"The chemical engineering aspects of the Saint Louis smoke problem" by George Augustus Hale


"During past years smokeless combustion of fuels has been conscientiously sought only in those larger industrial plants where fuel costs were a major factor. Smoke was considered a sign of prosperity in some moderate and even large size industrial practice, and no wholehearted effort was made to utilize the vast amount of energy lost through the smoke stack in the form of unoxidized carbon.

Inefficient combustion, which is so common today, is due in part to a wrong approach to the study of this problem. Industrial combustion, as a science, has, to a certain extent, been left to the mechanical engineer who in turn has approached the problem almost wholly from the physical viewpoint of heat transfer. Apparently very little thought has been given to the chemistry of combustion. This fact was very effectively brought to light in a recent survey conducted in the City of St. Louis. Hundreds of installations of numerous designs of so-called smokeless furnaces and smokeless boilers were observed over a period of weeks and all were found to be consistent smoke producers.

Smoke elimination in an industrial community is a problem of many ramifications. Among the various branches of this problem which confront the engineer are the kind, type and cost of fuels, the sources of fuels available, the type of equipment available for utilizing the fuels, the public opinion and the education involved, and to a much less extent the geographical and meteorological conditions surrounding the community"--pages 1-2.


Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Degree Name

Professional Degree in Chemical Engineering


Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy

Publication Date



ii, 57 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (pages 52-54) and index (pages 55-57).

Geographic Coverage

Saint Louis (Mo.)


© 1941 George Augustus Hale, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

CombustionSmoke prevention -- Missouri -- Saint LouisAir -- Pollution -- Missouri -- Saint Louis

Thesis Number

T 720

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #



Thesis Location

