"Project for the construction of a standard gauge railroad from Guanaja" by Royal Sylvester Webster

Alternative Title

Project for the construction of a standard gauge railroad from Guanajay to the Port of Mariel, Pinar del Rio.


"The great industrial development of the Island of Cuba during the period of the World War and the succeeding years, causing the congestion of the existing transportation lines and shipping facilities, has necessitated the opening up of new routes and the providing of additional and better facilities. In the latter part of this period, the decline in the price of sugar, the principal product of the country, has made imperative its more economical production and marketing, which has tended to the opening up of new and cheaper routes to ports of export. In accord with the general activities along this line, a number of the sugar mills located in the Province of Pinar del Rio, most of which are financed to a large extent by the National City Bank of New York, have proposed the construction of the necessary railroad lines to connect up the different propertieis [sic] and building of a line to the port of Mariel, on the North Coast of Cuba ... In order to prevent the construction of independent competing lines, the Havana Central R.R. and the United Railways Company, which are controlled and operated by the same interests, have proposed to construct an extension of the Havana Central R.R. Co.'s lines from the town of Guanajay, its present terminus, to the Port of Mariel, and to build the necessary connecting links to join up the existing private lines, so that the sugar mills and other industries in the Western part of the Island would have an outlet through this port"--General, pages 4-5.


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Degree Name

Professional Degree in Civil Engineering


Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy

Publication Date



46 pages, 3 plates

Geographic Coverage



© 1923 Royal S. Webster, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Railroads -- CubaRailroads -- Design and constructionRailroad engineering

Thesis Number

T 464

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #

