"Dedusting and preparation of screenings" by Erwin Gammeter


"There are a number of advantages to be obtained by the removal of fine dust and the proper proportioning and mixing of the smaller grades of coal. The dedusted coal is much better for mechanical stokers since it contains very little dust to drop through the grates or to be carried up the stack. The fuel bed is more open with the dust removed, combustion is better, and the draft is more easily regulated. Dust removal also increases the fusion temperature of the ash, reducing the amount of slag formed on the grate. Elimination of clouds of dust at points of discharge is advantageous in places where the dust is a nuisance.

The proper proportioning and mixing of the constituent sizes of coal is an important factor in the preparation of a good fuel. If taken as mined there is considerable variation in the percentage of the various sizes. An excess of fine or coarse coal will decrease efficiencies and cause trouble with certain kinds of equipment.

Mixtures of coal that pass through a 2” screen are classified as screenings. A 2” screening would be 2” x 0; 1 ½” screening x 0 and a 3/4" screening 3/4" x 0. Most modern power stations burning coal use screenings, carbon (which is 5/16” x 0 coal) or pulverized fuel "--General, pages 1-2.


Mining Engineering

Degree Name

Professional Degree in Mining Engineering


Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy

Publication Date



31 pages


© 1935 Erwin Gammeter, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Coal dustMine dustsCoal mines and mining -- Dust control -- Equipment and supplies

Thesis Number

T 647

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #


Gammeter_Erwin_1935_Plate_1.tif (85531 kB)
General drawing deduster and collector. Mine No. 1

Gammeter_Erwin_1935_Plate_2.tif (88736 kB)
Deduster Mine No. 1. Details of 4’-0” wide chute with adjustable gates

Gammeter_Erwin_1935_Plate_3.tif (94780 kB)
Deduster Mine No. 2. Section rescreening building showing piping for suction fans

Gammeter_Erwin_1935_Plate_4.tif (108825 kB)
Deduster Mine No. 2. Plan showing location of blower fans and air ducts to carbon chutes. Detail of plates

Gammeter_Erwin_1935_Plate_5.tif (95247 kB)
Deduster Mine No. 2. Floor plan for suction fans to show changes in bracing
