The Rescue of the Danish Jews

Presenter Information

Adam Smith


History and Political Science



Research Advisor

Fogg, Shannon Lee

Advisor's Department

History and Political Science


The Holocaust was a catastrophic event in world history, which took place during the years of World War II. One light during this time, was the rescue of the Jews in Denmark. This study looks at the combination of factors which led to 99% of the Jewish population being rescued, the most of any Occupied European country. Factors contributing to this rescue included the attitude of the Danes towards the Jews, German blundering, and the political situation in Denmark.


Adam Smith is a senior History major and Economics minor from Buffalo, Minnesota. In addition to his research, he is involved with several campus organizations such as History Club, Phi Alpha Theta and the Show-Me Solar House Team. He will be graduating in May and going onto graduate school next year.

Research Category

Arts and Humanities

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Document Type



Arts and humanities oral presentation, First place


Carver Room

Presentation Date

07 Apr 2010, 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

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Apr 7th, 2:30 PM Apr 7th, 3:00 PM

The Rescue of the Danish Jews

Carver Room

The Holocaust was a catastrophic event in world history, which took place during the years of World War II. One light during this time, was the rescue of the Jews in Denmark. This study looks at the combination of factors which led to 99% of the Jewish population being rescued, the most of any Occupied European country. Factors contributing to this rescue included the attitude of the Danes towards the Jews, German blundering, and the political situation in Denmark.