Peaslee Steel Manufacturing Research Center (PSMRC) | Missouri University of Science and Technology Research | Scholars' Mine

Director: Dr. Ronald J. O'Malley

The Kent D. Peaslee Steel Manufacturing Research Center (PSMRC) is a consortium of steel companies, foundries, suppliers and university researchers working together to address fundamental steel casting/manufacturing issues such as steelmaking, casting, product development, and environmental and safety issues.

The center boasts extensive facilities, labs and equipment, and a faculty of highly experienced metallurgical engineers.

The metallurgical engineering program at S&T, together with the PSMRC, offers industry-driven research, educating and training engineers to keep the steel industry strong today and into the future.

Also available in the sidebar, view: the PSMRC Advisory/Research Board Gallery; the PSMRC Homepage and href=">the PSMRC Member Site or browse the collections below.


Browse the Peaslee Steel Manufacturing Research Center Collections:

PSMRC Faculty Research

PSMRC Funded Theses and Dissertations

PSMRC Patents