"Chemical analyses of surface waters of Missouri" by Herbert W. Mundt


"This investigation was made by the Missouri Bureau of Geology and Mines. The results of the analyses of surface waters of Missouri are published elsewhere.

The object of the investigation was to obtain information as to the chemical character of the river and spring waters of the state, such information being valuable and interesting to the industries and geologist as well as to the consumer of such waters.

The work for this investigation was started in June 1925 and was continued intensively during the entire summer, a few additional samples being analyzed during the spring and summer of 1926.

The samples were collected by members of the Water Resources Branch of the United States Geological Survey, and the field staff of the Bureau of Geology and Mines. The turbidity determinations were made by the State Board of Health.

The entire state was covered in an attempt to secure at least one sample from each section. Fewer analyses are reported for the area north of the Missouri River than the area south of the Missouri River for several reasons, one of which is that there are fewer springs. Of the 92 springs sampled, only two are located north of the Missouri River. Practically all of the springs sampled are located in the area underlain by Mississippian and Cambro-Ordovician rocks. Furthermore, there are fewer large rivers north of the Missouri River. In several cases, samples of the same river or spring were taken but at different times.

Of the 237 analyses reported, 114 are of river waters, 92 are of spring waters and 34 are summaries. Seven analyses are by W. D. Turner, 26 are by Herbert W. Mundt, and 173 are by W. D. Turner and Herbert W. Mundt"--Introduction, pages 2-3.


Turner, W. D.


Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Degree Name

Professional Degree in Chemical Engineering


Pages 14-28 are numbered but left blank. Author's note on page following page 13 (Tables of Analyses of River and Spring Waters): "Pages 14 to 28 inclusive - Analyses of the waters outlined in index. These analyses are being published as Chapter Five of Volume XX, Water Resources of Missouri. They will probably be returned by the printer about July 1st, 1927, and placed on the pages above mentioned."

This chapter is provided as supplementary material.


Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy

Publication Date



46 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (page 39).

Geographic Coverage



© 1927 Herbert W. Mundt, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Water -- Missouri -- AnalysisWater -- AnalysisHydrology -- Missouri

Thesis Number

T 530

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #


Mundt_Herbert_1927_map.tif (17861 kB)
Drainage map of Missouri

Mundt_Herbert_1927_tables.pdf (872 kB)
Water Resources of Missouri, Volume XX, Chapter 5
