Submit Your Research | Scholars' Mine, Missouri University of Science and Technology's institutional repository

Submit Your Research

Submitting Your Research

Scholars’ Mine is a curated service with input by Missouri S&T University Libraries. If you have publications you would like to submit, please email Emailing a copy of your pre-print or post-print/accepted manuscript may ensure a form of your publication is in Scholars' Mine even if copyright prevents inclusion of the final version.

Faculty and Staff Contributions

Faculty and staff of Missouri S&T are invited to submit their work to Scholars’ Mine. The Scholars’ Mine team will assist you in contributing to the repository, handling the upload of materials on your behalf. To get started, simply submit a copy of your CV or the specific items you wish to contribute to

Some publishers may not allow the published version of an article to be deposited to an institutional repository but will permit deposit of non-final versions. These could include the “pre-print” (the article as originally submitted for publication) and/or the “post-print” or “accepted manuscript” (the article as revised to incorporate feedback from peer reviewers or an editor but not formatted or branded for publication).

Student Contributions

Scholars’ Mine welcomes contributions authored by S&T students with the sponsorship of a faculty or staff member.

Missouri S&T’s Peer to Peer journal does accept electronic submissions.