"Operations of the Colquiri tin mine, Cia. Minera de Oruro. Colquiri, B" by Oscar David Niedermeyer


"I have selected for my thesis, the discussion of the more important phases of the operation of the Colquiri Mine, owned and operated by the Cia. Minera de Oruro, Oruro, Bolivia. This company is a stock company and is listed on the Santiago stock market, Santiago, Chile. Dr. Mauricio Hochschild is the controlling stockholder and the Cia. Miners de Oruro is responsible to his management. Mr. William Val De Camp, who is general manager for all the mines of Dr. Hochschild, is also general manager for the mines operated by the Compania Miners de Oruro. My position is that of general manager of the Colquiri Mine and I am directly under Mr. De Camp. This subject has been approved by Dr. S.A. Trengove, Chairman of the Mining Department, by previous correspondence, and I hope I am able to present the subject clearly and intelligently so that I may comply with this requirement in obtaining my professional degree in Mining Engineering. I believe the subject is important because there is generally very little written on Bolivian tin mines, mines which today supply the United States with much of her tin and which is so important in the essential war industries. I have selected this subject because I feel that it is the one subject that I am most able to discuss and because of its importance"--Introduction, page 1.


Trengove, S. A.


Mining Engineering

Degree Name

Professional Degree in Mining Engineering


Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy

Publication Date



v, 104 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (page 97).

Geographic Coverage

Colquiri, Bolivia


© 1943 O. D. Niedermeyer, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Tin mines and mining -- Bolivia -- Colquiri

Thesis Number

T 732

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #



Thesis Location