"Design of a subsonic wind tunnel electrical system" by William A. Wundrack


"The purpose of this thesis is to present information and data used in the planning and construction of an electrical distribution system and main drive system for a wind tunnel designed for Chance Vought Aircraft Company of Dallas, Texas, by Sverdrup & Parcel, Incorporated, Consulting Engineers of St. Louis. Preliminary negotiations were started with Chance Vought Aircraft Company in March 1953, and the wind tunnel calibrations were started in October 1954. Between those dates all design, installation drawings, and construction were completed.

The data used in preparing this thesis were taken from daily records, records of conferences, personal records, correspondence files, design specifications, and installation drawings. Included are some of the special design problems and their solutions and specific construction features of the facility.

The low speed wind tunnel required by Chance Vought Aircraft Company was to be of the "work horse" type; that is to say, it would be used primarily for rapid solution of aircraft design problems. The tunnel was to be similar to other existing subsonic tunnels, without having the elaborate features usually found in a "research” type wind tunnel.

The most desirable features of the best operating wind tunnels were to be incorporated in the design. A balance between operating performance and initial cost was to be maintained through all the design and construction phases. Emphasis was placed upon simplicity and ease of operation, minimum maintenance, and maximum utilization of the facility "--Preface, pages iii-iv.


Lovett, I. H.


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Degree Name

Professional Degree in Electrical Engineering


Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy

Publication Date



vi, 93 leaves

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (page 35).


© 1955 William A. Wundrack, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Wind tunnelsElectric power systems -- DesignElectric power distribution -- Mathematical models

Thesis Number

T 1100

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #


Wundrack_Westinghouse Drawing_1.tif (62135 kB)
Three Line Diagram

Wundrack_Westinghouse Drawing_2.tif (63658 kB)

Wundrack_Westinghouse Drawing_3.tif (61800 kB)
Purchase specifications
