"The Clark National Forest of Missouri" by Walter A. Werner


"The question might logically arise as to the appropriateness of a thesis with a forestry title being submitted for an engineering degree. The writer has been connected with the United States Forest Service for the past four years in an advisory capacity on staff of the Forest Supervisor of the Clark National Forest, during which time he has found that the engineers and construction men have performed a major function in the development of the forest.

As the initial development consisting of lineal surveys, construction of roads and telephone lines, erection of fire lookout towers, planning and erection of ranger administrative sites, lookout dwelling sites, recreation areas and nursery is completed the forest reverts to the forester for the practice of forestry in the many phases of proper land usage.

The subject was chosen because it was thought timely; especially in Missouri where the National Forest Purchase Units have been recently established, and to give the uninformed reader an idea of the probable effect on the social and economic welfare of the State of Missouri, as a result of the establishment of the national forests.

This thesis is written from the viewpoint of an engineer and for the average person, rather than the technician who already has a broader knowledge of the subject than this work intends to impart.

In order that the reader will not be thrown too abruptly into the subject matter dealing with the Clark National Forest a brief description is given of the history, organization and policy of the United States Forest Service, and of forestry in the United States"--Introduction, page 1.


Butler, Joe Beaty


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Degree Name

Professional Degree in Civil Engineering


Administrator Note: Clark National Forest is now included in Mark Twain National Forest.


Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy

Publication Date



iv, 84 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (page 80).

Geographic Coverage

Clark National Forest, Missouri


© 1940 Walter A. Werner, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Forests and forestryFire prevention

Thesis Number

T 708

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #



Thesis Location

