"Fluorspar mining and milling in southern Illinois" by Henry William Hurst


"Fluorspar is fully as necessary a material in certain phases of steel manufacturing as the metal that enters the furnace. Without it, the basic open hearth practice probably would not have reached its dominant position among steel-making methods. Of the entire output of fluorspar, 80 to 85 percent is used in basic open-hearth and electric furnaces as a flux and detergent and there is today no known substitute.

The mining of the ore on a large scale requires extensive underground workings, much the same as is found in metal mines. Since high extraction can not be accomplished the milling of the ore is very easy.

Small scale operations are rapidly disappearing as the ore near the surface is mined out. Deep mining necessitates a large investment in expensive equipment.

Three large companys now practically control the output of this district. One of these, the Hillside Fluorspar Mines, has the newest mine and mill eraboding the latest mining and milling methods, and therefore will be used as the source of information for the following pages.

Location of the District. The Illinois fluorspar district is geographically located in the extreme southern part of the state. Geologically it is a part of what is generally known as the Kentucky-Illinois fluorspar field which covers part of Hardin and Pope counties in Illinois, and Crittenden, Livingston and Caldwell counties In Kentucky"--Introduction, pages 4-5.


Forbes, Carroll Ralph


Mining Engineering

Degree Name

Professional Degree in Mining Engineering


Five folded plates in back of book are included here as supplementary material.


Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy

Publication Date



33 pages, 7 plates

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (page 28).

Geographic Coverage



© 1927 Henry William Hurst, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Fluorspar -- Illinois -- Hardin CountyFluorspar -- Illinois -- Pope CountyMines and mineral resources

Thesis Number

T 524

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #


Plate_1.tif (55088 kB)
Hillside Fluorspar Mines, Rosiclare, Illinois, Plan of Levels

Plate_2.tif (91253 kB)
Hillside Fluorspar Mines, Rosiclare, Illinois, Vertical Section thru Mine

Plate_3.tif (64053 kB)
Hillside Fluorspar Mines, Rosiclare, Illinois, Surface Map

Plate_4.tif (16446 kB)
Curves of Mill Run Cars Shipped; Curve of Mill Feed

Plate_5.tif (60050 kB)
Hillside Fluorspar Mines, Rosiclare, Illinois, Flow Sheet of Mill


Thesis Location

