Inference Engine for Skin Cancer Diagnosis
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Research Advisor
Shrestha, Bijaya
Moss, Randy Hays, 1953-
Advisor's Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Second Advisor's Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Funding Source
Missouri S&T Opportunities for Undergraduate Research Experiences (OURE) Program
The first task our group completed was designing a search engine. We queried a database of patient data using SQLite and created a graphical user interface using open-source code, wxWidgets. My personal portion of the search engine was to query the database, and I also contributed to the graphical user interface coding. Everything was coded in C++, and this portion of the project was designed to be used as the foundation for the Inference Engine.
The group’s current method for skin cancer diagnosis is to look at all the features an image has and evaluate them simultaneously to reach a diagnosis. However, finding and measuring each feature is very time consuming. The purpose of the inference Engine is to make this process more efficient by finding which features are necessary or useful and which ones are not.
Vincent is pursuing a degree in Electrical Engineering. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Kappa Mu Epsilon, and is currently the president of the Gamma Theta chapter of Eta Kappa Nu. All three organizations are Greek honors societies. Of course, he is also a member of the Dermatology Vision research group. Through one programming class and his experiences in this research group he has learned to program in C++, also using wxWidgets for designing a graphical user interface and SQLite for Database Querying. He has several hobbies, including playing pool, Texas Hold ‘Em poker, running, bike riding, drawing (and any other art), designing things and playing Minecraft.
Research Category
Presentation Type
Poster Presentation
Document Type
Upper Atrium/Hallway
Presentation Date
10 Apr 2012, 9:00 am - 11:45 am
Inference Engine for Skin Cancer Diagnosis
Upper Atrium/Hallway
The first task our group completed was designing a search engine. We queried a database of patient data using SQLite and created a graphical user interface using open-source code, wxWidgets. My personal portion of the search engine was to query the database, and I also contributed to the graphical user interface coding. Everything was coded in C++, and this portion of the project was designed to be used as the foundation for the Inference Engine.
The group’s current method for skin cancer diagnosis is to look at all the features an image has and evaluate them simultaneously to reach a diagnosis. However, finding and measuring each feature is very time consuming. The purpose of the inference Engine is to make this process more efficient by finding which features are necessary or useful and which ones are not.
Joint project with Kathryn Isbell and Wenyu Zhou
Third advisor: Stanley, R. Joe, Electrical and Computer Engineering