"Application of small-scale, movable-bed river models to channel improv" by Eugene H. Woodman


"This paper deals primarily with the use of small-scale models in the study of plans for improving the channel for navigation in several reaches of the Middle Mississippi River. However, it was considered expedient to include a discussion of hydraulic model experimentation in general before dealing with specific cases, in order that the reader might obtain the greatest possible satisfaction from the discussion.

The first part of this paper includes: a discussion of the theory of models, wherein the value and utility of models are demonstrated; the application of models to hydraulic problems, including the requirements for a model to be used in hydraulic studies; a brief resume of the laws of similitude, which insure the transferability of model results to the prototype; and a description of the agencies which conduct model studies of hydraulic problems. The next part of this paper is a description of the United States Waterways Experiment Station, the principal agency for the solution of hydraulic problems arising in river and harbor engineering; this description includes a brief outline of the origin, growth, aims and purposes, organization, and manner of functioning of the Station and is followed by a few comments on the various types of studies which have been conducted at the Station. The third section of this paper deals with the mechanics of a model study, enumerating the various steps followed in conducting a model study at the Station; this discussion is necessary in order that the manner of attacking and solving a problem can be more readily understood. The fourth part of this paper takes up the physical characteristics of the Middle Mississippi River, establishing a general back-ground for the subsequent descriptions of certain troublesome reaches. Following this, specific troublesome areas are described; in each case the discussion includes an analysis of the problem in the prototype, a description of the model built to study this problem, an account of the results of model experiment, and, for those experiments which have been completed, an interpretation of the application of the model results to the prototype. The sixth part of this paper goes into more detail in regard to the study of one of the troublesome areas, in order that the scope and significance of a model study can be more thoroughly understood. The closing paragraphs of the paper are a recapitulation of the preceding discussion dealing with the application of small-scale models to problems on the Middle Mississippi River, and includes an evaluation of the results obtained from these model studies"--Introduction, Synopsis, pages 1-3.


Butler, Joe Beaty


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Degree Name

Professional Degree in Civil Engineering


Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy

Publication Date



xii, 104 leaves, 17 plates

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (pages 101-104).

Geographic Coverage

Mississippi River


© 1938 Eugene H. Woodman, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Hydraulic modelsHydraulic engineeringMississippi River -- Navigation

Thesis Number

T 675

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #



Thesis Location

