"Tax depletion problems of the Tri-State District" by Glenn A. Dooley


"The passage of the Internal Revenue Act of 1918, with its articles affecting mines and mining, ushered in a new field of activity for the mining engineer. With the final adoption of the Act in February 1919, it became evident that an immediate valuation would be required; not as of the present date but, in the case of older mines, as of a date six years before. This retroactive legislation brought confusion to the operator and taxed the ingenuity of the engineer. The law provided that the value of the property could be subtracted from the income tax returns, as a depletion allowance, until the value of the mine as of March, 1913 had been reached, after which no further allowances would be made unless a new mine was discovered. Most of the mines in the Oklahoma- Kansas district were not in existence in March 1913.

In an effort to gain a full understanding of the laws and to standardize methods of making the necessary estimates, the operators of the Tri-State District met with representatives of the Department of Internal Revenue and agreed upon the policy to be followed. The writer was engaged in this particular phase of work in the Tri-State District and was present when most of these discussions were carried on. This thesis is designed to give the student a clearer understanding of the methods of meeting depletion problems"--Introduction, page 1.


Mining Engineering

Degree Name

Professional Degree in Mining Engineering


Tables III and VI are presented as shown in manuscript, with missing portions


Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy

Publication Date



178 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (page 177).


© 1935 Glenn A. Dooley, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Mines and mineral resources -- TaxationDepletion allowances

Thesis Number

T 645

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #


Dooley_Glenn_1935_0.tif (61667 kB)
Relation between ground workings and developed areas

Dooley_Glenn_1935_1.tif (79297 kB)
Depletion per ton

Dooley_Glenn_1935_2.tif (50574 kB)
Depreciation per rock ton

Dooley_Glenn_1935_3.tif (36405 kB)
Market Price Slab Zinc St. Louis; Selling Price Zinc Joplin; Smelter Spread

Dooley_Glenn_1935_4.tif (93411 kB)
Relation between profit recovery – selling price on the basis of $200 operating cost

Dooley_Glenn_1935_5.tif (52124 kB)
Relation between cost-recovery and actual operating cost per rock ton
