Spectral Analysis of Basal Cell Carcinoma

Presenter Information

Emily Kackley


Electrical and Computer Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Research Advisor

Moss, Randy Hays, 1953-

Advisor's Department

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Funding Source

Missouri S&T Opportunities for Undergraduate Research Experiences (OURE) Program


This project deals with analysis of the visible and infrared light spectrum measured on a lesion of basal cell carcinoma, the most common type of skin cancer. The reflectance spectrum of basal cell carcinoma lesions and that of normal skin will be measured with a spectrometer (ASD, Inc; Boulder, CO). The results from the spectrometer measurements will be used to find the difference between reflectance spectra of basal cell carcinoma and normal skin regions.

A similar project has been studied previously, comparing infrared images of malignant melanoma and benign lesion regions. Some of the results of the previous project were promising, yielding over 70% melanoma/benign discrimination. In this project we will be comparing the visual and infrared light spectrum results of basal cell carcinoma and normal skin to find the edges of the basal cell tumors.

This work will be used to design a system similar to a Mohs light to be used prior to surgery to determine lesion boundaries, intra-operatively to enable detection of any residual lesion at that point in the surgery, and after treatment to check for any residual tumor. It is hoped this system will be ready for use by clinicians within the next 18 months.


Emily is attending Missouri University of Science and Technology and is a junior majoring in Electrical Engineering. She is 20 years old and from Blue Springs Missouri outside of Kansas City. Emily participated in the Undergraduate Research day at the Capitol this spring. This is her first year participating in Undergraduate Research.

Research Category


Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Document Type



Upper Atrium/Hallway

Presentation Date

06 Apr 2011, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

This document is currently not available here.


Apr 6th, 1:00 PM Apr 6th, 3:00 PM

Spectral Analysis of Basal Cell Carcinoma

Upper Atrium/Hallway

This project deals with analysis of the visible and infrared light spectrum measured on a lesion of basal cell carcinoma, the most common type of skin cancer. The reflectance spectrum of basal cell carcinoma lesions and that of normal skin will be measured with a spectrometer (ASD, Inc; Boulder, CO). The results from the spectrometer measurements will be used to find the difference between reflectance spectra of basal cell carcinoma and normal skin regions.

A similar project has been studied previously, comparing infrared images of malignant melanoma and benign lesion regions. Some of the results of the previous project were promising, yielding over 70% melanoma/benign discrimination. In this project we will be comparing the visual and infrared light spectrum results of basal cell carcinoma and normal skin to find the edges of the basal cell tumors.

This work will be used to design a system similar to a Mohs light to be used prior to surgery to determine lesion boundaries, intra-operatively to enable detection of any residual lesion at that point in the surgery, and after treatment to check for any residual tumor. It is hoped this system will be ready for use by clinicians within the next 18 months.