conditions and the method suitability for water samples analysis were studied.