Automated Red Teaming and Remediation Tool
Computer Science
Computer Science
Research Advisor
Tauritz, Daniel R.
Advisor's Department
Computer Science
Funding Source
Opportunities for Undergraduate Experience Program (OURE)
The Automated Red Teaming and REmediation Tool (ARTRET) will take a completely novel approach to red teaming by applying state-of-the-art computational intelligence in the form of coevolution to simultaneously evolve cyber-attacks and corresponding remedial defenses. ARTRET will employ the automated software testing and correction system developed at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) as its engine. The availability of the envisioned automated red teaming tool will increase efficiency and effectiveness in 1) identifying flaws in target software systems (those under red team assessment), 2) developing exploits to facilitate penetration testing exercises, and 3) identifying patches to correct identified flaws.
Alex is currently a senior in Computer Science, an Undergraduate Research Assistant in the Natural Computation Laboratory, the Public Relations Officer for the Missouri S&T Student Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group - Security (SIG-Security), and will be returning to Sandia National Laboratories this summer as an intern in the Center for Cyber Defenders and Center for Analysis Systems and Applications. He was previously a tutor for the Introduction to C++ labs (CompSci 54), the Secretary for ACM SIG-Security and the Missouri S&T ACM Student Chapter, and the grader for Evolutionary Computing (CompSci 348). Alex will continue his research as a Master’s student in Computer Science at S&T in Fall Semester 2014.
Research Category
Research Proposals
Presentation Type
Poster Presentation
Document Type
Research proposal poster session, Second place
Upper Atrium/Hall
Presentation Date
16 Apr 2014, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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- Abstract Views: 13
Automated Red Teaming and Remediation Tool
Upper Atrium/Hall
The Automated Red Teaming and REmediation Tool (ARTRET) will take a completely novel approach to red teaming by applying state-of-the-art computational intelligence in the form of coevolution to simultaneously evolve cyber-attacks and corresponding remedial defenses. ARTRET will employ the automated software testing and correction system developed at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) as its engine. The availability of the envisioned automated red teaming tool will increase efficiency and effectiveness in 1) identifying flaws in target software systems (those under red team assessment), 2) developing exploits to facilitate penetration testing exercises, and 3) identifying patches to correct identified flaws.